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The Ghosts of the Japanese Tsunami of 2011

There are plenty of ghost stories to go around and we keep hearing about new ones. One of the strangest ones I just heard recently. We all know about the tsunami which struck the Japan area a few years ago and killed about 20,000 people. It was a tragic event of epic proportions. It may have left something very strange in its wake. Taxi drivers in Japan have been coming up with some very strange stories lately. If it was only one or two drivers talking about these events we might be able to disregard them out of hand, but it is now being said more than seven taxi drivers have had similar experiences. Let me tell you about a couple. One driver works in the town of Ishinomaki, a town on the coast where huge tsunami waves killed over 6,000 people. The driver said he picked up a person who wanted to go there and before they arrived there was no one in the car. Another driver said a young woman who was dressed in a coat got into his cab and asked to go to the Minamihama district. The driver told her that area was now almost empty and asked her if she was sure she wanted to go there? The woman’s voice began to tremble and she asked if she had died and then just disappeared. Several times people had climbed into cabs and asked to go to areas which had been decimated by the tsunami, but disappeared from cabs before they got to their destinations. It has long been thought that some people who were killed suddenly may not realize they are dead and their souls hang around until they realize what happened, is this one of those times?

Let me mention something else very strange. After the tsunami there has been many people in Japan who now say they are possessed. There have also been reports of people seeing dead neighbors and relatives appearing in their homes. These were people who died in the tsunami. A few months after the tsunami stories started to come out about people seeing the ghosts of those who died there were also some supernatural events. One person said it was as if there was an epidemic of hauntings. Some of the people who saw these ghosts hadn’t lost anyone so they were not in the same state of grieving as others who saw them. People would appear on the beach and waterfront areas then disappear. There is a story about one man who went down to the beach and was appalled by the damage. When he came home he joined his family, but then fell to the floor and made animal sounds. He never had any mental problems before. He recovered and had no memory of what happened to him, but repeated this behavior the next few days, before being taken to a Buddhist priest who performed the equivalent of an exorcism and cured him. The priest eventually had to perform several exorcisms on people after the tsunami. During the exorcisms the Buddhist priest claimed one person he had to perform an exorcism on had twenty-five different spirits in her. There are some people who claim to have caught ghosts from the tsunami on video. I will give you the address of one video, you can copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar. There are many bogus videos around so I leave this one for you to decide about. Here is the area,
Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links.

A fire station in Tagajo was conducting business as usual when they began to get a barrage of telephone calls. The calls were very odd since they were coming from areas which had been completely wiped out. There were no working telephone lines in these areas. The fire fighters realizing where the calls were coming from decided to pray for the souls of the deceased from those areas and after a while the calls stopped.

There is no doubt the tsunami which hit Japan and other countries was one of the most traumatic events ever. Paranormal investigators will tell you when huge masses of people die there is a lot of energy released and they believe there will always be some hauntings and ghostly events. They often cite the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania as one of the most haunted places in the world and claim it is this way because so many died there.

It is a strange thing that a tsunami which hit one of the most tsunami aware countries on earth killed so many people. The Japanese thought they were well prepared to resist a tsunami, but unfortunately they were wrong and this could have happened to any of us. In 1960 a tsunami caused by an earthquake in Chile killed 142 people, but up until 2011 there had only been false alarms and I think this had a lot to do with a lot of things. While the Japanese have a program for building earthquake proof buildings this didn’t protect people caught off guard by huge 30 foot waves speeding across the northern shore communities. Sea walls had been built across 40 percent of the shoreline, but again unfortunately they were too low. The walls were thought to be adequate and expense was also considered. The other problem was the tsunami was produced by a huge earthquake of 9.0 magnitude, the fifth highest in Japanese history. No one ever expected that. The tsunami hit when parents were picking up children from schools across the area.

Aside from the nuclear bombing of Japan, this must have been one of the most traumatic events in the history of Japan. If ghosts actually exist they will be haunting Japan forever unless somehow they can be convinced to move on. Some paranormal investigators state spirits hang around for a couple of different reasons. The first reason is said to be they don’t realize they are dead. Another reason is they don’t want to leave their loved ones and the last reason is they are too scared to move on. Perhaps there is another reason and it is they are being punished. I have heard some say hell is really being kept on earth as a spirit. Whatever is happening in Japan it is very strange.


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