Truth Facts



News 8 January, 2022

The flight of the Webb Space Telescope is getting more interesting every day. It is the biggest telescope ever sent into space and requires several different steps to be executed before it goes into operation and any one of them not working correctly could ruin the operation of the telescope. It is so large it had to be folded into the rocket which is taking it to its almost million mile away destination. It has just completed the most complex operation it has to accomplish. This is stretching out the five layer sun shield which is necessary to keep it cool. The task meant using 139 of the 178 release mechanisms included in the telescope, as well as eight deployment motors, 400 pulleys, and 90 cables.

Scientists have made a discovery about something they would have never believed to be true. They found DNA in the air at a zoo. So much DNA was found they claim they can identify the animals in the zoo by this airborne DNA. One of the reasons why they tried this experiment probably was because they have been able to do the same thing in water, using water to examine the DNA in it. This also reminds me they have been finding DNA in some dirt.

A ship named the Griffin has been searched for since it disappeared 343 years ago. It belonged to the French explorer Rene Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle. It was a large ship filled with furs and its purpose was to find a route through the Great Lakes to China and Japan. Many believed the ship was cursed. The story goes a prophet from the Iroquois tribe cursed it. It was one of the most sort after ships in North American History. Searchers claim they found the wreckage of the ship in 2018, near Poverty Island in Lake Michigan and another part had been found in 2001 which was the bowsprit only a few miles away from the later find. Webster defines bowsprit as a large spar projecting forward from the stern of a ship.

Sometimes when ancient tablets and writings are found we find incredible things written on them if we can figure out how to read them. A tablet which is at least 5,000 years old from Mesopotamia has the oldest form of writing ever found so far, on it. It is called cuneiform. It is believed this writing predates Egyptian hieroglyphs. Anyway, it has something to tell us. First of all, it talks about the flood, long before it was in the bible. It contains a direction to put all living things on a boat, a boat you will build. Sound familiar?  It had the first story and that was written by Enheduanna, an Akkadian priestess.

40 years ago, or there abouts, a British police officer witnessed a UFO and admitting that did not go well with his fellow officers. He was on duty looking for escaped cows in West Yorkshire. He had the whole department punishing him for admitting what happened. Finally, after four years of what was termed as harassment he quit. He wrote a book about his experience and he is finally going to have the last laugh all the way to the bank, because a movie is going to be made about his experience. He claimed he saw a diamond shaped object hovering a few feet off the ground. It was about 20 feet wide and 14 feet high. It was slowly spinning.

Scientists are claiming they now have proof anti-matter hit the earth. Astrophysicists claim the IceCube Neutrino Observatory detected a tiny particle. A neutrino is a particle of light and the scientists claim an anti-matter neutrino hit the detector. Neutrinos were thought to be massless until recently, now they are thought to have an extremely tiny mass. They are so small and weak millions of neutrinos pass through us every second. It has been calculated the mass of a neutrino is one millionth less than that of an electron. If this helps the mass of an electron is 0.0005u.

Scientists have found a problem which puzzles them. They have found a barrier around the center of our galaxy. Here is the strange thing about the barrier, it is the fact it allows cosmic rays to flood out from the center, a large amount of incoming cosmic rays are being kept out by the barrier. I think you can see the puzzle for yourselves, how does this barrier work because it seems to function different depending on which side of the barrier you are on?

There is a bridge in Texas which people have been claiming was haunted for a long time. It is the Old Alton Bridge also called the Goatman’s Bridge. It was built in 1884. It is a small bridge and connects the towns of Denton and Copper Canyon. The goatman was a goat seller who was lynched in the 1930s by hanging him from the bridge. The next day his body disappeared. It has been said if you perform the right rituals the bridge will become a portal and you can enter another dimension. There are a lot of stories attached to the bridge. It has been said people have been scared away from the bridge when they heard voices laughing or screaming when no  one was on the bridge. It is also said if you want a chance to see the goatman, just knock three times on the bridge’s steel structure.

NASA is planning a mission to a metal asteroid named Psyche. Psyche is a very interesting place. It is interesting because it is felt it really is a metal core which had its mantle knocked off. It is believed Psyche is the largest of these types of objects. It is felt this will be a very valuable object for mining someday. A launch to the asteroid belt where Psyche exists is scheduled to happen in August 2022. It is estimated the probe will reach the asteroid in January 2026. It is a shame we do not have the means yet to mine this vast asteroid of minerals. The value of this asteroid is said to be 10,000 quadrillion dollars. Boy, what the country could do with that.

If you were in a group of people who had to hunt for food to survive, would you go after the biggest game or small easier and less dangerous game? It seems our ancient human ancestors decided it was best to hunt the largest of animals using large groups of hunters. I guess not only did this supply more food at once, but may have meant you didn’t have to constantly hunt.

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