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More Interesting News For 10/24/17

A lot of things have been happening lately. Much of it never made the mainstream news, so without further ado here is more non-mainstream news.

A photo expert has told a website famous for UFO news he was on a US submarine when something unusual happened. The submarine began to track a very fast-moving object. It was moving so fast it seemed to be impossible. The expert happened to overhear navy personnel talking about it and these responses led him to believe the navy had a secret program to engineer these vehicles. He repeated another unusual event which also happened to a friend when she was on a US submarine and was a model builder for the navy. She heard an alarm go off and someone shout “fast mover” several times. Someone else asked how fast and the response was several hundred knots. The officer in charge said log it and dog it. This means make a note in the log and then bury it. Many nations in the world have been experimenting with torpedoes which can travel a few hundred miles per hour inside a bubble and it is know it might be possible for them to reach a speed exceeding 500 miles per hour. Perhaps the navy has a project using this technology on an underwater craft?

When we hear about the CIA it seems it is in charge of everything which happens outside the United States and could be secretly carrying out missions here too. Recently a story was posted about another US spy agency which is said to be more powerful than even the CIA. The name of the agency is the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency or NGA. I have never heard of it and I am almost sure most of you haven’t either. It was described as an agency employing over 15,000 people which oversees the surveillance trade. It is said it was begun in 2003 and was called the National Photographic Interpretation Center in World War II. It is said to be in a building which cost taxpayers 1.4 billion dollars and is the size of 4 football fields. A reporter for Foreign Policy stated President Obama didn’t know of the existence of this agency until after 5 months of his presidency. It has been purchasing new buildings to house its ever increasing work force. One of its very basic jobs is to analyze photos taken all over the world along with videos. With all the satellites and drones snapping away it is a huge task. Its main headquarters is in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

The United Nations was treated to a question and answer period with Sophia. Who is Sophia you ask, is it Sophia Loren? No, this Sophia has no last name and the back of her head is clear acrylic. Sophia is a robot. She is more a demonstration of artificial intelligence than anything else. She is able to understand the English language and respond to questions intelligently. When she appeared before the United Nations she was interviewed by the UN Deputy Chief and her answers to questions were quite interesting. The subtle facial expressions and body language show she is becoming more human like since she first appeared. The robot was created by Hanson Robotics Ltd. I almost said “she.” I guess this is a good sign for the company. To see a video which includes three robots, one of which is Sophia, you can copy and paste this address into your web browser,
You can also copy and paste this address into your web browser,
to see Sophia appearing before the United Nations

 The next news article seems almost impossible to me. Elon Musk has stated in 2018 the Artificial Intelligence in Tesla cars will be able to predict your destination without you entering it. In a Tesla the navigation system is called Autopilot. It is constantly being upgraded and one has to believe the next upgrade will contain this improvement. One person asked Musk if a person gets into his car at a certain time every morning wouldn’t the car know he was going to work? Musk replied, “Yeah, don’t exactly need to be Sherlock Holmes.” That was too easy, I want to know how the car will know when you want to go somewhere the first time? I’m betting it won’t know, what do you think?

Here is something I just heard about and truthfully don’t know much about it, except if it works as advertised, it should be quite interesting. NASA has teamed with Google and the result is said to be a website named Access Mars which will allow people to drive a Mars rover over the surface of Mars. It will also allow you to use Virtual Reality. You can copy and paste this address into your browser’s address area:
The above address is for the WebVR Experiment
There is a bit of a learning experience before you can get the hang of it.

Here some interesting news for the curious among us. There are now thousands of satellites in orbit around the earth and sometimes a country has to bring one down. It could be just an old satellite or an old space station and we all know what would happen if they crashed into something on earth, so many countries crash them into the most remote place they can find and this place happens to be Point Nemo. Nemo is Latin for “no one.” The coordinates are 48 degrees 52.6 minutes south latitude and 123 degrees 23.6 minutes west longitude. I am giving you them in case you want to look it up on Google Earth. The area is 1,450 miles from the closest land mass. NASA call this area the “space cemetery.” I can’t help but think what a gold mine this will be to marine archaeologists in the future.