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The Mysteries Around Us

I think it might be interesting to talk about some mysteries we cannot solve yet. One of these mysterious things we have found out about is a mysterious force at the end of the visible universe which scientists are saying is pulling everything to it. Some say it is an unbelievable cluster of dark energy, but others say they do not know what it is and it could be something which we have not discovered yet. Then there are those who believe a gigantic black hole is waiting for us and dragging us into it, these same people also say it could be a cluster of gigantic black holes. There is also some other energy which affects our trips into space taking everything we shoot out into space slightly off course if we do not correct for it.

Another mystery which seems to be very historic and is pictured in paintings going back into our ancient past is UFOs. Let’s face it, people have been seeing UFOs for at least 25,000 years as evidenced by the paintings of them on cave walls. There is a famous wood carving of a UFO battle in the skies over Nuremberg Germany which is believed to have taken place about 1561. A report of the battle was also written in a news release at the time. It was printed on April 14, 1561 and the translation talks about immense smoke which rose from the ground as these object were shot down and crashed. The craft were described as one type looking like a black ball and another type which looked something like a black spear, very long and thick. The article stated the residents of the town had observed the fight many times.

We have many huge machines at our command today. The world’s greatest super crane can lift almost 7,000 tons. Up to a few years ago 2,000 tons of lift was considered quite a feat. This is quite a load as you can imagine, but it deepens the mystery of what I am about to mention. We have never found any ancient cranes which were capable of lifting huge amounts of weight until the Romans came along. The Polyspastos was a winch and with it four men at both sides could life 3,000 kg which is about 6,613 pounds. The problem is ancients moved stones far heavier than that before the Romans were even around and the Romans themselves somehow moved a block of stone weighing over 100 tones and placed it at the temple of Jupiter at Baalbek. The Egyptians lifted huge stones without any record of cranes or winches and even the ancients at Stonehenge moved huge stones without equipment of any kind long before the Romans. Other ancient races did the same thing. How did they do it? That is the mystery.

Sometimes something happens and everyone in the area knows about it, but no one can say why. This is one of the problems with the mysterious Taos hum. One of the problems with detecting this hum is only about two percent of the people can hear the Taos hum, but can you imagine having to listen to it 24 hours a day? The Taos hum is a low-frequency sound. All ordinary sources for the hum have been ruled out. Some of the people capable of hearing the hum say it is more pronounced inside buildings, but not everyone who hears it feels this way. Supposedly three people in the UK who heard the hum have committed suicide so far. Not everyone who hears the hum hears it at the same frequency which is another mystery. People hear it between 32 Hz and 80 Hz. Many people just call this phenomenon, the hum and nothing more but others affix the name of the area where it is being heard such as the Bristol Hum or Taos Hum.

When the Wright Brothers got credit for the first true airplane some others protested and said they had invented the airplane a year or two before, but no one ever said it was an ancient invention. If there were no airplanes before the era of the Wright Brothers how come we have jewelry from South and Central America which looks like jet planes and is over 1,000 years old? Some say the jewelry only represents birds, but has anyone ever seen a bird with a tail rudder, I know I haven’t. Some people decided to settle the argument and built exact models of the jewelry objects only up sized them. They flew perfectly and had jet engines. Clearly the people who designed the jewelry had knowledge of avionics. How can this be explained by any of us?

Some areas of the earth have strange qualities. These qualities are not found in most of the rest of the earth, although they may exist in a few secluded areas. One of these areas is the Bermuda Triangle. There are just so many unexplainable things which have happened there it makes one wonder why that area is so strange. It is a well-documented fact that electrical instruments and compasses go crazy in the triangle and ships along with planes disappear at an alarming rate. Then there are the strange electrical storms which many call time storms, because if you get caught in one as a pilot did a few years ago they seem to take you slightly into the future. The pilot I am talking about got caught in one while flying his single engine plane and landed up at his destination an hour early and yet his plane was not capable of the speed which would have been necessary for this to happen.

I’d like to finish with the Nacza Lines. The Nacza Lines are a series of lines in the Nacza desert in Peru. They are so big they can only be appreciated from the air. They contain drawings of animals of various types and even geometric shapes. There is a part which looks like an airport with landing strips and such and as unusual and mysterious as this is, there is even a greater mystery connected with Nacza. Some of the mountain tops have been sheared off to create a flat surface and yet there is no debris anywhere. No one is able to explain this. It would seem some higher intelligence made this a landing strip in the past and somehow made all the debris from the construction disappear.

There are so many mysteries in our world which cannot be explained that anyone who takes the time to really think deeply about things has to be amazed at what we don’t know.


