Truth Facts



Mysterious Places, Both Ancient and Modern

There are many places on this planet which seem mysterious. Take Egypt for example with all those ancient temples and statues, not to mention the Sphinx, one of the most mysterious ancient statues around. Then there is the Great Pyramid towering so high it was the tallest structure in the world for many thousands of years until the Eiffel Tower was built. There are also many remains of mysterious cultures all over the world which have faded from existence.

There are many ancient civilizations which flourished in what are today different countries and then just vanished without a trace creating lasting mysteries. Catalhooyuk was an ancient city in what is now Turkey and it existed about 9000 years ago and maybe longer. Then the people disappeared one day and no one knows why or where they went. This has been repeated in many other locations at different periods of time. This city was so old there were no doors and homes were built next to each other and you entered your home through a hole in the roof.

Nothing lasts forever and this can be proved by the number of civilizations that disappeared. They were all over the world and in places where this didn’t seem to happen, it still could have but the knowledge and proof might have either disappeared or has not been found yet. There is a book titled Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock that was published about 30 years ago and it states the theory ancient civilizations existed before we started keeping track of history. Tied in with this are some opinions by experts who think it is possible cultures could have existed so long ago, all traces of their existence were erased by nature. One person said we have to dig a lot deeper to find any trace of them, but I am not sure if this would produce any evidence anymore. These ancient cultures, if they existed, might be crushed by pressure, covered by the sands at the bottom of oceans or even under mountains by now. The Appalachian  mountains were said to have formed about 400 million years ago and are getting worn down. They could take hundreds of millions of years more to disappear. Theoretically, there could have been signs of life in the area they formed in and they wiped out all this evidence.

If we look at South and Central America there are at least three cultures that left their cities and these cities were incredible, and now these ruins dot much of the jungles. The Maya civilization suffered a collapse. They began to leave their cities. No one knows the exact reason for this, but some say the populations might have gotten tired of all the human sacrifice. I always wondered about that. Recently a large group of young boys was found which had been sacrificed, imagine if you were their parents and some Maya priest came to you and said he had a great honor for your family and that was you were being permitted to sacrifice a child. There was even a case found where twins had been sacrificed. I think this could be a very good reason to get out of town. Others blame wars, food shortages and lack of water, but as I said no one really knows for sure the reason for this.

While these kinds of things are mysterious, the most mysterious place on the planet seems to be the South Pole or Antarctica. First of all, why are parts of it a no-fly zone? There seems to be pyramids sticking out of the snow thanks to global warming and they can be clearly seen on Google Earth. Scientists deny this as expected, they say these are just mountain peaks, but they seem too perfect in their shape for a natural object. There is even said to be a huge underground pyramid there which is sending out radio waves. It is said by whistleblowers to be manned by the United States and carefully guarded and under top secret protection.

The South Pole could easily be the home of prior ancient races because it was once very lush. Scientists believe about 90 million years ago it was a forest. The forests were said to be rain forests and the continent was said to be warm. This might be the place where we find out there were people here before us or at least beings. Yes, perhaps other races existed on earth before us. If you want to get really weird there are stories they still exist, and Admiral Byrd talked with them when he was there leading Operation Highjump, which was formed to supposedly look for secret Nazi bases after World War 2. He was said to have been flying over the pole when  he saw a huge opening and flew into it and came across a crystal city and spoke with one of the officials.

One of the things which leads to the mystery of Antarctica are all the regulations by the countries which are there. Operation Highjump was said to have been chased out of Antarctica by UAPs build by the Nazis. Could the story be partially true? Could the part they were chased out by UAPs be true, but the story about the Nazis be fiction to cover up the real reason for them being there? Some have said we and maybe other nations have tested secret weapons there.

There are even more mysterious places right in our country. I have to say there can be no talk of mysterious places without mentioning the most mysterious place of all. I am Talking about Skinwalker ranch. It is located near Ballard, Utah.  I can’t believe this show ever got onto television and the place wasn’t placed off limits to the public. I say this because the place seems to strengthen the case for extraterrestrial portals, craft, and activity. Respected scientists are running experiments there and discovering activities which are not natural to humans. There has to be a reason for this show being allowed to be made and I would love to know what it is. Lately, there have been far more UAP articles getting into the media news. They are articles they never would have published before, so why now? It is making me think something is going to happen and it will be big and might even knock the election out of the news.                                                                                   

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