Truth Facts



News 24 March 2023

I was reading some interesting news stories I would like to share with you. They are not the usual rubbish you read on the regular media sites. The first was has to do with surprise. It turns out you can hardly dig in some places without turning up something entirely unexpected. There is a location in England where someone thought it would be a good idea to put up a new supermarket, and why not, they usually all make money? Anyway, as the digging for the foundation was going on, guess what they found? It was a beautiful Roman mosaic. Obviously, this was one of the preferred methods for art in Roman times and since the Romans were all over England, or parts of it anyway, the remains of what the Romans left behind can be found in some very unexpected places. When you can discover entire Roman homes in the country you live in, history is constantly being kept alive.

Something I thought was very odd, was found in the ocean. I say I thought it was odd, but I don’t know how scientists felt about it. It seems there was a heat wave going on under the ocean across the northwestern Pacific Ocean. It took place between 2013 to 2016 and the heat area was named the blob. Changes in the ocean’s temperature effect many, if not all, of the creatures living in it. Interestingly it seems the scientists are blaming global warming. There is a problem with this because sometimes the surface water doesn’t warm, just the bottom water. Interestingly there was no mention in the report I read about thermal vents which release boiling water or lave cracks with red hot lava leaking into the ocean from the bottom. I am not a scientist, but I don’t see how this could be ignored when at the very least it might contribute to the warming or in some cases be far more responsible for it.

It seems to me we still aren’t sure if there is water on Mars. First there was the underground theory, then the water from ice theory, and now the vanishing ice theory. At a planetary science conference they spoke about indications of an ancient glacier which was found on Mars and the scientists feel there was at least water on Mars at some time and maybe still is. Every time I hear about this it reminds me of the movie Robinson Crusoe on Mars. The movie just might have gotten it right. It was about two astronauts that crashed on Mars with one surviving who eventually found water there in the form of oceans under the surface. Wouldn’t it be funny if this is what we find when we get there?

Now I would like to tell you about something I thought I would never hear in my lifetime. It was announced a breakthrough was made in quantum computing which is paving the way for the world’s first experimental wormhole. This is just earth shattering. If we could perfect wormhole traveling, it could open the door to going to many different places in a short period of time without light speed. Think of the program Star Gate where the military even went to other galaxies in a minute or less. Even if we can create a wormhole, don’t look for human travel through it for a very long time, it would be only the very first step. First, we would have to make sure it was stable. Next, we might be able to try it out on different locations on earth to see if we could send objects through it. We would have to make sure it was not dangerous to create. We would have to figure out a way to know if we tried to send something off planet, if it got there, and if it was some sort of animal, if it arrived in normal condition. I am sure there are plenty of other things which have to be done that I haven’t thought of.

There was a funny story I read which was about archaeology. As we all know archaeology needs a lot of digging. Right now, there are probably hundreds of archaeologists all over the world digging and brushing. It is true sometimes they just don’t know what they might find and this is what happened in one case. As archaeologists were digging away, they got the shock of their lives. When they got down to a certain level, they discovered a man. This man was alive and living underground. The archaeologists were said to have apologized to the man profusely, and well they should have, they probably destroyed his ceiling.

Astronomers have made a discovery and it is sometimes moons crash into each other. I would have thought that was rather obvious. While we tend to think moons stay in the same place that isn’t true. Take our moon for example. Our moon is moving ever closer to earth and some day it will reach what is known as the Roche limit. That limit is about 11,470 miles above earth. According to scientists this will cause our moon to disintegrate, which will not be good for the moon or for earth which the pieces will crash into after forming a ring around the planet, or so they say. It also depends on what happens with the sun when it becomes a red giant.

Tucker Carlson, who people either love or hate, talked about some of our military who had UFO encounters and died from brain injuries and according to what he said, a scientist claimed he had been tasked with investigating this phenomena and found over 100 troops had died from brain injuries after UFO encounters. The scientist was said to have claimed there were many cases in courts over this. The military says the story is false, but how do we know?

Sometimes what we believe are natural structures, turn out to be the construction of a long dead civilization which were covered in soil and maybe even grass and trees. Scientists are finding more than 1,000 ancient Maya settlements, which many were in plain sight but not recognized for what they were. It is being claimed in places like Bosnia, there is a pyramid and it is one of perhaps several which have been mistaken for mountains. The Chinese have covered ancient Chinese pyramids with soil and planted on top of them to hide them. Apparently, they don’t believe in opening some of them. There is a lot more out there than most of us suspect.

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