Truth Facts



Did Giants Exist?

One of the things which is more or less not being spoken about enough, is the fact graves containing the remains of giants are found in many places. As with many things wanting to be covered up, there have been obvious fake photos being put up on the internet of giant skeletons. I believe the reason for this is not just fun, it is to detract from the validity of the finds. There are certain things we are not supposed to know and certain powers that want to cover them up. Just look at all the coverups that went on form many decades with the subject of UFOs. A pretty successful campaign of disinformation was launched against the subject. Since the UFO sightings are a lot more prevalent than the finding of the graves of giants, the coverup on the graves is less noticeable.

Sardinia is a place which is said to contain many graves of giants. The people of Sardinia claim giants lived on their island until they died out. Bones of giants have been found all over the island. The giants were said to be sort of guardians of the island in the past. The prehistoric past is very obvious on the island as it is filled with ancient structures, many of which are the graves of what is believed to be giants. Some of these structures are very large graves which were built to accommodate the large people buried in them according to the locals. Archaeologists will tell you while the tombs are large, there is no proof of giants. There seems to be plenty of evidence of a lost civilization however.

We know giant animals existed on earth and almost every living thing was bigger at one time, so is it reasonable to think if humans did exist then, they also could have been giants? We have to step back on this idea and look at what we have found from that time period. There are dinosaur tracks with human foot prints next to them from an ancient former riverbed. If we examine the foot prints, they are normal size. Scientists don’t like to talk about that, because humans were not supposed to exist. On the other hand, ancient tools millions of years old have been found such as an axe which is so big it would take a giant to lift and use it. It was dated as being 7 million years old. To boost the case for ancient humans a hammer was found and dated to an incredible 400 million years ago. Some people believe there may have been an intelligent race on earth before humans. No evidence of this has been found that I know about.

There is a claim which is so outlandish I hesitate to even tell you because it sounds so incredible. I am not saying I believe it; I am just reporting on it. Supposedly, giants have been found who are not dead, but were reposing in stasis chambers. It is being said they were in them for thousands of years. I know this is almost too incredible to read. The story goes on and states some were woken up and captured secretly by some of the very powerful people on our planet. A whistleblower was said to have mentioned this on a show. He claims to have been in a secret space program. The story goes on to say the first discovery of the chambers was made in the 19th century. The chambers were said to be some sort of time machine which could let you sleep for thousands of years but to the sleeper would only be a few minutes. This story reminds me of all those so called time traveler stories. The chamber story makes this a little different.

We have learned from the bible many places we believed may not have been real, have been found to exist. The bible mentions giants, is this enough proof they existed? It is to some people, but clearly it is not empirical proof. It mentions giants in Canaan who Moses saw, talks about Goliath and the Anakites who were said to be giants. Genesis mentions giants, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also, after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them". The Nephilim were said to exist on earth and they were said to be half-angelic and half human who were giants. The also were said to have been destroyed by the flood.

Why do so many ancient races on earth believe there were giants in their past? It is a rather common theme among them. They are not only mentioned in the bible, but also in the Mahabharata and in sacred texts from different countries such as Egypt, Ireland, Greece, the Aztecs as well as others. Why would they believe this if it weren’t true? Some say the reason is it would account for some of the huge structures which were built and maybe account for the moving of very heavy stones by the ancients. I personally don’t thinks so because even giants would not be able to move some of the stones which were used. There could also be another reason for the legends of giants. Being a giant gives you more power than being just an ordinary human, so when the ancients thought about their gods, they sometimes pictured them as giants who would have power over us mere mortals.

It is said there have been some incredible finds of the remains of giant humans over the years. Here are some which have been reported which might be true. In Turkey the remains of a fifteen foot human, in Lucerne the remains of a nineteen and a half foot human, the remains of a twenty three foot human in France and a couple of remains found in the ruins of Carthage of two men who were about thirty six feet tall.

People like to think giants did exist and in some ways this idea may make an ancient country seem more  important and give the population something to be proud of. At this point in time there are a lot of stories about giants, but not much proof. Finding just one occasional grave of a giant person could mean it was caused by a growth disease called giantism. It is a result of over production of a growth hormone in the human body.

Until we find a community of giant human remains, we can’t truly say giants existed. Some might argue we can’t say they didn’t.

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