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Creepy Stuff

Okay are you ready for some creepy stuff? What is up with Overton Bridge? This bridge is located in Dumbarton in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland. This is not an ordinary bridge, but one which seems to hold some power over dogs. It doesn’t seem to have any power over other animals. So why do I say it holds a sort of paranormal power over dogs? It is because not only have over 600 of them committed suicide from the bridge, but some who didn’t die went back and tried again. The first time these deaths were reported were in the 1950s. One woman reports after her dog jumped and landed on the rocks below and broke her back, neck and a leg, her hair started to fall out and the poor dog had to be destroyed, because it was in so much pain. The amount of dogs committing suicide has varied depending on who is giving the figures. They range from the 600 I stated down to 50, but no matter which amount is right, or some amount in between, there is something very strange going on. Some think an evil spirit is luring the dogs to their deaths.

There is a room on the Ohio University campus, known as room 428. So many strange sounds have come from this room that the school decided to ban the use of the room. The noises are coming from an empty room. Some people believe the Ohio University in Athens, Ohio is the most haunted campus in the world. This is quite a statement to make since the world is such a big place. The most famous haunted place on the campus is Wilson Hall. The building is located at the center of an immense pentagram consisting of 5 cemeteries. When one looks at a map of the campus the pentagram shape becomes obvious. There is a story attached to the forbidden room 428 and it is that a girl was in there practicing the black arts when she died. People claim they hear sounds coming from the empty room, along with footsteps. Some have said they had witnessed objects moving in the room on their own. Then there is the other story which states something all of us have heard many times before. It is said Wilson Hall was built over an Indian burial ground.

For years there have been people who claim when their cars were stopped near the train tracks in San Antonio, Texas, the cars would be pushed past the tracks by unseen hands. There had been a fatal school bus accident in that intersection back in the late 1930s or 1940s. Supposedly it was raining that day and as the engineer of a train saw the school bus stalled on the tracks and he put all his frantic energy into trying to brake the train while blowing his whistle. The train hit the bus and killed ten children. Now it is said these children protect vehicles in that intersection and if they see them stopped near the tracks they will push the vehicles out of the way. Some people who have experienced this have said they could hear the laughter of children as their car started to move. I had heard of an experiment which was conducted where investigators covered their car with white powder and after their car moved they checked the car and found children’s handprints on it where nothing had been before.

There is a house in Spain which is said to be like no other. There are faces which have repeatedly appeared on the floor. The floor was even torn up and a new floor laid, but the faces continued to appear in the same place. The house it known as the Bélmez home. Not only do the faces appear and have been since 1971, they also disappear. Some paranormal investigators call this home the most important paranormal find of the 20th century. Many different theories have arisen about where the faces come from, but I think more paranormal investigators believe the owner of the home, Maria Gómez Cámara is making the faces appear subconsciously. As with every paranormal event there are those who suspect this is some kind of a hoax and yet no one has been able to prove this in the last 47 years in which the faces have been appearing.

There is an event which occurred in Britain in 1855. I guess it is far too long ago to prove or disprove anything about it, but it is interesting enough to talk about. For days Brits were finding strange footprints in the snow. They were hoof prints, but there was a reason these bothered the locals so much and that reason was they went over roofs, and through walls and scared the hell out of the people. They would find these hoofed prints leading to a wall and then see them on the other side without any snow being disturbed on the top of the wall, so whatever it was didn’t seem to have climbed the wall, but went through it. The footprints stretched for over 100 miles. It is even said the prints led up to a two mile wide span of the River Exe and continued on the other side. The prints had been examined at the time by a naturalist and he supposedly said they were 8.5 inches apart and were of a two legged creature.

Now for a seafaring tale. The SS Ourang Medan is said to be a ghost ship which was found wrecked. The story is two American ships, the City of Baltimore and Silver Star picked up distress signals from the Dutch merchant ship SS Ourang Medan. The following Morse Code message was said to have been sent by the SS Ourang Medan and received by the American ships:
S.O.S. from Ourang Medan * * * we float. All officers including the Captain, dead in chartroom and on the bridge. Probably whole of crew dead * * *." A few confused dots and dashes later two words came through clearly. They were "I die." Maybe means to "I'm dying."  The ship was located by Silver Star and found to be undamaged. When boarded corpses were found all over the ship and even a dog was killed. As the sailors walked around the ship a mysterious fire broke out in a cargo hold and the sailors had to leave. A little while later the ship was seen to explode and sink to the bottom of the ocean. The faces of the dead crewmen were said to be frozen in horror as if something supernatural had killed them. There are many who do not believe some or all of these ships ever existed, but it has been found the name Ourang many have been misspelled.

It looks like there are still plenty of paranormal stories out there.