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Paranormal Events

People take a lot of selfies today and one lady named Natasha Boden is no different except for the fact the resulting photo scared the heck out of her. She had just dyed her hair blond and wanted to get a photo of herself. One of the great things about today’s technology is the fact photos are instantly available. She looked at the photo and her heart skipped a beat. There was a picture of a ghostly face right on her shoulder as if something was behind her looking over her shoulder. She lives in Lancashire, Blackpool, England and had a very strange event happen to her a few weeks earlier. An undertaker had come to her home and said he was there to pick up a body. She doesn’t want to return to her home, because the photo was taken in it and now she is scared that the home is haunted. After looking at the photo the young lady ran out of her house. She said she lived there six month and when she first moved in she would hear floor boards creak, but thought it was because the home was so old, but now she has changed her mind.

A four year old boy is insisting he is a reincarnated marine. He claims he was killed in 1983 and is the basis of a new television show called “Ghost Inside My Child.” Is this a scheme to make a few bucks or does this child actually believe what he is saying? There is no denying there are plenty of reincarnation cases around which have no reasonable explanation, unless you believe the way I do that somehow memories can be passed along in humans as they are in insects such as bees. The U.S. Marine Sergeant, Val Lewis died in an explosion on October 23, 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon. The boy lives in Virginia Beach and yet claims to remember his death and cries hysterically when he thinks about it. He says things like why did you let me die in that fire? The boy seems to just know too much about Lewis, who he has never met. There is a new theory coming from paranormal investigators I have never heard before and it is a ghost can inhabit our brains so rather than being reincarnated, those who seem to be are really haunted.

There are plenty of reports of ghosts and entities and included in these sightings are the sightings of one special type of creature, it is a black dog with eyes burning like fires. They seemingly appear out of nowhere and look very solid at times, but at other times seem transparent. Most of the sightings seem to come from one country although they are seen almost everywhere. The country where they are seen the most is Great Britain. They seem to like to appear in very lonely places. It was originally thought these ghost animals were dangerous, but it now seems they are protectors of humans. Somehow water plays a part in their appearances. They seem to almost always appear near a river, lake or any body of running or placid water.

Sometimes things happen which are so strange they cannot be adequately explained and creep people out when they hear about them. One man was dying and if he didn’t get a new heart would be dead in a short period of time. Another man was very depressed and shot himself in the head, killing himself. It was a lucky day for the first man or was it? The first guy got the heart and thought it would be a nice thing to thank the second man’s widow. So he went over to her house and met with her and thanked her, but in the course of meeting her he fell into love with her and eventually they were married. They were married for about four years and during those years the husband became very depressed and eventually shot himself in the head killing himself. Was this just a coincidence or was it more? Had the spirit of the first guy who shot himself taken over the body of the second man who received the heart?

There is said to be a company which is trying not to extend life and many other companies are trying to, the first company wants to be able to bring dead people back to life. This sort of sounds like the freezing of bodies until a cure is found script, but it is not. There are not many details available, but it has something to do with artificial intelligence and computer chips. The brain would be frozen and a chip inserted. The company believe that within 30 years it will succeed. The CEO said, “We want to bring you back to life after you die.” It is said everything about you would be stored and reinserted into you upon reanimation. Supposedly nanotechnology would also be used in the reanimation process. I have to say this, I don’t believe we would be bringing back the same person, but instead be activating some sort of machine intelligence into the body of a human.

One thing which technology has wrought is the ability for almost anyone to create videos of what seem to be paranormal events. Sure their quality varies with the ability of the forger, but sometimes very simple videos capture the imagination of people. One which comes to mind was a video taken accidently by a security camera which seemed to show a translucent ghost. It turned out to only be a clear blue plastic trash bag flying around, but it got hundreds of thousands of hits on the Internet. This shows us we not only have to worry about hoax videos, but also real ones which are not what they seem and there are plenty of them around.

Anneliese Michel was sixteen years old in 1968. She started having convulsions and by five years later she was seeing demons and hearing voices telling her she was damned. She would make “demon faces”, rip off her clothes, eat coal and lick up her own urine among other things. Her parents had a steady flow of doctors try and help her. Finally she was sent to a mental hospital, but no medicine used had any effect on her condition. She became very disturbed when religious symbols were shown to her and after eleven years of doctors not being able to help her, her parents decided to go to a Catholic priest for help. It was determined the girl was suffering from demonic possession and she had exorcisms performed on her. In ten months she has seventy six of them. They did no good and eventually she died of starvation, because she refused to eat. Was this a paranormal event or just the ravings of a poor mentally ill girl?


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