Truth Facts



Paranormal Events and Haunted Places

There has been a lot of paranormal talk so far this month. I have decided to relay some of it to you.

When Joan Rivers died, she left a beautiful and expensive New York City penthouse apartment behind. It has been on the market for a while at a price of 38 million dollars, if anyone is interested. It is said you not only get the apartment for that price but also the ghost that haunts it. It is said a Mrs. Spencer who was a former resident is still there after she died. Rivers brought in a voodoo priestess to get rid of it after she said it damaged the chandelier.  Spencer was the niece of financier J.P. Morgan who had also lived there previously. I wonder if Rivers has joined the haunt?

There is an estate in Middleboro, Massachusetts which has gained a reputation for being very haunted. Very haunted means to me the fact people claim a lot of sightings and other things which would lead one to say they believe there are spirits there. It could also mean people believe there are very many spirits there who enjoy being seen or heard. The building was built in 1769 by Doctor Peter Oliver. Benjamin visited there and it is said he was on a spy mission at the time spying on the Oliver family. The reason was the Olivers were loyal to the crown of England. Countless people have claimed to have seen ghosts there. Here is an interesting fact, the Oliver family was forced out of the house by an angry mob and moved back to England.

The Atlantic Hotel in Berlin, Maryland is infamous for the hauntings which occur there. The building was built in 1895. There are many stories of spirits which haunt the hotel. It is said there is a little girl spirit who haunts the second floor. Many times, both staff and guests have reported the loud laugh of a child on the second floor who was never found. The manager was walking down the hall when a lady came out of room 16 and said she needed towels. The manager got them but no one was in the room when she returned and the bathroom had towels. The manager went down to the desk to see who was registered in the room, but no one was. Did she meet a ghost? She thought so.

Gaineswood is a preserved plantation in Demopolis, Alabama. It was built between 1842 and 1860, in the Greek revival tradition. It has been said the estate is haunted. The story goes many times you can hear the piano playing while no one is in that room. It is thought to be a nanny. The nanny became gravely sick and had made a request to be buried in her home state. She had come from the north. When she died the owners couldn’t send her home because the weather was too bad, so they buried her on the property temporarily and in the spring dug her up and took her home.  It is claimed her spirit never left.

It has been said if one is interested in the paranormal, they need go no further than Norwich, England. It seems to have more than its share of paranormal events and this goes back thousands of years in that area. One famous place for paranormal events is Blickling Hall. Supposedly, it is the home of a very famous ghost, the ghost being Anne Boleyn. She has been seen many times wearing a white dress and wondering the halls. It goes even further; it has been reported she has been seen arriving from a coach driven by a headless horseman and four headless horses. Anne Boleyn had married King Henry VIII. She was beheaded by Henry after three years. It is said her father, who was also beheaded, can also be seen walking around the property with his head under his arm.

The Lady in Gray is a very tragic story. There is a very old house named the Augustine Steward House. It is said to be haunted by the Lady in Gray. Apparently, a woman had been locked into her house with her parents. The plague was raging and people were scared. She couldn’t get out and eventually her parents died and she ate them. People who used to work in the house said she hated to go into the basement. The door would close on its own and she could see the handle moving and believed it was caused by the Lady in Gray. The Lady in Gray was said to have died by choking on their flesh.

In my experience I have seen a lot of places in England being called the most haunted. It almost seems like they would all love that title. The ancient Ram Inn is one of those places being called the most haunted. It was built back in 1145 which seems incredible to us in America. It is claimed it is situated where two Ley Lines intersect. The building is built over two wells and water is said to add energy to the building. On top of all this it is built over a 5000 year old burial ground. Two skeletons were found under the floor next to a dagger. It is believed they were sacrificed. Some say how can it not be haunted. The next to last owner complained about demons being in the building and said publicly there was an Incubus and a Succubus in the building in addition to other spirits. Strange shadows can be seen floating around the room and disembodied voices are commonly heard. There is a spirit said to be there that will touch women with blond hair and push men.

One man woke up because his mother was calling him for breakfast. The problem was she died years ago. He had forgot that for a second and started to go towards the kitchen when it hit him. Another was awoken by his wife talking into his ear after she had died two weeks before. The voice was so loud it was like she was right next to him. There are many stories like this. One man heard his daughter calling him when he was asleep in bed and when he woke it thought it was a dream until he heard her calling again while he was awake. She had died a couple of weeks before.  How does one explain these events? Are thousands of people or maybe millions, crazy? There is something going on here we do not understand and I believe it just proves life does exist after death.

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