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Strange Creatures

There has been a lot of talk about strange creatures being seen which shouldn’t exist on earth. Some people are quick to call them aliens, others say they are creatures from inside the earth and still others say they are just unknown animals which are being discovered. “Before Its News” ran a story about a mother who took a photo of her infant child and in the background is a creature which seems humanoid, but is only about 12 inches tall. It is easy to dismiss this as a hoax of some kind, but before you do let me tell you about what happened in Mexico. Some men had set traps in their barn for rats. In one of the traps was the same type of humanoid creature. As they approached it, it bared its teeth and they killed it. Some would say this is just a story, but fortunately there is proof the creature exists. A famous newscaster in Mexico, Jaime Maussan acquired the corpse of this creature and has it. He sent a piece to a lab for a DNA examination, not once but three times. In one test a nucleus was found in a cell, but no DNA. Another DNA test was said to have found it was human, but obviously it is not. This is the reason for the third test. To see the video paste the following address into your web browser. http://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/showthread.php?1329-CREATURE-OF-METEPEC-Jamie-Maussan-investigation. (Sorry I don’t use active links to other sites)

Two other of these creatures were found. One creature was chased through a village by the residents. It was more like something out of a horror movie where the angry villagers chase Frankenstein with burning torches at night. It looked the same as the first, but was about twice as tall and got away. When I talk about strange I have to mention some of the unexplained ones which others have seen and sometimes made contact with. I will start with the most famous and sometimes seen creature Big Foot. Unfortunately the subject of Big Foot has been treated the same way some treat the subject of UFOs. If anyone says they saw a Big Foot they would instantly be subject to heaps of ridicule. It certainly doesn’t help when people are going out and planting fake foot prints and selling fake Big Foot souvenirs. There is a witness who is very credible and claims to have been the subject of a Big Foot attack while in the woods hunting. He was tossed around, but made it out with his life. There are also several hunters who were in a cabin which was subject to rock throwing and howling by a Big Foot. They know it was Big Foot because it stepped onto one of their homemade traps and left fur and blood samples which were examined. While these stories are interesting the most interesting one is from the late 1800s. A man claimed to have been abducted by a Big Foot and brought to its home where its family was. He said he wasn’t mistreated, but was not able to leave until one night they all fell asleep and he managed to get away. He said he had been held prisoner for days, but fed and given water.

There are quite a few creatures some attribute to folk law and urban legends, but some of them have been seen and cannot be explained. Mothman is a famous creature that was seen in the area of Point Pleasant West Virginia. He was seen for over a year. It is believed the first sighting occurred in 1966 on November 12 when grave diggers saw a man-like figure fly low over their heads. The even stranger part of this is the fact there have been reports of flying humanoids for quite some time now and it has become part of the UFO scene. The creature was described by some other witnesses as a large white creature with red glowing eyes. They said it was a large flying man with ten foot wings and he had followed their car while they were driving. The sightings were numerous for weeks after this. One man said the creature took his dog and made his television buzz. On December 15, 1967 the Silver Bridge collapse killed 46 people and Mothman was never seen again. Was there a connection? No one knows.

Why do people constantly deny the existence of something when there are constant sighting reports? There have been reports of people being attacked all over this continent by something which is called a Devil Monkey. They are said to be from 3 to 4 feet tall and are a breed of ape. It is said they have been spotted throughout the American South and Mid-West and as far north as Alaska. Those who have seen them have described them as looking somewhat like a baboon with kangaroo-like legs. They are also said to have 3 toes on each foot which contain razor sharp claws. They have tiny pointed ears and a long and bushy tail. The first report was detailed in 1934 in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. They are said to be able to jump about 20 feet at a time. A couple were in their car in 1959 and heading home to Saltville, Virginia. As they drove an ape-like creature attacked their car. The creature was described, “(It had) light, taffy colored hair, with a white blaze down its neck and underbelly… it stood on two, large well-muscled back legs and had shorter front legs or arms.” This was not the only attack in the area at that time. A few days later two nurses from the area were also driving home when this creature ripped the convertible top from their car. There are accounts of these creatures to this day, yet none seems to make the news.

Could it be possible something lives in the swamps in this country, something dangerous which we are not very aware of? There are many tales of swamp monsters in the southern part of the United States. The lizard man is one of those monsters and is said to live somewhere in the swampland around Lee County, South Carolina. It is said the swamp in that area has a foul smell and is particularly dense. The name of the swamp is Scape Ore Swamp. A witness said while he was driving he saw a blur of green running and something jumped on the roof of his car. Since the witness was only 17 years old, his story was more or less dismissed, but then others sightings took place. The creature was described as a man sized two legged creature. In 1989 a posse was formed and went into the swamp and they came upon tracks of a two legged creature. When experts examined the prints they called them unclassifiable. That same year an airman from the nearby Air Force base was attacked and fired two shots into the creature. He gave the police scales and blood from the creature for evidence. The creature was never found, but the airman described it as being over 7 feet tall, walking on two legs and being muscular. He said it was covered in dark hair with scaly lizard green skin on its hands, feet and face.

What are we to make of all this? Are people imagining these things, did the airman shoot at a phantom creature? There are things out there we are not familiar with. Could they be from somewhere else or are they from here, but well hidden?

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