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There seems to be quite a few things we can’t explain, but that doesn’t stop them from existing. Some of them might prove the ancients had more advanced devices than we believe and others seem so unusual they make us wonder how much we really know about history and ourselves. One of the things which fascinated me from the first time I heard about it was a discovery from the Bronze Age. It is said the Bronze Age began around 3,700 B.C. and lasted to about 500 B.C. This is not an exact figure, because the time period was different for different parts of the world. Anyway archaeologists had found fine gold work from that period. Some of these gold artifacts were found near Stonehenge. They were inside a Bronze Age burial mound. The gold work was so tiny and so perfect scientists today claim you would have needed a microscope or very powerful magnifier to accomplish it. Did these things exist back then and have records of them been lost? Could there be another solution to how these things were made and could it be some people back them had incredible vision?

We have been finding mummies for a very long time and the practice of mummification was used not only in Egypt, but in several societies. Besides the practice of mummification there are bodies which have been found which were mummified naturally. One great example was Γ–tzi the iceman from about 3,300 B.C. who was preserved by being frozen. Then there are the mummies found in the Andes which were naturally preserved, but none of these is as mysterious as the San Pedro Mountains Mummy. This mummy was found in 1934 by gold miners and what makes it so unusual is the fact it is quite tiny being only 6 1/2 inches tall. The mummy was found sitting cross legged on a ledge. Some type of liquid had been poured over the body to preserve it. Most scientists who examined the mummy came to the conclusion this person died between the teenage years all the way into his sixties. There are those however who believed the mummy was that of a premature birth. The mummy became lost after being sold several times.

There are still those who believe the earth is only about 6,000 years old. This does seem to fly in the face of all the evidence, but people are entitled to their opinions even if they seem wrong to the rest of us. One scientist was working with the skeleton of an ancient dinosaur and found some tissue on it. He was a fundamentalist who believed in the theory I just stated. He then published a paper and used the fact he found live tissue, or so he said, to prove his theory. He was fired quite quickly after the publication and his employers said he should not have let his religion interfere with his work. Personally I think there is far too much evidence to ever think the earth is that young and apparently most of the world feels the same way.

Sometimes we just can’t believe our eyes. There are rocks in and near the San Andreas Fault which seem to defy gravity. They are so delicately balanced on a tiny edge on top of other rocks, it would be almost impossible for us to do this on purpose. To make things even more fantastic, these rock or boulders if you would rather have me say, do not seem to be affected by earthquakes. Looking at these rocks it looks like a sneeze would blow them over and yet there they are. They have to be seen to be believed. The rocks have been said to be standing this way for about 10,000 years. Here is the address of the photos, you can copy and paste it into your browser. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links. Here is an address for many photos of different balancing rocks, some seem to be Photoshopped, but some are natural.

Okay I like to talk about strange things sometimes, but what could be stranger than a story reported several months ago about giant beings who were seen and photographed climbing a Mexican volcano? You have to admit this certainly is a strange story. Could they have been a group of American basketball players? They were seen climbing the Popocatepeti Volcano which is a hotbed for UFO sightings. This is not some dormant volcano, but a highly active one. Mountain rescue crews have repeatedly reported seeing humanoid creatures climbing the volcano who were over 8 feet tall and who were at an altitude of about 13,000 feet. The description of the beings is they were tall, thin and brown. They weren’t wearing any clothes and showed exceptional climbing skills. According to one of the rescue crew they saw one creature climb a glacier in 10 minutes, a climb which would have taken a human 3 to 4 hours. When the footprints were examined it was found the heel of their feet leaves a hole like a claw.

What the heck is going on it China? It has been reported there are massive hornets in China attacking people and they are so big they leave a hole the size of a bullet in the skin of their victims. There are about 40 people who have died from these attacks and a massive 1,600 who were severely injured. Hospitals are reporting at least 37 patients are in critical condition. The insects are known as the Giant Asian Hornet and a report states the animals are headed toward Britain. They have already invaded France and spread out on the waterways. Unfortunately for the honeybees which are already dwindling, the honeybee is one of the favorite meals of the Giant Asian Hornet. I would like to know where these hornets came from originally. Are they the result of some experiment or have they grown to this size naturally?



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