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More On The Paranormal

 Ghost hunters claim they caught a famous ghost in a photo. Supposedly the photo was taken at an abandoned airfield in Lincolnshire, England. The ghost is said to be Catherine Bystock. She is called the Metheringham Lass. I have seen the photo and it shows a mostly skeletal face and body with what looks like a cigarette in one hand. The ghost also looks vaporous. Why is it these things are almost always searched for at night? People have reported having paranormal experiences in the daytime for thousands of years?

Some people think if a spirit was ever seen, it would have to be a fake because it goes against their religion to think spirits are wandering the earth. There are those who think earth is purgatory and those who have to pay for what they did while alive have to serve some time as a spirit before going to heaven. That really doesn’t make any sense if we look at what people claimed to have seen. Sometimes a claim is made a small child is seen as a spirit. There would hardly be any way they could deserve being placed in a position like that. There is another view and that is the child is a reincarnated person and they have to pay for what they did in another life. Personally, I am not a believer in this kind of stuff but I do believe in a higher power and life after death because I have had personal experiences which cannot be explained.

Recently I came across an article which claims two scientists feel they have proved life goes on after death. They say consciousness takes place in an area of the brain, and it is more like computer software and the brain like a computer. They claim when we die this software is released back to the universe and the consciousness continues. In other words, death is just another step in living. They claim to have developed this theory over 20 years ago, but have been recently able to prove it in six cases out of twenty. They claim the consciousness is our soul. They even named the process and called it Orchestrated Objective Reduction or Orch-OR. You can see their theory explained in Science Daily, it was published on January 16, 2014 and is titled “Discovery of quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness”. You can also copy the address below and paste it into your browser’s address area.

Why is it, every once in a while, someone takes a photo and something paranormal is in the photo which was not seen when the photo was taken? I am not talking about UFOs; I am talking about what look like humans and human shapes? With the advent of the camera, some photos which cannot be explained rationally, have been taken showing them. The problem is the overwhelming number of photos which have been altered. This has caused a phrase to appear in photography called Photoshopped. Obviously, it was named after famous photo altering software. There are so many of these types of photos around it has made people think none of these types of photos are real. The following are two photos I took and the only thing I did was enlarge them and show one in the negative view. They are of the same window on the Amityville Horror House:

Notice what look like strange faces. I was surprised myself when I looked at the photos, I hadn’t noticed this at the time the photos were taken as happens with so many others.

If we examine what is going on when people are said to have seen spirits, we find they not only claim to see human spirits but others. One of the more unusual sightings by a man was of the shadow of a giant spider on the ceiling of his dark bedroom. It was one of those cases where the room was dark and no light source was available but the shadow was so deep black, he could see it. When he noticed it, he reported it began to run across the ceiling to get away with the legs moving very fast. The shadow spider had a diameter of almost two feet. It must be upsetting to see something like this in your bedroom.

Spirits of many different animals have claimed to have been seen by people. They include many dogs and cats. Could it be every living creature has a spirit? There are some religions which believe when we die not only are we reincarnated, but we might come back as any living thing. Others think all living creatures that have a brain, have a spirit and it has nothing to do with reincarnation. These types of things are always subject to debate. The last group thinks none of these things are true and only exist in the minds of the witnesses.

There are those who say ghosts might be spirits of the former living, but they also might be demons or some other sort of malevolent being. They believe the devil has agents on this planet and sometimes they are in the form of spirits. These spirits and demons are said to be able to take over a living human and that is why exorcisms are performed, to get rid of them. This would prove how powerful religion and God is in these cases.

It has been proven many times by contact with the deceased by people who had experiences which were unexpected, the deceased clearly retain their memories and knowledge when they pass. In so many cases there was oral contact and it was the same as if the person was alive. Many times, it is just a one way contact, but in some cases such as a phone call where the person believed he was talking to his father found out he had died hours before. The most interesting cases are those which are visual and oral and the person is talking to what amounts to be a ghost but doesn’t realize it until something happens, like the person just vanishes while walking away. This has happened a few times and one can only imagine how upsetting this is to a person.

We may never know what death is until we experience it ourselves and also may not know if it happens to us more than once. For those who believe in reincarnation, they would have believed it happened multiple times in multiple lives. For the rest of us, it is a one time event and probably the one single scariest event in our lives.

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