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Did Giants Walk The Earth?

Ancient puzzles are all over the earth. I am glad to see there is a new television show about the hunt for ancient giants, because there is so much evidence indicating they existed. What I am not happy about is it is not scientists, but stonemasons doing the searching. I have nothing against stonemasons, but to me this is a case for archaeologists or anthropologists. The stonemasons may be very dedicated in their search and what they find could be interesting and it is better someone is doing the searching than no one, but more could be gained if scientists could be convinced to do the searching, but unfortunately this subject seems to be taboo among science. There are so many instances where giant bones were found it does make one wonder why this is so, what are scientists afraid of? Could it be the theory of evolution might be proven to be wrong or we will find proof these giants have something to do with ancient aliens? It seems most of the giants were human like, but had double rows of teeth.

When we look at some of the mammoth structures our ancient ancestors built and we wonder about their size no one seems to ever ask the question why these structures were so big? One has to wonder if the grand scale had something to do with pleasing giants. Could it be some of these giants which were said to have existed and reached as much as 20 feet tall were considered gods and the monuments were created in their honor? What I find really strange is we hear about giants being found in every part of the earth. One of the stores on the television show traced the bones of one giant found in a cave back to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington where they denied ever receiving them. This was over 100 years ago and it was known at the time the man in charge there was against this type of find and would have either disposed of the bones or buried them in some storage area where they would be forgotten.

There is a museum in Crosbyton, Texas known as the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum and in it is what is said to be a human femur and this femur is over 47 inches longs. This means the being it was taken from a giant which had to be somewhere between 14 feet and 16 feet tall. The giant’s feet were somewhere between 20 inches long to 22 inches long. Its arms would have been 6 feet above the ground when they were at its side. Many biblical tales have turned out to be true and there are tales of giants in the bible, so perhaps they have some merit. In Genesis it talks about the Nephilim which were giants. It mentions Goliath the giant and in Deuteronomy it states the King of Bashan, Og had a bed which was about 14 feet long by 6 feet wide so he many have been a giant.

There is an ancient copper mine in Llandudno in North Wales. The mine is over 3,500 years old. It has nine levels and stretches many kilometers. There is something very unique about this copper mine. When we dug for copper the normal sledge hammer used is 20 pounds, because no man could swing one heavier all day. Tools were found in the mine such as a 60 pound sledge hammer with a handle 9 feet long. Who today would be able to use this? The answer is no one. If we scale up the size of a human who would be comfortable with such a huge hammer we get someone about three times taller than us or about 15 to 18 feet tall. Ancient Sumerian pictures have been found which seem to depict giants, but it is hard to tell if the king was made much larger to denote his importance or his physical being.

Over the years the Smithsonian museum has been accused of covering up many controversial finds, not only finds of bones of giants, but also Egyptian artifacts and mummies found in the Grand Canyon. It has been said the museum has been suppressing the discovery of giants for over 150 years. Richard J. Dewhurst is the author of “The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America.” He claims thousands of giant skeletons have been found all over the country and many in the Mississippi Valley. He goes on to say there were cities which were built by giants in which populations in excess of 100,000 giants lived in. There were cities in Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama and Louisiana. He states the suppression of this evidence started right after the American Civil War and became an outright cover-up in 1879 when Major John Wesley Powell was appointed Smithsonian director and he launched a strict pro-evolution agenda.

There is an area of China called XinJiang. It is known by the more common name as the Valley of the Giants. It is claimed the amount of giant skeletons found was overwhelming and the evidence was suppressed. One skeleton which was found was about 7 feet 6 inches and had light hair. There are letters from a man who in 1555 saw guards at the gates of Peking and claimed they were giants. He said they were of immense height. It has been said that mummies of giants were found in China, but they were Caucasian.

In 1928 it was said workers were blasting a tunnel out of the Andes Mountains for the Ecuador Central Railroad. As they were doing this they uncovered a cavern which contained several eight and nine foot tall human skeletons. They sent the bones to a university and the bones were never seen again. A much taller human skeleton was unearthed at Gargayan in the Philippines. It was said to be 17 feet tall. No one knows what happened to the skeleton. A crew was digging in India near the border of Bangladesh when they hit a pile of stones under the surface. When the stones were removed the skeleton of an 11 foot man was uncovered. The workers said it was a large ape, but others pointed to the fact not only did it look human but it had been buried with artifacts such as flints, a metal bowl and charcoal.

There are so many cases of giant skeletons being uncovered it is hard to dismiss all of them. If we were to do that it would mean we believe hundreds of people are lying to us, it seems a little improbable this is what is happening. The bones of some of these skeletons were examined before they disappeared and they were in proportion to their height and seemed to have been from healthy individuals for the most part. They didn’t seem to be freaks of nature, which is why many believe there were races of these giants. It seem the most giant bones every found were right here in North America. There is a story of workmen who were digging the foundation for a hotel in Crittendon, Arizona coming across a hardened clay sarcophagus. They pried it open and found a granite case and inside was the skeleton of a man 12 feet tall. They called the authorities, but the story says by the time they were able to get to the site the bones had disintegrated.

There are many mounds in this country and most of them are left intact. Could there be the remains of giants in some of them? It is a tantalizing question and it certainly would be interesting if these mounds would be excavated. We know they are man made and some very old, so one has to wonder why we have dug into more of them.

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