Truth Facts



Mysterious Triangles Around The World

When the size of the population is considered the country with the most UFO sightings is not the United States, it is Chile. Okay I will ask the question which is why? The answer is I have no idea, but neither does anyone else. There is an area known as the Welsh Triangle, where many strange things have been seen and continue to be seen. There have been the usual UFO sightings, but also glowing balls of light and some even claim they saw aliens looking into the windows of their homes. This isn’t all. Electronic devices have stopped working which include cars and anything else powered by electricity. There has also been a claim cattle were somehow teleported from one location to another.

I bet you didn’t know there are quite a few areas around the world known as mysterious triangles besides the Bermuda Triangle. There are those who call the Matlock Triangle the UFO capital of the world. I am sure many would debate this fact, but there is no denying there is something strange going on there. It is located in the Derbyshire Dales in Great Britain. UFOs have been seen numerous traveling at incredible speeds over the triangle. What makes this even more interesting is the fact there have been UFOs of all different shapes and sizes. One was even described as looking like a bowler hat.

The most famous triangular area of all is of course the Bermuda Triangle. It has been helped to achieve this status not only because of all the strange things which have occurred within the triangle, but also because of all the books written about it. Planes have disappeared after flying into it, ships have sunk and were never found and even instruments have acted strangely when a plane or ship enters the triangle. One pilot even claimed he was caught in a funnel shaped storm which transported his plane to its destination far earlier than possible. One ship which disappeared 90 years before, reappeared in the triangle and of course there was no crew aboard.

When we mention the Bermuda Triangle, we should also mention a similar triangle which is on the other side of the world and itself is famous. It is the Dragon’s Triangle. It is almost like it is a twin of the Bermuda Triangle because the same things happen in that triangle that happen in the Bermuda Triangle. There have been ships disappearing, planes getting lost and not coming out, magnetic storms playing havoc with instruments and many UFO sightings. Just as the Bermuda Triangle is right off the coast of the United States, The Dragon’s Triangle is off the coast of Japan. When a Japanese Navy ship never returned from the triangle, others were sent and they disappeared. What is even stranger is this triangle, which is exactly opposite the Bermuda Triangle, has the same properties.

Another area which is called a triangle where strange things are happening is the Bridgewater Triangle. It is located over Massachusetts in the United States. It is composed of wet lands and dense forests. In 1760 a UFO was reported over the triangle. Witnesses said it was a sphere of fire. It is said it was so bright people in several towns saw it. Sightings have been going on ever since. Strange creatures have been reported in the triangle. One of them is Bigfoot, another is called a Thunderbird. There have also been cattle mutilations.

There is another triangle which has been called the Bermuda Triangle of the Great Lakes. It is the Lake Michigan Triangle in the United States. It is located from it’s start at Manitowoc, Wisconsin to Ludington, Michigan and south to Benton Harbor. It is all over water. The first recorded mysterious happening was in 1891 when a ship sailed out to get lumber and was never seen again. It’s entire crew disappeared. In 1921 a ship which sailed onto the lake was found upside down and its crew disappeared. Evidence was found of a collision, but no other ship had reported any collision. In 1937 a captain named Donner was guiding his ship through an icy field and disappeared from his cabin. He had gone down to rest. When a member of the crew went to get him, he was no longer on the ship. Planes have also disappeared in the triangle. In 1950 a Northwest Airlines plane, flight 2501 which was carrying 58 people disappeared. No wreckage was ever found and no bodies even after a search.

The Alaskan Triangle has also become famous, perhaps not as famous as the Bermuda Triangle, but it has its mysteries. The triangle stretches from the southeastern wilderness and fjords to the interior tundra, up to the arctic mountain ranges. People who enter this area just keep disappearing at an alarming rate. Alaska has the highest percentage of missing people who are never found. The native Indian tribes blame it on evil spirits, but others have said they have witnessed UFOs abducting people.

One triangle area you may never have heard of is the Nevada Triangle. I find this hard to believe but a newspaper article claims thousands of planes have disappeared in and over this triangle. The land in the triangle is said to be 25,000 square miles and is virtually uninhabited. The estimation of the number of planes which disappeared in the last 60 years is 2,000. I guess if most were military planes we wouldn’t know about those disappearances, but the number still seems incredible. Since Area 51 is in the triangle, could we have shot down some aircraft? In 2007 a famous pilot named Steve Fossett vanished over the triangle. This time his plane was found and the crash was attributed to freak weather.

The triangle areas I mentioned are certainly mysterious, because of many different reasons. The first is all the UFO activity most of them have. The second is all the planes and ships that disappeared into them and never returned. One of the most mysterious is the ship which appeared in the Bermuda Triangle after disappearing 90 years before. How could this ship still be afloat? How come it never ran aground? How come in all those years no one ever spotted it? This indeed is one of the greatest mysteries. What do UFOs find so fascinating about these places which makes them continuously go over them. Some think alien bases could be under the water and land in the triangles. In the Alaskan Triangle a policeman’s dash cam recorded a UFO over the home of an alien abductee. It doesn’t get much more mysterious than that.

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