Truth Facts



News January 11, 2023

Sometimes assumptions are made by archaeologists about certain finds. To me it is the same as theories. I mean they are sort of educated guesses, which might be correct, but could also certainly be wrong. I admit I am not a bible expert, and many things in the bible have been proven to be true such as different places for example, but I have never heard that Mary had a midwife at the birth of Jesus. It is being claimed this proof appears in the Book of James. There were 3 different people named James. One is said to be the brother of Jesus and the other two were apostles. The book of James is being cited as having the proof in it. Many historians doubt some of the things in the Book of James even though it is included in the new testament.

There are times when I come across some incredible stories. One of the latest tells of a psychic who made an incredible claim, well one which I think is incredible. She claims she was visiting a friend when that friend’s hamster died. So far not so incredible. Here is the incredible part, she claims to have seen the soul of the hamster leaving the body of the animal. While this sounds truly, I don’t want to say crazy, I will say unusual, it is not the first time I have heard stories about psychics seeing the souls of dying animals depart their bodies. The last one I heard about was a bird. I am not saying I know if animals have souls or not, just that if someone asked me, I would say I don’t think so. I would hate to think they did and we hunt or regularly slaughter them for food.

Scientists have been puzzled about the smaller galaxies orbiting our own and how they seem to be on such a thin rotating plane. There is even a name for the plane called the Plane of Satellites. Research has been conducted into this phenomena and it has been discovered this plane will not last and eventually will dissolve. The plane was discovered in 1970, and ever since this time, scientists have been trying to find out more about it. The the plane was discovered by charting the movement of over one billion stars in our galaxy. This showed how the plane worked and also the fact the plane will be dissolved in about a few hundred million years.

With all the countries getting into the space race did you ever wonder which ones were the most advanced. Sure, we know about the United States, China and Russia, but there are others making a mark. They are Republic of Korea, Italy, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, no this is not a mistake, Canada, Germany, India, France, Japan and the United Kingdom. I bet you never guessed Luxembourg.

As we are being told by the government there are no UFOs which are alien devices, the offices of AARO, which is the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office has received many hundreds of UFO reports. Are sightings just imaginary or are people actually seeing UFOs? Are the films which were released by the navy of UFOs they called UAPs, which performed maneuvers beyond human capability just imaginary? It is time to stop thinking the public is composed of dunces who believe everything they say and give us some credit. I guess you can see I have grown impatient with all the UFO cover-ups, this is what happens when you are interested in a subject for so long and never get an answer which you believe is known.

Scientists believe they have found out something very important about our ancient past. The answers they think they found were on the Aegean Islands. First it is important to remember scientists believe we, the modern humans, have been around for about 200,000 years. Recently however that date is being pushed back. It is believe the Aegean Islands were isolated for over 450,000 years, but scientists are saying they found evidence of different races on the islands. This would mean earlier versions of humans were smarter than we thought and could have known how to sail in boats. Clues are starting to appear which seem to prove this. We are yet to find the remains of 450,000 year old boats and it is believed wood could not survive that long. Was there some other way early humans could have gotten to the islands without a boat? If the oceans were lower enough in those times perhaps, they could have walked over a land bridge, but this seems unlikely.

The earth just keeps changing. It makes you wonder if most planets are this dynamic. Anyway, the deserts in places like Saudi Arabia were not always deserts but at one time at least 8,000 years ago, they were fertile plains. This was proven by recent discoveries of ancient stone structures not only there, but in places like Jordan, Syria, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Iraq.

Guess what? We have another person claiming to be a time traveler. If this was true, the world would be full of them by now with all the claims being made. This one says he is from 2983 and is saying we are going to meet aliens next year. He made it clear he was not talking about illegal aliens but space aliens. Here are the predictions he made:
January 30, 2023 – We are going to discover 3 unbalanced universes.
February 10, 2023 – A UFO will land near Area 51.
February 14, 2023 – High school students in Mexico will receive unknown abilities. TicTok seems to be a breeding ground for these people. If a real time traveler came here and made predictions, most of us would never believe him or her.

Now for a hopeful article I read. There is said to be a new experimental cancer therapy which has shown success in more than 70 percent of patients in global clinical trials. I think this is so important I should just repost the address of the article. Experimental cancer therapy shows success in more than 70% of patients in global clinical trials (
I am leaving the address link live to make it easier.

A British author has come out with a statement saying NASA is covering up evidence of the existence of aliens and says he has evidence to prove what he is saying. The author is Simon Lewis. This would not exactly be news to me and most of us who have been following UFOs, NASA and the government for years, but every little bit helps.

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