Truth Facts



Are There Monsters?

Lately many people are talking about UAP sightings, but they don’t seem to be the only strange sightings being reported. Another category of sightings is being reported and it is strange monsters. Monster sightings go back to pre-history. Some believe they are merely the figment of our imaginations. The problem with some of these sightings is they are made not by just one or two people, but many more. This creates a question in the minds of some of the people who see them and it is, are there monsters and strange beings or animals which also populate the earth?

One of the other questions on people’s minds is where do these things come from? Some think there might be ancient animals and dinosaurs still surviving in very limited numbers in areas where there are not many people. Indeed, Big Foot is said to be found in very wooded areas. Not everyone thinks of Big Foot as a monster, some think of it as a giant ape, while others hold the theory it is one of our ancient relatives. The strange thing is a body of a Big Foot is said never to have been found. On top of this there has been a few sightings of Big Foots coming down in a beam from a UAP. Why would aliens be moving Big Foots around?

Extraterrestrials could be playing a bigger part in the monsters than we know. There are thousands of stories about them abducting people and doing experiments on them and releasing them most of the time. When they do these exams, they probably extract DNA. The big question is what do they do with it? Would it be so far out for me to  suggest they may be using it to create other beings and at least some of what we think are monsters or maybe even aliens are really beings either being altered by extraterrestrials or created by them for reasons unknown. This last idea could indicate the unknown reasons are to create a race which would be kinder to the planet. When we think of some of the countries on this planet, we can’t help but notice some very long-range plans to make them even more powerful. If humans make these types of plans, why wouldn’t aliens also do this. We could be looking at a plan which is envisioned to make a big change a hundred, a thousand or tens of thousands of years from now. There is also the possibility at least some of the extraterrestrials live much longer lives and there is even a chance they might be immortal. Time wouldn’t mean much to beings like that. They would have all the time in the world to see their future plans succeed. Being immortal is not as crazy as it sounds. We have a  couple of sea creatures right on this planet which are immortal.

If we look at the theory most scientists accept about the Big Bang creating the universe, we find more of them starting to believe it is wrong. There is another theory which states material from another universe or dimension may be leaking into our universe and that accounts for the expansion. Could it be somehow life is able to get through and has arrived on our planet?

Let me explore a theory which states there is a rip in time and space. Could it be the earth in its position is playing some central part in this and we don’t know it? Could that be the real reason why so many UAPs come here? We think they are interested in us, but that may not be the main reason they show up. It is said there are many vortexes on this planet and strange things have happened when people have unknowingly walked through them or sailed through them. Could it be all these vortexes are what really interests the aliens. Let’s take this a step closer, could our planet be some sort of way station or stop before a bigger jump is made?

Why are so many monsters seen in lakes and rivers? It seems too many of them have a monster associated with them. Could they have been brought there on purpose? The truth about this is we really don’t have much proof of their existence. All we know is people have seen strange things floating in the water or maybe swimming. Add to this the hoaxes which have been perpetrated and it seems to me there is probably no case which can be credibly made for their existence. There is a case for some very big fish existing there however.

Pterodactyls are a different story. They are said to be the biggest live animal which ever flew. It is said they died out with the rest of the dinosaurs, or did they? Every once in a while, there is a supposed sighting of what is said to be a Pterodactyl. A newspaper was said to have put up a photo over 100 years ago of one which was said to have been shot. The photo was said to have disappeared, as I believe the newspaper company also did. Another photo was taken by hunters late in the 19th century. This photo is on the internet but I don’t know of anyone who thinks it is genuine, but you never know.

Some monsters are said to be able to fly, like the Jersey Devil which has the silhouette of a man, but with wings and glowing red eyes. It is associated with death and is credited with the collapse of a bridge. It was seen on the bridge a couple of days before it collapsed. Maybe it was trying to warn us of impending danger and was not responsible for the collapse.

I don’t believe we could tell the difference between a monster and some types of aliens. Take the Lizard People for example. They are said to exist by many people, but they look like creatures from an old movie called the Creature from the Black Lagoon. They are also said to dislike humans and some say they think of us as food. That is an unpleasant thought, isn’t it? Imagine trying to converse with one while he eyes you up and down looking for the most tender parts.

Do we have monsters on our world? I guess it depends on your definition. If a tiger comes after you, might you consider this a monster. It certainly is very dangerous and deadly. How about a giant shark. There are lots of animals, fish and even insects which are extremely dangerous. Sometime size is not the problem, it’s the poison.

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