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What Lies Under the Water?

As most of us know, our planet is primarily a water planet with some land placed in the water. As I’ve said many times we know less about our oceans than we do about the moon. There could be anything on the ocean floor from craters, ancient ruins and unknown objects to alien bases. We would have no way of knowing, unless we decided to concentrate more funds on exploring the ocean. Why are we always told the ocean has been mostly unexplored? Could there be a reason beyond what we usually think? The ocean might make a good place to store weapons around the world for resupply, it could also be used as a platform for weapons and we would never know. I’m saying this to demonstrate the fact maybe the ocean is mostly unexplored for a reason and that reason could be a military one. Maybe there has not been much of an allocation for this exploration, because there are things that we don’t want discovered.

We know there have been many ancient cities and much ancient construction which has been overtaken by the ocean. We find proof of this all the time. Remember the tsunami which hit India? Before a tsunami hits it does something very strange, it draws much of the water away from a landmass before the tsunami comes in. When this happened in India missing temples which had been the stuff of myth actually appeared when the water was removed from over them. People were shocked to see these temples and many people who thought the stories about the temples were just that, stories, couldn’t believe their eyes. We are talking about buildings which were not that far from the shoreline and yet they had laid on the bottom of the ocean in that area for hundreds of years. You have to admit there could be a lot of other things we as a race have forgotten about laying under the water.

Sometimes you don’t have to leave your computer to discover what might be at the bottom of the ocean and this was proven when people from the YouTube channel Flat Earth Arabic claim to have discovered a wall under the ocean when they were searching Google Earth. I am not talking about a small wall which could have been part of the village or something like that, I am talking about a wall which they claim circles the entire planet under the water. The wall was discovered after an underwater pyramid was found off the Mexican coast and after discovery of a large Mayan city. The question is does the wall really exist or is it some artifact of Google Earth? If the wall actually exists how would we ever be able to explain a wall under the ocean which makes the Great Wall of China look like a garden fence? Further study will have to be made to be sure the wall actually exists, because of the way Google earth was created. It is thousands of pictures, maybe even hundreds of thousands all stitched together to make a view. This in itself doesn’t mean the wall does not exist, it just means further research will be necessary and now that we know the coordinates it should be relatively easy to check out.

One thing which I thought was very cool was a battle site which was found under the water. We all know there were many battles in modern times in oceans and even battles dating back hundreds of years where we have found evidence such as remains of sunken ships, cannons etc. What if I were to tell you we think we have found the remains of the first naval battle, would you believe me? Archaeologists believe exactly that and they think they found its remains on the ocean floor. In 2013 an announcement was made about the recovery of artifacts off the coast of Sicily. They claim these objects were the result of the first ancient naval battle ever discovered. The battle was called the Battle of the Egadi islands. It was a battle between the Roman Navy and the Carthaginian Navy and took place in 241 BC. The seabed was strewn with battering rams, ancient weapons, armor and helmets. The Romans wanted to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean Sea. They had blocked off an escape route and lay in wait for the Carthaginians. Archaeologists believe over fifty Carthaginian ships were sunk and at least 10,000 men died. These precious artifacts lay only 100 meters under the water, but remained in place for over two thousand years.

There has been a lot of talk about finding elongated skulls. In 2014 archaeologists decided to explore a flooded sinkhole in Mexico. The natives were terrified of it. When the archaeologists went into it they found a submerged cavern, more than that they found the cavern littered with elongated skulls. The cavern is known as Sac Uayum. It is believed the ancient Maya used the cavern for sacrifices. The question is whether the skulls of some of the ancient Maya were bound to make them elongated, or were the ancient Maya eliminating some other race? Elongated skulls have been found all over the world.

Greece is a very historical country, but we all know that. In 2013 an amazing find was announced by Greek archaeologists. They found an underwater city in the Gulf of Alykanas in Zakynthos, Greece. The Underwater Antiquities Department announced the discovery claiming there were huge public buildings and cobblestone paved streets. After the announcement was made, a second announcement was made which claimed this was not a city. One has to wonder what is going on here?

In the future archaeologist will rediscover some of the towns which have been covered with water for different reasons such as the building of dams. One can only hope a practical record will be kept of their locations and names and the dates they were submerged. There is a city under a lake In China known as The Lion City. It has another name also and that is Shi Cheng. The city lies at the bottom of the Qiandao Lake. The city is completely intact and was built between 25 – 200 A.D. it has only been underwater for about fifty years and was the victim of a man-made lake project. There are cities and towns like this all over the world and someday they will be rediscovered.