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It’s finally going to happen, scientists have decided it’s time to dig into the area where the meteor fell which supposedly destroyed the dinosaurs. Sometimes strange things happen when people dig deep holes into the earth. A team of drillers is going to head out to Mexico and dig a hole in the center of the Chicxulub crater. Scientists believe It’s been 66 million years since the meteor hit there so it will be anyone’s guess as to what they will find. They have high hopes of finding clues where they dig of how life came back from such a catastrophe. The project is sponsored by the international Ocean Discovery Program and the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program. There have been some people who have said over the years it may not have been a meteor which crashed there, but something else. There are even those who think in is in the realm of possibility we could find a 66 million year old UFO at the center of the crater. The scientists think they will not have to drill very deeply. They estimate they will only have to drill to a depth of about 500 feet before they can collect core samples. Another scientist thinks it might have been an asteroid that hit the area and bases this upon a thin layer of Indium which was found. He believes this could have come from an asteroid. Well I guess it won’t be long before we find out as drilling is set to start sometime in April 2016.

Slavery was a terrible thing and thank goodness it is no more, but wait it really is not extinct and still exists in modern times. A recent report states there are more slaves today than there were at any other time in history. How can this be? It turns out that a lot of migrant domestic workers in Asia are slaves. A recent article pointed out the fact that a large portion of women in the Philippines and Indonesia said their recruiters in their home country had confined them, taken their documents and some had abused them verbally, physically and sexually. The authors of the report said they never expected to find out slavery was so widespread in the modern world. There is now an estimate by some of there being up to 1.75 million women in slavery in the Philippines and Indonesia.

There is a very dangerous condition existing in Iraq and I am not talking about the fighting. It turns out the huge dam in Mosul is not being maintained properly and as of the date of this article being written 4 March 2016 is in danger of being breached and if that happens it is estimated between 1 million and 1.5 million people could die. People have been advised to move at least 3.5 miles from the riverbanks of the Tigris River. The dam is the largest in the country. It is expected if the dam goes the water could reach a depth of 45 feet in some areas including the city of Mosul. This makes me wonder if Isis gets pushed completely out of the city will they try and blow the dam and commit the ultimate genocide. This is one of the things which has to be guarded against. Mosul won’t be the only city under water, it is said the water will hit other cities such as Tikrit, Samarra and will even reach Baghdad. The Iraq government has just signed an 18 month contract with and Italian engineering company to maintain the dam. The company said they will send equipment right away, but it will take two to three months before work could begin.

I think we all remember when the Chernobyl nuclear plant had a meltdown. The radiation was so bad the plant had to be sealed in cement and many died doing it. The area around the plant became a ghost town due to radiation and the government made it a no man’s land. Even the ground exhibited high levels of radiation. As mushrooms and plants grow they were accumulating radiation, but then something strange was found. In this radioactive mess truffles were dug up and they did not accumulate radioactivity. The experts are very surprised by this fact. What made this so surprising is that truffles take their nutrients from the soil. Truffles are a fungus as are mushrooms. Scientists still don’t know why the truffles didn’t become radioactive. One has to wonder if they find something out about them which will help protect us against radiation.

A former reporter has said something which should send chills down the collective spines of all of us. She gives an example of how the media is fixed on the side of corporations. She said you see a commercial about a drug and the commercial says the drug is so good it should be given even to children if they are not sick. She then says you decide to Google the drug to see the true facts about it and find glowing reports everywhere. We should not be fooled according to her, because she states the companies launch campaigns and fill the internet with glowing reports to get us to buy the drug, but in truth they are just propaganda the company is putting out. That is a very sad state of affairs for us and is just another example of how companies put profit ahead of our health.

There have been stories in the past about how smart Ravens and Blackbirds are. One story told of a lab test where some seeds were put into a thimble with a folded down handle which was then inserted into a wider pipe and put into a blackbird’s cage along with a paperclip and the blackbird took the paper clip and made a hook at the end and fished out the thimble from the pipe. Now scientists are saying they think ravens use thought processes which were never believed possible. It is now being said Ravens spy on each other and know when they are being spied upon by other birds. One scientist said humans have something called the theory of mind and that ravens have a basic form of the same thing. Ravens will eat then take the scraps back with them by carrying them in their mouths and storing them to eat later. As they do this other ravens may spy on them and when they leave take their food. When the raven realizes he is being watched he then will try and deceive the bird watching by going behind something and digging there, come back and make believe they still are storing the food. Another trick is to keep the food in their throat pouch, but make believe it is being buried to throw the bird watching off their trail.


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