Truth Facts




Some Interesting News

We have been hearing a lot of news lately about aging. It seems aging is now being treated as a disease. Along with this idea, scientists are trying to find a cure for it. This has apparently been good news for the mouse population since we have succeeded in keeping some of them younger than they should be. There is a thought about why we age which states at some point our cells can no longer divide but still produce chemical signals. Fourteen people were treated who were unfortunately suffering from a fatal lung condition. They were given a known leukemia drug called dasatinib and quercetin a supplement. Scientists noticed the patients were then able to walk further and faster and there were no serious side effects.  It is not known if this drug and supplement combination would prove useful as an anti-aging treatment, but scientists are hopeful.

Some Hindus are claiming that the ancient Indians had all sorts of advanced devices such as airplanes, stem cell technology and even the internet. They are not the only ones. There are quite a few people who think the ancient epic called the Mahabharata was far too accurate in its descriptions of many modern devices and even nuclear weapons and their effects on people. There are probably far more people who do not believe this however. The Mahabharata is the original mystery wrapped in an enigma.

It is hard not to see Elon Musk’s point when he and SpaceX challenged the awarding of a contract by NASA to Boeing. Here is what he said, “SpaceX offered a solution with extraordinarily high confidence of mission success at a price dramatically lower than the award amount.” “So, we believe the decision to pay vastly more to Boeing and Lockheed for the same mission was therefore not in the best interest of the agency or the American taxpayers.” Boeing and Lockheed Martin founded SpaceX’s competitor United Launch Alliance or ULA who was awarded the contract. One reason SpaceX would be cheaper is the fact they can now reuse their rockets many times. ULA had been the Pentagon’s only private provider of space launches for a decade. SpaceX was eventually certified in 2015 to compete, against the wishes of ULA.

What could be hotter than an African desert in the daytime? Not much, and yet was there a time when African deserts were not hot? It turns out the answer is yes, but we have to travel back about 300 million years. During that period of time Southern Africa was covered by glaciers. Anyone who has seen the deserts in Namibia probably would never have thought this to be true. I find this very interesting, because it demonstrates how our planet changes over time and with all these changes wipes out any evidence which could have existed showing humans might be far older than thought. It was so cold and had so much ice, it is said it would have been a rival to Antarctica.

There are all sorts of strange stories on the internet and one which ran on Selected News has to do with a very strange event. The story includes a video and therein lies the problem. Videos can be easily faked today. Anyway, it is alleged hackers obtained the video from secret Pentagon files and claimed to have found tons of UFO material. This video, which was said to have been taken in the dark by a police car dash cam, shows a policeman walking up to a car. As the policeman begins to talk with the driver a bright flash of light strikes him and disintegrates him leaving a pile of clothes. The car pulls away. To see the video, copy the following address to your web browser’s address area:
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There have been quite a few stories about UFOs changing shape. When this was first reported years ago it was met with skepticism, but as we are learning more about materials, we are finding this could be possible. The latest indication of this being a probability is a new material which is a type of perouskites. This material can change shape when subjected to light. The material is a crystalline material. This material had been previously popular with scientists because it was found it could convert sunlight into electricity. While this material probably will never be able to change the shape of a spaceship, who knows what other materials will be found in the future which might be able to accomplish that?

When Ronald Reagan was president, he aired a film at the White House. He was not alone, he had invited guests and they were Neil Armstrong, Steven Spielberg, NASA chiefs and high-ranking military.  When the film was aired and ran its course Reagan commented by saying there were a number of people in the room who knew that everything on the screen was true. The name of the movie was ET: The Extra-Terrestrial. It is said the room became silent and then a nervous laugh broke out, but Reagan never laughed, he was dead serious. Some have said if Reagan knew of aliens visiting the earth, he knew they weren’t friendly because of the space weapons he proposed. This conclusion may not be correct, because Reagan may have known about many different races coming here and maybe only some were unfriendly.

The talk around town is now about a secret method discovered by American scientists which would allow people to send messages to people which can not be heard by anyone else. The message would go directly into the ear. Think about this, no devices are needed to receive these messages. We know somehow a laser is part of the sending unit along with a device known as an acousto-optic-modulator, but not much else is known. A device like this is perfect for sending information to someone who is in a situation where others are nearby who would otherwise either hear the message or know it was being sent.

Some say Opportunity is dead and they would be correct if they were referring to our Mars rover. Amazingly it lasted 15 years. It has been on Mars since January 24, 2004. The people who built it should be very proud. The machine had been hit with a tremendous dust storm. It may have destroyed the solar panel’s ability to convert sunlight to energy, but that is only a guess. Any number of things could have happened including mechanical failure to electronic component failure. Whatever happened, Opportunity being able to operate all these years was quite an accomplishment.

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