Truth Facts



Interesting News 15 August 2020

I think it is time to try and get our minds off of all the nonsense in the news and get a little change of pace, so here is what I have found interesting. First let’s check out cars. One of the things stopping people from buying electric cars is the cost of a new set of batteries when the original ones wear out. Elon Musk is claiming he can make this problem go away. He said he is developing a battery pack which will last for one million miles. This is great not only for those rare people who put huge miles on their cars, but for commercial companies such as taxi cabs and heavy haul truckers. An electric motor has only one moving part so it should far outlast a gas or diesel motor, meaning if the price of a battery pack can be made cheaper, maintenance on an electric car will be next to nothing.

When I was a kid, one of the creepiest things in the movies was when a sarcophagus lid was slowly opened because we all know what was going to happen next, the mummy would come to life. Well I hate to disappoint everyone, but that has not happened. What has happened is there are some who are claiming when a 13,000 year old sarcophagus was opened archaeologists didn’t find a human body in it, they found an alien one. It is being claimed the KGB which was the old Soviet state police were involved in the discovery. It is said the oldest sarcophagus is dated from 2686 BC which is only a little under 5,000 years ago, so this seems to shoot down the story of an alien in a 13,000 year old one.

When most of us think of drones, we think of some sort of flying craft, but there are other types of drones and the US Navy has them. They are ships which operate on their own and are part of a test program named Ghost Fleet Overlord. A tweet was said to have been written by the US Navy Naval Sea Systems Command known as NAVSEA. The tweet was said to have been written on June 4, 2020 and stated a Ghost Fleet Overlord completed two 4 day trips which were completely autonomous and traveled 3,200 miles. It looks like one day; every mode of transportation will be autonomous.

Not only has the oldest Maya structure been found in Mexico, but it is the largest. The structure is a huge rectangular elevated platform and was found in Tabasco State. As far as how it was found it is being said a remote sensing method was used. This could have been lidar which is often used to peek through heavy canopy on the ground by archaeologists. One has to wonder what undiscovered abandoned cities await our discovery.

A device was invented which is able to draw power from darkness. It seems it will not work on earth, but in space it will. The reason for this is it draws its power for the dark coldness of space. It’s thermoelectric and may someday be just want we would want to keep our rooms on space stations and in spacecraft nice and toasty. It is said it uses a thermoelectric generator from off the shelf. The device works by sucking in the cold from one side of the device and sending it to the other to generate electricity. The device looks like a black puck.

Apparently, whoever or whatever controls UFOs missed the bulletin from Musk stating when the launch of the crewed dragon capsule was going to take place, because they arrived 12 minutes after liftoff. Maybe they just wanted to be sure it succeeded at liftoff before checking on it. Just about every major launch around the world has been accompanied by a UFO sighting.

A certain type of snail has been puzzling scientists. They are enamored with the beast because it has an iron shell. At first the scientists couldn’t believe it but it was confirmed. So how did these creatures get an iron shell? No, it didn’t come from Forged in Fire, Let me give you a clue, the snails live in a volcano. Scientists said they live in impossible conditions in underwater volcanic vents. They endure just about everything which would kill us, such as very high temperatures, impossible pressure, low oxygen and more. This snail has a gene named MTP which gives a 27 percent increase in population for the snails with iron shells. It is believed the gene allows the snails to survive and iron ions from the environment react with the sulfur in their bodies which in turn create the iron.

We have all witnessed it first hand and that is a pandemic. I have been saying for years we have to be extremely careful when bringing back samples from outer space. The ideal method for examining these samples would be off world. Perhaps on a space station or a base on the moon. Well we are not going to have to wait too long for samples from Mars. How do we know that some of the pandemics we had in the past didn’t start on other worlds and were brought here by meteors? It is just a very bad idea and even if we change our mind, other nations may not. There are a few scientists who do agree with what I said, but the majority just ridicule the idea a virus could be spread this way. How do we know there wasn’t life on Mars which was wiped out by a pandemic and the germs are still in the ground and on rocks and such?

The Chinese are working on a new type of engine. It is new as far as powering airplanes in our atmosphere. It is not new in space. What the Chinese would like to do is use it as a replacement for the jet engine. The Institute of Technical Sciences at Wuhan University representative said they’ve overcome longtime atmospheric issues like air friction and made a plasma thruster that can compete in the atmosphere. They claim the engine is equivalent to a jet engine, which is surprising many scientists. I think they want to see it tested before taking this as gospel. Super-hot plasma melts metals.

Scientists just keep finding more evidence Neanderthals were smarter than we think, and could talk, contrary to what was formerly believed. The finding of a piece of string made by Neanderthals shocked the scientific community. What else are we going to find out about them since they were not stupid oafs. Taking this into consideration, we have to wonder why they all disappeared.

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