Truth Facts



Here are a couple of articles from the archive of About Facts which I used to own. I thought you might enjoy them.

German Flying Saucers

Many claims Germany had developed a flying saucer during World War II abound. The story goes this way. The Nazis were working on flying saucers, I use the plural because I have seen several different types discussed, but never completed one before the end of the war or simply didn't have enough to make any difference. Some even go so far as to say some of the NAZIs fled to the North Pole to underground bases and took the few disks that worked. All one has to do is go onto the internet and there are many stories on this subject each one a little or a lot different than the one before.

We all know that the Germans during the war had the most advanced weapons, thanks to the thousands of scientists and engineers that they had assembled. Just looking at those advanced weapons today still astounds us. There were rockets, both guided and unguided, jet planes, rocket planes, and much, much more. So, it is easy to see why some may feel there are things we never learned at the end of the war, things which were just too advanced to share with the general public.

The Schriever-Habermohl was a disk shaped aircraft that was supposed to have been developed in the last years of the war. It was essentially a dome with a rotating rim which was very flat. All models were supposed to have been destroyed by the Germans so they wouldn't fall into enemy hands. A different version of the story states the Russians got one but we found a German scientist who worked on it, his name was Miethe, and brought him to the U.S.

Most people regard the stories of Nazi saucers as a complete myth. Some of the stories get pretty elaborate. I like the one where it is said the Japanese put a saucer together from crated parts which the Germans sent to Japan, by a submarine, after Germany had lost the war. It goes on further to say the Japanese flew the saucer which belched smoke and flames and it so scared them that they had it destroyed. I am sorry but I can't imagine any weapon which would have scared the Japanese.

After the war certain German groups asserted that Germany was not the only country to construct experimental saucers. It is not clear what countries they were talking about. No one can deny the Germans were years ahead in rocket propulsion. They even had small rockets they could attach to planes to help give them lift. Maybe they were experimenting with a saucer shaped rocket powered craft?

There are other possibilities regarding the sighting of German UFOs, they may have been something else, which looked like saucers. One person states the Germans constructed a craft which was designated the V-7. It looked very much like a saucer, but was concealing jet powered blades at the bottom. It was really, according to the story, a jet powered helicopter. This is a possibility since the Germans were known to have been involved in early helicopter development. The problem with this story is the vehicle might have been unstable because of the design. The Germans did have some experimental aircraft that were pancake shaped but with highly visible propellers attached to them.

Some of these stories get truly strange. It is said the Germans knowing the war was lost took their saucers along with equipment and supplies, loaded them on to several ships and submarines, and sailed for a huge underground base they had constructed at the North Pole and are living there to this day along with their descendants.

If the Germans truly had a flying saucer, then what was the power source? There is a story for this too. It is said that SS Captain Hans Coler had developed a device. It  converted gravitational and magnetic energy into electricity. This must have been the best kept secret in the world. A citation is listed on a few web sites across the internet, it is British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee final report No. 1043 ITEM No. 31 titled The Invention of Hans Coler. I tried looking it up with no luck, maybe someone out there can do better. If you find the document which is supposed to be declassified, please let me know, by clicking here.

Were there German saucers and did some Germans flee with them? It doesn't look like we have too much evidence to support this, but wouldn't it make a great story

The Dropa, are they human or alien?

Have you ever wondered if aliens have landed on earth? Well let’s take this question a step further, have you ever wondered if aliens after having landed on earth decided to stay or had no way to leave? You say you think your boss is an alien, well maybe, who knows for sure, but a lot of people insist that the Dropa are aliens. The question is, why would anybody think a race of people were descended from aliens?

Let’s look at the Dropa and find out a little more about them. The Dropa are a people that live between China and Tibet in caves. There are caves which are inhabited by two tribes, the Hans and the Dropa. In physical appearance it is said the Dropa have an old appearance, they are short, the tallest being about five feet in height with the average being under four feet, and their builds are very slight. The other tribe the Hans now looks the same. Neither tribe looks Chinese or Tibetan.

Now let’s get back to the question of why on earth would people think the Dropa are the descendants of aliens? The story goes this way, in 1938 while a survey was being conducted of the caves in the area, by archaeologists, they discovered some strange graves. The occupants of these graves left their skeletons behind as is often the case. The skeletons had very large heads but very thin frail bodies. No one was sure if the creatures in the graves were even human. The story would have ended here, unsettled, except for the next discovery. It was a large round stone disk and it was on the cave floor. Even this stone was strange because it had the appearance of a large record, you know, the kind that used to be used on a record player. The stone even had grooves cut into it, like record grooves. The grooves turned out to be extremely small characters written very close together. The weight of the disks is estimated at one kilogram or two pounds, and the diameter at 28 to 30 centimeters, making them about one foot in diameter.

You would think everyone would be running to translate this disk, wouldn't you? Well, you would be wrong. The disk lay in storage for over twenty years with the occasional scientist looking at it. But then it happened. Dr. Tsum Um Nui broke the code, and the information on the disk started to flow. I don't know if this part is true, but it is said he was prevented from publishing the translation. Well, be that as it may, there was another find. It was 1965 and a cache of 716 more disks were found in the caves again. It is said these disks contained a strange story that went like this:

There was a space ship flying over the earth when something went terribly wrong. The ship crashed into the mountain range known as the Baya Kara Ula range. Since the occupants of the ship did not look like the humans that inhabited the region, and were ugly by human standards, they were hunted down after the crash and many of them were killed. They had no way to repair their ship and I guess no way to contact anyone else for help. We are talking about a crash that took place around 12,000 years ago. The date is derived by dating the drawings on the caves of the region. The drawings consist of pictures of the heavens, including known stars, that are connected by large dots.

Do these stone records contain some other message, that we cannot yet decipher? Nothing else has been discovered yet but Russian scientists have tested the stones and when they are spun, they hum. Unfortunately, Professor Tsum Um Nui is now deceased. The stone disks seem to have disappeared, yes that's right, all 717 of them. Two had been sighted in 1974 by an Australian at Banpo Museum at Xi'an, where he photographed them, but now they are gone also.

In order for us to believe the Dropa are descended from aliens that crashed on this planet, we would have to believe after the crash they lost all their technology over time. It is possible, especially if the ones who were the engineers and scientists were killed, leaving the ordinary Dropa. Just imagine a ship load of people. Only a few know how to sail or repair the ship. Further imagine all the passengers are just ordinary people, or that maybe there are a few hundred people but only one or two is an engineer or scientist. The ship crashes into a reef, the captain and crew are killed and of 300 passengers only 17 survive, none of whom have any technological skill. They float to a desert island and they and their descendants remain there for 12000 years, undiscovered. Finally, an explorer comes across them. What does he find, technology? Probably not, more likely huts and spears.

Some people are using the argument it would be impossible for a race of people to exist which is so, small unless alien DNA was controlling their growth. They seem to totally disregard the fact the pigmy exists in Africa. Another thing I find curious, is the fact stone records were found when records were very popular. It does seem a little too convenient. Maybe it is time for a study of the Dropa DNA. Could the Dropa be aliens, well in any event, I guess anything is possible and there does seem to be some evidence to warrant further investigation, what do you think?

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