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Is There An Invisible Shield Protecting The Earth?

Did you ever wonder if the earth was prepared for the human race prior to our inhabiting it? There is a school of thought which says the reason the earth is habitable is the fact it is protected by a force field which deflects cosmic rays and protects us from things like solar flares and other types of particles and waves. We know there are high energy particles, electrons and protons whizzing around the earth and these have caused damage to satellites in the past, but the shield protects us. So what is this shield I am talking about? The magazine Nature announced something strange was found at the inner edge of the famous Van Allen Belt, which itself is composed of inner and outer belts. What was found was an invisible barrier which blocks high energy electrons from entering our atmosphere. This raises the question, where did this barrier come from and why is it invisible? One scientist said it was like a glass wall.

Many UFO investigators are of the opinion that extraterrestrials have been on the earth and flying around it even before humans were here. Some also believe we are being protected by the aliens and cite different events to bolster their case. They like to mention the fact UFOs have turned off nuclear tipped missiles several times to demonstrate they have the power to prevent a nuclear attack. This raises another interesting question. Could it be that no matter how much someone or some country would want to start a nuclear war, the aliens would prevent it from happening? Maybe the government knows this and this is why we are letting North Korea develop nukes, it is because we know they will never be able to use them. Yes this is speculation and it would mean the reason we are trying to stop Iran from developing nukes would be to limit their political power in the region, not deter a nuclear war. We can never know if any of what I said will turn out to be true except for the fact our nuclear rockets were shut down by UFOs.

When the barrier or shield was first found, scientists assumed it was the earth’s magnetic field which was deflecting the particles and waves, but this was not the case and it is causing scientists to scratch their collective heads. Aside from some sort of alien shield, the reason there is something blocking the particles and waves from hitting the earth could be that the earth’s plasmasphere is interacting with the Van Allen belt and creating some sort of barrier. The plasmasphere begins about 600 miles above the earth and extends for about 7,200 miles. This is the preferred solution for how the shield was created, because no scientist wants to believe aliens created the shield around the earth, even if it turns out to be true. While it would be nice to know we are being cared for, they do not want to find out we are not masters of our own destiny. There are those who think the shield could not have been created by aliens who are far more advanced than us, because they believe if this was the case the shield would be able to stop asteroids and meteors from hitting our planet.

Our planet if full of mysteries we cannot explain. There are boom sounds which have been heard in the sky far longer than the advent of flight. These booms were not due to lightning and occurred in clear skies many times. They are the types of booms a plane makes when it flies faster than sound. Scientists have been working on an answer for years, but have come up dry. Could these booms be due to craft we cannot see breaking the sound barrier? There are many cases of UFOs partially appearing, proving they can turn invisible along with being able to change their shape. Maybe while they are in some shapes a sonic boom is created when they fly in our atmosphere at speeds faster than sound.

Are there aliens flying UFOs all over our planet, I will let you judge after you read this? In 1978 there were quite a few UFO sightings across the Southern Hemisphere. Strange lights were also reported in the mountains of New Zealand’s south island and reports began to come in stating sheep were being abducted. Air traffic controllers began to pick up strange craft on their radar and police began to get calls that strange looking craft were projecting beams of light over the ocean. A cargo plane began to track the lights in the sky. It had scientific equipment which was able to track their speed and it turned out to be 1,200 miles per hour. A newsman on a plane took movies of these lights and they were definitely UFOs. At the same time a pilot named Frederick Valentich was flying his plane and radioed that he was traveling to King Island, Australia and then said a strange craft was hovering on top of him and it was not an aircraft. He was never seen again.

There are some very strange ancient artifacts which have been found and others which have been with us for thousands of years which we do not understand the purpose of. There are theories, but nothing concrete. Take the pyramids for example. The ones in Egypt were thought to be royal tombs and yet no bodies were ever found in them. This made some people and scientists rethink their purpose. Recently some have come to the conclusion they were created to generate electricity, but could they have been built to protect the earth? The one in Alaska is still generating power and there is no good reason not to consider this could be the purpose of the pyramids, it is just as valid as thinking they were generating stations.

Are we being protected by extraterrestrials? If we are they must really be angry with us for trying to shoot them down in the past. While there are some signs this is true, the protection I mean, we could just as easily guess something else. There is one thing for sure, we give too much credit to alien life when we don’t understand something by saying it must be alien. Before we do this, we must prove definitely to the people that extraterrestrial life exists so that all this makes sense.



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