Truth Facts



Is There a Connection?

There are a  lot of strange things going on, could there be some sort of a connection between them? Many of these occurrences are so different one wouldn’t think so, but you never know. These things are happening all over the world. Some people seem to have gained powers the rest of  us don’t have. Maybe we do have them, but just don’t know it. I am thinking about powers of the mind such as the ability to accomplish remote viewing where you can detect people and events almost anywhere else from your position. If we look deep enough into this, and I am going to look a little deeper than most, there is the fact it has been said we all or most of us have been subjected to alien abductions and we just have no memory of it. Let’s assume for the sake of this article this is true. Could it be there was more to the abduction and we were altered and maybe this is how the people with remote viewing powers got them. Could it be some, or all of us didn’t just develop this ability, but it was given to us?

How about those people who get so excited from an emergency who exhibit superhuman strength. We are told it must be from the increased flow of adrenaline caused by the harrowing situation they find themselves in. When did we first hear about this ability? I am not saying It didn’t happen in ancient times, but aside from a couple of people like Sampson, and if he really existed Hercules, I personally never heard about it happening that far back. Maybe it did and it was not noted because many of the people couldn’t write, but even if that is true, maybe alien abductions were going on even in those days.

Look at the very strange events at Skinwalker Ranch. In case you don’t follow them a ranch in Utah was being examined by the government for about 20 years because of strange things going on there. As I said in the past, I am amazed they allowed a private citizen to buy it and put it on television. The owner hired a scientific team to examine what exactly was happening on the ranch and figure out who was responsible and why. There have been strange signals, UFOs, portals and crazy temperature changes and invisible barriers in place on the ranch. There is definitely something going on there and what the scientists believe to be a portal which allows traffic to go into a solid mesa and come out the other side, that traffic being what looks like UFOs. There could even be some sort of paranormal activity going on there. It does  seem these things are all related to the UFO problem and it is believed there is a dome shaped object in that mesa.

Missing time is another thing which seems to be related to abductions and UFOs. Many people who experience it, when put under hypnotism become aware and remember being abducted by aliens. Some have said they believe false memories are created by the hypnotist unknowingly or maybe even on purpose. I think there are enough doctors who do this procedure that it eliminates this possibility at least on those people who get hypnotized by psychologists and psychiatrists. I would be very interested to see if the average person could be asked to appear for one of these sessions who never thought they were abducted. If they would have memories of an abduction after hypnotism it could mean one of two things, they either were abducted and didn’t remember it, or they hypnotism was defective.

Related to all this so far is history. You are probably wondering what I am talking about. I am talking about evidence we found which we don’t seem able to explain. Take for example the Egyptian temple at Abydos in Egypt. It was built in about 1300 B.C., yet it contains a plaque which is  mysterious in the extreme. On that plaque is a relief of a jet plane, a helicopter, some sort of speed boat. How could this ever be explained since it is said this was original to the temple. Was someone looking into the future when they created these hieroglyphics? Does this have anything to do with extraterrestrials? Maybe it was a sign of when they would make contact? We know there have been a lot of people predicting alien contact is just right around the corner and could this be a message which states when these inventions come to pass, that is when contact will be made?

What are we to think when some of our greatest scientists and artists tell us their ideas for inventions and art just appeared in their thoughts and they just copied the information? Doesn’t this sound strange to you? It does to me. It has been said many times there are people who believe aliens are giving us these ideas to advance our race and get it to a point where it will be able to enter a sort of space United Nations. Maybe these people are entirely correct or at least partially correct. How could a person get a complete blueprint like thought for a very complicated invention so good it just needed to be copied?

 Another connection which is harder to figure out is why some people who suffer a bad injury begin to speak in languages they never studied or knew? Could it be the knowledge for many other things is preloaded into our brains or could there be some sort of switch which gets turned on and if so, why does this knowledge get turned back off eventually in so many? Could it be they were not intended to be able to access it so it is taken away again, and by who or what? Is it taken back by extraterrestrials, or maybe by God? Is there some other place the information is coming from? It has been said there is a place in the universe which holds all this information and if we could access it, we would know everything eventually. Is this area, if it exists, controlled at all or is it just an area which was created when the universe was formed?

It seems to me sometimes we have to look deeper to find answers and in my view many of the things I spoke of could be connected, but you will have to form your own opinions of these things and I hope you will give this some thought.

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