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This time I would like to talk about some things I found interesting. Maybe that is my problem, I have such a diverse interest I find a lot interesting, so I hope this won’t bore you all. The first thing I want to talk about is the discovery in space of two black holes orbiting each other. What makes this so interesting to me is how slow these things are moving. It turned our Stanford researchers are telling us these are the slowest moving object ever found in space. These black holes were the first ever discovered moving around each other. One researcher compared this movement as equivalent to a snail moving at one centimeter a second. One has to wonder if the angle we are observing this movement at could make it seem slower than it really is?

We earthlings may be luckier than we thought. We take our magnetosphere for granted. That is what helps protect our planet by shielding us from cosmic rays. So far it seems to always have been there for us. One would think if a planet has one it would always be there doing its job. Apparently not so. Scientists have discovered the magnetosphere which surrounds the planet Uranus has a habit of turning off and on. If this would happen on earth I doubt any life of the type we know would survive. The magnetosphere on Uranus is lopsided and tilts 60 degrees and tumbles in the direction of the solar wind. Combined with the quick rotation of the planet this causes the on and off.

An incredible story has hit the internet. I venture to think most people reading about it will laugh, I know I did, but the reporter who reported it seems to have believed it. It has to do with a commercial airline flight, Santiago Flight 513. The plane was said to have taken off on September 4, 1954 from Germany. It then disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean. After completing a search for the plane it was assumed to have went down in the ocean with the loss of all lives. So far there is nothing strange about this tragedy, but wait there is more to the story. Thirty-five years later the plane reappeared and circled the airport then landed. Santiago Airlines had gone out of business in 1956. When authorities entered the plane they found the remains of 88 passengers and 4 crew members. They had become skeletons. In the captain’s seat was his skeleton. Had he been alive when the plane landed, if not how did it land? An investigator was said to have commented that the plane had to have been caught in a time warp, because nothing else could explain what happened. It is said this was covered up and that is why it took an investigative reporter to uncover it.

Brian Cox is a famous physicist and an Advanced Fellow of particle physics at the University of Manchester. Dr. Cox is of the opinion the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest scientific instrument, has proven the fact ghosts can’t exist. Should I say sorry to all you ghost hunters out there or should I say he is not necessarily correct? Cox said the standard model of particle physics proves it would be almost inconceivable at the energy scales which interact with our bodies (for there to be ghosts). He was asked if he was saying there could not be any ghosts and he said yes. I guess this all depends on how things are thought about. Cox is a brilliant scientist and basing everything he knows on science. We know science is always evolving and new things are being discovered all the time. Could a future discovery prove him wrong, perhaps in a different scientific discipline such as string theory or quantum physics? Some might argue according to Cox there could not have been any miracles where saints appeared to people, or the existence of God has been disproven. A religious person would say if one believes in God anything is possible. Well Dr. Cox perhaps you are wrong.

I wonder how many people know WikiLeaks released information which states the CIA can now get into any computer running any Windows Operating System. The spyware “provides remote beacon and loader capabilities.” The spyware is called Athena/Hera and would allow the CIA to take complete control of your computer remotely according to WikiLeaks. Apparently a user manual was also leaked. It looks like software is being written to hack computer as fast as new operating systems are coming out.

Since we are talking about the CIA, I would like to mention what Julian Assange accused the CIA of and it was of a historic act of devastating incompetence. What he was referring to was an accusation the CIA had given cyber weapons to contract hackers and these weapons were then passed around out of control. Could it be some of the devastating attacks on company’s computers and individuals were accomplished with some of the government’s cyber tools?

A new form of carbon has been created. Previously the hardest thing we ever discovered was a diamond, but this is no longer true. Scientists have found a way to make carbon harder and yet allow it to be very stretchy. There are many different applications for something like this. One of them would be increased protection for soldiers by using it as body armor and also using it on vehicles. It is also thought it might be just the thing for a new types of electronics. It is said to be easy to create and relatively cheap.

Some people are claiming the government wants to microchip newly born babies in the near future. They claim it protects children from kidnapping or wandering off might be given as the reason, but there could be more nefarious reasons. Some think it will allow the government to know where we are and who we are with at any time.