Truth Facts



Ghosts and the World Trade Center

Some people believe places where deaths have taken place, contain some of the spirits of the dead. There is a certain belief among these people and those who investigate the paranormal they are more likely to find spirits in places where many deaths have taken place. The attack on the World Trade Center killed 2,763 people. It was the greatest civilian tragedy in our history as a country. 1,177 people died at the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. So, we lost over twice as many people in the World Trade Center attack than from one of the largest military attacks on our country.

I tell you this because there are a lot of people who believe the area in and around 1 World Trade Center might be haunted. One of the reasons people believe this is the wind is said to make strange sounds when it blows through the building. Well, we all know this certainly is not reason enough to think the place is haunted. The people who have reported, and in some cases videoed the building making the sounds live near the building and some of them jumped to the conclusion these were some of the souls who died in the original buildings. The noise has been called the whaling sound, but experts believe it is caused by the building being very tall and in a windy area over New York.

While the sound is creepy, it probably is nothing. Some people are freaked out and the reason is when they took photos of the area, that is ground zero, they claim they have seen unnatural things. One example was when photos were taken of the debris and they showed a white semi-transparent object floating through the debris while crews were digging through the rubble and then floating away. There was also a very helpful woman who was distributing sandwiches, but then disappeared while others were watching her. You can imagine what those who were there thought when this happened. One cop went to the debris field in the middle of the night and saw a man walking around and went to go over to him, but the man disappeared before his eyes. These people had no reason to lie or fake photographs. One of the things I remember was a face which appeared in the smoke as one of the towers were burning and it looked just like what we imagine the devil to look like. It scared a heck of a lot of people and appeared all over the news. It is easy enough to Google to see.

What some people today do not know is the fact people were assigned to the area known as Fresh Kills where the debris was taken to. The police were sent there with the duty of sifting through the debris to try and identify bodies and parts of remains which might have been inadvertently taken then with the rubble. One of the sifters, as they were called, reported seeing the ghost of an African American woman dressed as a World War II nurse. He approached her and she disappeared. During his days of duty there, he saw her ghost several times. Many sifters had seen shadow people and dark black masses moving around the rubble.

There is a very strange story about one of the sifters who had to retire due to ill health. He claimed while he was home some of the spirits would visit his house. He tells a story about one time when he was watching television and the room went dark and a shadow figure drifted across the room. Another room started to have cold spots in it and smelled of cigarette smoke for no reason. There was also a smell of perfume. Strange streaks would appear when he tried to take photos.  What can one say about these things? It seems he had made some friends of the paranormal kind. I think what would have been the clincher for me was what happened to him one day. A sort of ectoplasm appeared in the room and it slowly formed his name. Other things happened to this guy, but I think you get the idea.

In 1993 six people were killed at the World Trade Center when a bomb was set off and over 1,000 injured. That is when the first instance of ghosts were reported. One man who survived and continued to work there reported seeing strange things on the night shift which he was assigned to. He claimed to have witnessed many ghosts. He reported a temp worker was walking toward the ladies’ room and met up with the ghost of an old man and began to scream. Apparently, she had seen the same old man going down a different corridor in the other direction. Another event which was reported about people in two different areas who had fallen asleep had the same dream with the same deceased person warning them to get out of the offices they were in.

A man who had a young daughter was killed among many in the 9/11 attacks. One day his widow heard her 4 year old talking to someone in her room and went in and asked her who she was talking to, and she said daddy. She claimed she could see him. The little girl said daddy had been telling her jokes. There are many stories of small children being able to see spirits and my family witnessed an event like this when a grand child was staring at a spot on the ceiling. We asked him what he was looking at and he said Big Jackie. That was his grandfather who had died.

There were people who actually had a premonition of their death if they were in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Some stayed home that day because of this. One wife of a victim of the disaster said she had a dream the night before of her husband entering a bright white light. It made her feel very uneasy. Her husband was one of the victims of a hijacked plane which crashed as it was heading for a different target.

There are some things which just cannot be explained, such as the man who was driving down a busy parkway and had an uncontrollable urge to pull over on the side and did, only to find out there was a large accident ahead with many killed. What force controlled him for that moment, was it God or as some believe an angel looking out for his welfare? We may never know until we meet our maker.

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