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Interesting News 5 October 2015

Space, a lot of us are interested in it. The interest is mostly curiosity and the human urge to explore, but according to the Guardian News Paper the ultra rich are very interested in space for another reason. They want to escape the problems on earth and leave us here. That would be interesting wouldn’t it, a planet which gets colonized by the ultra-rich? I have to wonder how they would figure out who was in charge. Would it be by counting the treasures each brought with them and the one with the most treasure would be the leader? Maybe not, maybe the richest of the rich would be able to bribe the lowest of the rich to fight for them and take out anyone in their way leading to “Rich Wars.” Oh well this is only fun speculation, but it is true a lot of very rich people are getting into the space industries on this planet.

Has anyone noticed what has been going on with the treasure train in Poland? We now have the Russians and the Jewish Congress claiming the treasure. I guess this is going to be an interesting fight. I hate to say this, but if you are a treasure hunter and have invested many years in looking for a treasure like this, you have to know as soon as you announce you have found it, there are going to be a lot of people trying to get it. There are many unexplored Nazi tunnels in Poland and some are saying there could be more treasure hidden in a lot of them. I look at things a little differently, I think there could be some secret Nazi projects we still don’t know about. Perhaps there is a Nazi flying saucer or two hidden in one of the tunnels. There is some evidence they were working on these things.

There was an interesting interview between Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Edward Snowden. It was a podcast and held on September 18, 2015. What made it so interesting was the fact Snowden came out with what he called his theory about the search for signals from aliens and alien worlds. As the interview went on the two got onto the subject of encryption and Snowden said the reason he believes no alien signals have ever been detected is that the aliens encrypt all their communications so we can’t detect them. Snowden stated he believed that only in the primitive stage of civilizations they create signals which can be detected and as they advance they protect their signals from prying eyes and ears. This is not a direct quote, but it gives you an idea of the gist of his conversation about this. Tyson interjected that of course this assumes aliens have the same security issues and Snowden agreed. Does Snowden know something we don’t?

Research has been conducted to try and find out why people who lived in Poland in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries believed there had been an outbreak of vampirism. The belief was confirmed by archaeologists who discovered burial sights which proved this. Some of the bodies were staked through the heart and others were tied up in the fetal position. There were also other traditions which were said to stop vampires from rising and some were placing stones under their chins and sickles across their bodies. The study was conducted by the University of Alabama. They discovered some interesting things such as the fact the accused were locals and not strangers. The investigators think the so called vampires were the victims of a cholera outbreak. They believe since people didn’t understand how disease was spread they blamed the supernatural and thus vampires. The investigators did say they needed to study the problem further. Perhaps they need to check out the werewolf legends.

Some people are up in arms about the new Facebook policy. I am talking about the one which Facebook instituted recently and said it was for flagging fake posts. It sounds innocent enough, but some say there is far more to it. They state that people are now allowed to flag posts just because they may disagree with them, which would limit the amount of times the post is able to be seen by the public and thus it limits free speech. They may have a point, but the way to get this changed is use a different service, Facebook would then get the idea and I am sure this would change. This is called voting with your feet.

Scientists have figured out how to make a copper alloy which will be able to capture CO2 and store it as an inert substance. This would be a huge help in reducing green-house gases and a help in reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. The material can then be converted into useful things such as methanol fuel, building materials and even light. A team working out of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory believes their new material will revolutionize the process of drawing CO2 from the air. The new process does this and saves energy doing it. Stefan Vajda who is the senior chemist at the laboratory said, “With our catalyst there is no inside.” “All four copper atoms are participating, because with only a few of them in the cluster they are all exposed and able to bind.”

Some people are still denying the fact global warming exists. I don’t understand this in the case of the ordinary citizen but I do understand it when industrialists and politicians say this, because the industrialists don’t want to be regulated any further and the politicians were paid off by the lobbyists from the industrialists. Global warming is causing other problems as the average temperature for the planet rises. Surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean are getting warmer and conditions in the west are getting drier and cooler. The ramifications are the parts of the ocean which are affected will cause weather changes and may cause problems for fish in the area. The dry west has a terrible water shortage problem and this makes it worse. Scientists believe that when this year finishes it will be recorded as the hottest year on record. Remember we are speaking about the average temperature of the entire planet, so even if it is a little cooler where you are, it doesn’t alter the fact the earth is heating up.



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