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News 29 March, 2017

Thousands of scientists have signed an open letter asking the United Nations to ban nuclear weapons. I would be the first to say this is a great idea, but I would also be among the first to say it is a total waste of time. As much as I would like to see nuclear weapons banned from the face of the earth, I also know all the nuclear nations on earth will not give up their nuclear weapons and those nations which are developing nuclear weapons want to join the nuclear club. It is believed by many there is at least one or more nations which have nuclear weapons which have not been classified as a nuclear nation. For years people have been saying South Africa has nuclear weapons. I have no way of knowing whether this is true or not, but that has been a topic when nuclear weapons are discussed. The idea was to stigmatize nuclear weapons the same way as biological and chemical weapons were. We know how good that worked. All one has to do is check out the war in Syria and see how many people were attacked with chemical weapons.

We were promised by Trump if he got elected he would bring back jobs to this country. Automation is one of the biggest problems which is looming on the horizon. When experts look at automation they see it seeping into every aspect of the job scene. If you talk to people in the street, most of them are aware of the fact automation will soon be taking many jobs away and in the future could be taking most jobs away. This aspect of employment was not mentioned by the president, so people are wondering how this all fits into his promise to bring back jobs. The White House has released a statement saying it is not even thinking about automation, because it won’t be here for another 50 to 100 years. What they don’t seem to realize is it is here already and we may be forced to go that route just to stay competitive with other nations in manufacturing. It seems whatever jobs we bring back are all doomed to become automated and it is only a matter of time before this happens and that time is a lot shorter than the 50 to 100 years we were told.

Recently one of Uber’s SUVs was involved in a high-impact crash. The vehicle was autonomous, meaning it didn’t have a driver controlling it at the time. Many believed this would certainly put a black mark against autonomous vehicles being used. No one was hurt seriously in the accident and there was a person behind the wheel. It was announced a police report was released which said the driver of the other car failed to yield and hit the Uber car, a Volvo, which turned over on its side. It has been said since this was not the fault of the Uber car, it just illustrates how much human error there is out there. The idea being a computer controlled automobile would not make the mistakes a human would and therefore there would be a lot less accidents if all the cars on the road were computer controlled. Many scientists and engineers believe this to be true. What has been demonstrated is the fact that even a computer controlled car is still subject to an accident by a car driven by a human driver. It is believed if there are some accidents between autonomous cars they will not be very many compared to the amount of accidents we have today.

If scientists are correct something incredible has happened. A supermassive black hole has been knocked out of position and is said to be traveling at 5,000,000 miles an hour. We have just learned something, we knew there were Rogue planets and stars which had been knocked out of position and are traveling freely throughout space and now we know this can even happen to a black hole. The black hole was knocked out of its galaxy. This leaves us with a very big question, what in the universe could be powerful enough to knock a gigantic black hole out of position? The black hole was said to have a mass equal to about a billion of our suns. NASA has a theory on how the black hole could have been knocked out of the galaxy. The theory has to do with gravity waves. Einstein said these waves were ripples in the fabric of space time and were caused by very violent and energetic processes in the universe. So what would could be so energetic it could have done this? Scientists say accelerating neutron stars or orbiting black hole pairs are among those objects, because the waves radiate from this source. It doesn’t seem to me a neutron star would be powerful enough for this task which leaves only pairs of black holes or some other force which we are yet to discover.

Micro-plastics appear in many products we use. What we didn’t realize was they are also a source of water pollution. They are able to make it past filters and land up in rivers and oceans. Once these micro-plastics make it into the water, fish and other animals eat them and it causes them health problems and sometimes kills them. One of the biggest problems is these micro-plastic’s never dissolve and will remain in the water forever. Some appear in toothpaste as incredibly small beads, others are in face wash and still others are in different products. Some countries have banned these. Some forms of micro-plastics are micro-fibers. Micro-fibers appear in our clothing and get washed right out the washing machine. When we eat a fish which has eaten micro-plastics, we then consume the micro-plastic’s ourselves. When a study was done on Europeans it found they are now eating eleven thousand pieces of plastic a year. Could this be the cause of some of the new diseases which have appeared or the increase in some of the more recognized ones, such as autism?

It is no secret that the oceans of the world contain many precious minerals. A Canadian firm named Nautilus Minerals Inc. is going to launch the first deep-sea mining operation in 2019. They plan to use gigantic robotically controlled machines. The mining operations will take place off the coast of Papua New Guinea beginning on the floor of the Bismarck Sea. If there are at least as many minerals in the ocean as there are on land and there is three times as much ocean, you can imagine how lucrative mining the oceans may turn out to be.