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How many times have we read or heard scientists stating we are living in a computer simulation and the things we see in the distant heavens are really holographs? I have always found this hard to believe, because I believe the entire concept is caused by faulty reasoning. It seems to me it is one of those things which comes around when new technology is invented. When holograms were first created somebody probably said, hey I bet this is what the universe could be made from and tied it in with the fact there happens to be something called gravitational imaging which we have discovered. This imaging is also known as gravitational lensing. Sometimes astronomers see the same objects in several different places in the sky, because a gravitational lens is created that projects it there. This has nothing to do with a computer system. A recent report has come out which claims scientists now are confirming we are not living in a computer simulation, because no computer could handle every instance of the universe. Unfortunately, this reasoning is also floored. Think about this, if the universe was somehow created using a computer and is mostly a hologram, that computer cannot be compared with any computers we are using today. It would be so far advanced over what we have, it would be like comparing a spark to a raging forest fire. While I don’t believe our universe is mostly a hologram, trying to use our current state of computing technology to make a statement about some incredibly advanced devices is also absurd.

Why is it there are always people who like to make fun of other people who are far more intelligent than themselves. One of the people who I admire is Elan Musk. One of the reasons I feel this way is the man is putting his money where his mouth is. He single-handedly has developed companies which are developing future technology in many different fields. Most of us know one company, SpaceX is developing reusable rockets which can land straight up, like we have been seeing in science fiction movies for over fifty years. He single-handedly has started a new electric car revolution and is on his way to developing a train which will be able to travel so fast it will rival air transportation. Lately he has been talking about building a rocket to go to Mars which will be able to carry between 20 to 50 tons of cargo and have thirty-one engines. This has led to him being the butt of jokes by many inferior minds. The man should be congratulated for pushing the frontiers of science and engineering. I remember one Nobel prize-winning scientist saying before he won the Nobel prize he was constantly being ridiculed for his work.

Most of us have no love for rats. I say most, because there are some rats which are kept as pets and their owners claim they are very friendly and intelligent. There are also other rats which are kept as food the snake collectors. This can be very brutal to watch. Some of the snake people take a live rat and smash its head to kill it, before feeding it to their snake so that it doesn’t scratch the snake’s skin. Anyway, if you don’t like rats you should stay away from the Solomon islands. It isn’t just the fact there are rats on the Solomon Islands, because there are rats almost everywhere. The problem is there is a new species of rat there and this rat can be over 19 inches long. Can you imagine being confronted by a rat which is the size of a dog? The rat is known as the Vangunu giant rat. Its scientific name is Uromys vika, but who really cares? When one sees a rat this size, they get out of the way really fast.

One story came up which slightly amazes me. People in Scotland are complaining they can’t figure out Scottish finances. They say they have no way of knowing how some of the money in Scotland is being spent and one of the reasons is secrecy. Does this sound familiar to us Americans? There is no way in the United States we could ever figure out how all the public money is being spent, so I am sure it doesn’t surprise us to hear people in other countries have the same problem. It is said in this country even the president doesn’t know where all the money goes. Even when one finds money listed as being spent on one project it may not always be true, since those secret black projects can pull money out of any agency’s federal budget without asking, thanks to laws that were passed a few years ago. So, I say to the people in Scotland you’re not alone and there are probably a lot more countries than you know about where the people have the same problem.

Some sources are saying if we have another war and the Russians are involved, it may not be a nuclear war at all. It is said the Russians are preparing for conventional war which will knock out all communications and power grids and destroy at least most of the satellites of their adversaries. I’ve talked about this before, there is a lot of proof showing they are developing technologies which can jam the electronics of devices whether they be in buildings, ships, planes and maybe even rockets and drones. We are much more quiet about what we do when developing weapons, but it is being said the Lockheed Skunk Works is very busy on the development of a plane known as the SR-72. It is said to be the replacement for the famous SR-71 Blackbird which still holds the record for fastest plane. I don’t believe it is a replacement for the Blackbird since it was retired in the 1990s. There have been rumors of other planes being developed since then which have tremendous capabilities such as the Aurora which is probably on its third or fourth generation. The SR-72 is said to be a hypersonic reconnaissance and strike aircraft, which proves this type of aircraft is not obsolete as many have thought. The experts are guessing the plane uses both a turbine and a scramjet to reach incredible speeds. While some are saying the plane will be able to reach Mach 5 or five times the speed of sound, I think we are in for a great surprise with this plane and I know the potential for this type of set up is said to be up to Mach 15 or fifteen times the speed of sound. The speed of sound is dependent on the altitude a plane is flying and the temperature. Let’s just pick a figure in the range and say this particular plane is flying at an altitude where sound is traveling about 700 mph. If it is traveling fifteen times that speed, the plane would be going over 10,000 mph and might be faster than a missile. Since it is a plane it can be maneuvered and this would make it very hard to shoot down.

Many of us know who Andrea Bocelli is, he is a famous Italian tenor with a huge voice. Recently Mr. Bocelli was performing with his huge voice at a concert in Pisa. One would think every eye in the audience must have been on Mr. Bocelli, but whoever thought that would have been wrong, because almost all the eyes in the audience were pointing somewhere else. They were watching the conductor. The conductor was not a human, but a robot who performed flawlessly. I would say conductors of the world; your jobs may be in jeopardy. Who will be next to be replaced, will it be the singers themselves?