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News 2016 Vol 1

I think we’ve all heard about people being frozen after they die with the idea they would come back in the future when there was a solution for their disease. I think most of us don’t give this much of a chance of working and I am one of those people. When I hear this all I can think about is some strawberries I once defrosted which just looked like mush and I can’t help but think of people turning out this way after they are defrosted. Maybe I am wrong about this, a recent medical case seems to disprove this. A man was having a few drinks and decided to walk the 2 miles back home instead of driving, even though it was very cold outside. He had done this quite a few times before, only this time didn’t make it home and his father went out looking for him. He found him on the side of the road frozen solid with his skin having turned to a blue color. The father thought he had lost his son for sure and called for an ambulance. When his son was brought to the hospital the doctor looked at the body and decided to try and revive him. There was no heartbeat, but he worked for over two hours using CPR anyway with a nurse. She said it was like working on a block of ice. Besides having no pulse he had no blood pressure. They then hooked him up to a medical device to warm the supply of oxygen to his blood. After a while they could hear his heart start to beat and apparently the cold preserved him from brain damage. So maybe if everything is done correctly people with diseases who were frozen at the time of death could be cured in the future, but I still wouldn’t bet big money on it.

I have said many times that we are a country of secrets and that there are a lot of things going on which most of us wouldn’t like which are designed to blame others for actions they didn’t do. Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of hate groups out there which if arrested wouldn’t bother me in the least, but having government agents join them just to commit acts in their name to rile us up against them is wrong and this is also how innocent people get hurt. A fire marshal name Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge which has been the site of a standoff for weeks. They were lurking around an armory. When he asked the county judge about it he was told to mind his own business. This sounds an awful lot like a false flag operation. A false flag operation is one in which a government does something to make its citizens think someone else was responsible and it could include murder or all sorts of criminal activity. It is reprehensible any time it happens and those people who perpetrated it should be dealt with swiftly.

The oceans on this planet are huge and contain unlimited amounts of fish, is this not correct? If you answered yes to this question you are wrong, while the oceans are vast the amount of fish is certainly not unlimited. A new report has come out by the United Nations stating that we are depleting global fish stocks at an alarming rate. Much of this has been blamed on illegal industrial fishing and the fact that some fishing fleets have become so good at what they do. Professor Daniel Pauly is from the University of British Colombia. He said that the oceans are in big trouble and if we don’t start to reduce overfishing now it’s going to be much harder to get the fish stocks back to a decent size, so that they can substantially yield the amount of fish we need to feed a growing population. It’s true, when I was young people used to think of the ocean as inexhaustible, but today we must realize there is nothing on this planet which fits that description and once we use something up its gone forever.

Many people don’t realize that while electric cars might be the wave of the future, electric buses already are and they are in a lot of different countries. The leader in building electric buses is China. China unveiled a new bus that charges in 10 seconds and can run for 3 miles. This might sound crazy at first glance, but think about it. The bus probably takes about 10 seconds at each stop to pick up and discharge people so at that rate the bus can run forever. If your car was doing this you would go insane, but this fits right into a city bus’s schedule. This is not the only type of electric bus however, but right now it seems to be the best bet.

One scientist has come out and said that the century we are living in now could be the last century for humanity as we know it. He wasn’t talking about the human race being wiped out, he was talking about something else. What he was referring to was that technology was going to change us and stated that genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and space travel will make us different from what we are now as dogs are from gray wolves. One of the things he talks about is using artificial intelligence to reengineer ourselves and make our descendants far smarter than we are today. I think smarter is the wrong word in this case, I don’t believe they will be smarter, but I do believe future people will have access to far more facts instantly than we do right now and will be able to do most things without ever receiving a formal education. The reason for this will be what is known as a smart chip implanted in their body. He might be right on another front also, and that is genetic engineering will be used,  because we may have to change ourselves to exist more comfortably on alien planets. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.

It’s funny just when you think you know everything you find out there is plenty more you don’t know. Scientists from the University of Melbourne decided to examine the different types of fish living in rivers and to their astonishment they found 20 new species. It makes you wonder doesn’t it? How come these fish remained undiscovered? It also leads me to wonder if we are going to find the Loch Ness monster actually exists or some of these other monsters which have been reported. We think we know what most of the life on earth looks like, but it might turn out there is a good chunk of life yet to be discovered and this life might have ways of avoiding discovery.


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