Truth Facts




One of the things which amazes me is people are still looking for Bigfoot and every once in a while, they will show you a photo which they claim shows one. All of the photos I have ever seen were inconclusive and on most it was even hard to find a figure of a Bigfoot in them even though the area might have been circled with a red marker. Did you know there was a group of Bigfoot hunters named the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization and they put up a photo of what they said was a Bigfoot in South Dakota which was said to be hiding in some trees. To me the picture just looks like a bunch of leaves. You know what they say, if you stare at something long enough you will see what you are looking for even if it isn’t there. This is because our brains fill in the missing data with the data we expect to see.

There are plenty of tales of monsters being seen on the earth. Sometimes even strange events happen. Take the famous Skinwalker ranch. So much crazy stuff is going on there it boggles the imagination and seems to be unexplainable. It does make one wonder however, when we are told in the opening the U.S. government investigated for 20 years and gave up trying to solve the mysteries there and allowed a private individual to buy the place. It seems to me if all that strange stuff was going on at the time, the government never would have let it become public. What do you think?

There has been a thought which has persisted for many years and maybe even centuries that some of the creatures from the age of the dinosaurs might have survived into the present age. If a couple of these creatures existed today it would be in deep oceans and secluded places like woods. If we saw one, we might think it was a monster when it was really just an earlier form of life. Could there be a couple of these creatures that somehow escaped the extinction of most of their fellow creatures? The idea is not that far fetched when you think about it. We have found fish for example which we thought were extinct for millions of years. Take the Tile fish for example. Fishermen were incredibly surprised when a few decades ago they pulled up one in a net. Tile fish were on menus after that, but now the FDA recommends they not be eaten due to high mercury content.

Recently scientists have stated life came to earth from meteors and asteroids. This makes one wonder if all life on other planets could possibly all be the same as life on earth. How much does environment contribute to changes in life? It could turn out there will only be slight variations in the form life takes. Could there be the same so called monsters we complain about, like Bigfoot on other planets?

We have heard plenty about river monsters for hundreds of years. While many times we credit dinosaurs for surviving in rivers, the monsters could actually be things like giant catfish weighing 370 pounds and over six feet long or other rather common fish which have grown to huge sizes. There could be something like an abnormal sized crocodile or other abnormal sized beast we don’t know about.

There are many reports of strange creatures we never hear about. The Jinn are said to live here on earth right along with us and yet they are invisible most of the time. Some say they are spirits, while others call them demons. Some of us have heard them being called Genies. Remember the story about rubbing the lamp and the Genie coming out to grant 3 wishes? He was a Jinn. They are said to be created neither evil or good, much like us. While some comments state no one has ever seen a Jinn, there are those who claim to have seen one. While some of us believe in spirits haunting houses, other believe they have seen Jinn in the same situation.

There is an account of a situation in the ocean of a World War One submarine sinking a ship which exploded as its boilers hit the cold water. The captain of the submarine was watching the ship sink from the subs coning tower. Years later he reported when the ship blew up, it sent a creature flying through the air. The creature was about 65 feet long and had a body similar to a crocodile. Its head was said to be very long and tapered forward. The captain said he saw it in the bright sunshine. What could a crocodile be doing in salt water? Being 65 feet long if it was a crocodile would make it the biggest one on record.

There is a monster which is said to reside in Kentucky. It is called the Pope Lick Monster. It is said to be half human and half goat. The description of the monster by those who claimed to see it, is of a beast with a deformed human torso with goat legs, and a head with horns. It is said to be a killer of people, using different methods to destroy them. There is a train trestle at Pope Lick which is said to attract those people trying to get a glimpse of it. As anyone ever made it to the train trestle and then disappeared? No one knows for sure.

There is said to be a monster roaming the vast wasteland at the Arctic circle. It is said to be a giant wolf named the Amarok. It does not hunt in packs as other wolves do; it hunts alone. It is said by those who are in the area to be far bigger than a human. The Inuit people also believe there is another type of monster wolf called the Amagug. The Amarok is said to be a maneater. The Amagug is said to be a trickster.

For many years it has been said there is a creature known in English as a goat sucker, but more commonly known as a Chupacabra. It was said to have been spotted for the first time in 1970s, in Puerto Rico. Witnesses say it will attack any livestock not just goats. It is said to resemble a dog. It is believed to be spreading out into new territories and has been seen in many places in the Americas, according to some who say they are witnesses.

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