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Power of the Mind

I don’t know exactly what topics fit into the paranormal category. Sure we know the supernatural is one and perhaps things like reincarnation, but there are other strange things out there which may or may not fit. I have never thought the topic of UFOs or aliens were paranormal topics and believe they are put into this area by some who want to diminish any proof we have about them. This is not what this article is about however. One of the problems with the topic of the paranormal is there are so many tricksters who want us to think they have some sort of paranormal powers when really they are just a type of magician and sometimes not a very good one at that. History is littered with people like this who were able to fool other people. I think it was even easier in the past than it is today, because as we go back into history we find people were even more superstitious than they are today and hence easier to be fooled. It reminds me of some of the ancient temples where a tube existed which extended into another room which the priest used to yell through making those in the other room believe they were hearing the voice of their god.

There is a woman who seems to have an incredible power, her name is Chulin Sun. She seems to be able to demonstrate the ability to prove mind can conquer matter. Many are amazed by what she can do and she has done this at various scientific institutions all over China as well at many other venues. She is able to take a seed and turn it into a plant in about 20 minutes. How is she able to do this? She claims she does it with her mind. She wills the seed to become the plant. Max Planck was a very famous theoretical physicist who won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1918. Here is what he had to say about consciousness. “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” It seems to me he was saying existence is cause by consciousness, even though we may not realize it. Ms. Sun has demonstrated this ability over 180 different times. It seems to me if Ms. Sun can truly do this, there must be others with the same power.

There has been plenty of data spilled out over the Internet which indicated we had a program for Remote Viewing. The Remote Viewing program seemed to be too incredible to be true, but since it first appeared years ago it seems it actually existed and was being conducted by the U.S. government along with the Soviet government. It was a program which showed there were some special people in the population who if trained properly could see remote areas anywhere without leaving the room they were in. It was said the head of the program was interviewed by a government agency and told to concentrate on the moon and when he said he saw bases there he was told he could go and nothing more about it was ever said. Perhaps the most famous thing remote viewers were said to have accomplished was being able to see where the U.S. hostages in Iran were being kept. I would think this ability might fall under the paranormal, but I guess it is a matter of opinion.

There are those who believe the placebo effect is paranormal. I am talking about the fact when medical tests are conducted and some people are given a placebo or non-medical pill and yet some of these people recover from their illness. The pharmaceutical firms do not like this since they know if the reason for this was ever discovered it might eliminate the need for medicine. This is the reason you do not see much testing to see why this works in some people. Are we talking about another mind over matter event? At first blush it would certainly seem so. Are you beginning to think about what I am thinking about, which is there seems to be plenty of instances where it is demonstrated that our minds cannot only control our bodies, but perhaps even the world around us?

I think it is safe to say we are wrong if we believe everyone’s mind works the same way, because it has been shown that even when some people were able to be trained to do remote viewing, others were never capable of doing it. I have to wonder if this has anything to do with the fact scientists are saying we are evolving much faster than ever, because this might indicate some of us are getting ahead of others evolutionarily speaking. There are some people who have synesthesia which is a condition which changes the way they see things. Even among these people there are said to be 54 different types of synesthesia. An example of one type is when someone hears a sound and a color appears in their brain. There are those who claim to be able to “see” time. One person who had this ability stated time for him was like a track, the short ends were the summer and Christmas holidays. He sees himself at the center of the track and he is slowly turning around as the year goes by. I think it is very hard for us to imagine what he is seeing.

I have to wonder if it were possible to examine every person on this planet what wonders we would find. I can’t help but think of the television show about finding super-humans. They found some people who seemed to have incredible abilities, but the show was geared more to people with physical abilities than mental ones. Is it possible there are people out there who have incredible mental powers? Some say the proof is easy to see and we just have to examine some of the Tibetan monks who demonstrate incredible control over their bodies, because their brains have been trained to do this. In their case it seems anyone becoming a monk can acquire this power who has studied the techniques long enough.

Even though we are making a lot of progress in the study of the human mind, we are still finding out some of us are capable of acts which could be classified as paranormal and we seem to have a long way to go before we can solve these puzzles. Perhaps someday we will all be mental giants.