Truth Facts

Mother Earth


Cosmic Rays, Free Energy And More

How long can utilities fight the oncoming onslaught of alternate power? The other day I was notified by my electric utility they were raising rates. The excuse they gave was fuel was getting more expensive, they didn’t want to give me the real reason which was more people were installing solar panels and this was costing them money. Not only will usage from the electric grid go down because of the panels, but the utility will have to buy excess electricity. To me this seems like the beginning of the end for these utilities. How long will it be before a home will not rely on the grid at all? We talk about defending our country with all sorts of weapons and yet we seem to ignore the fact the electrical grid makes us completely vulnerable. Once the power grid is knocked out it is the end for most of us yet this fact has been ignored for years, because the power companies are making too much money off the grid to give it up and their lobbyists are making all sorts of deals to protect them.

Truthfully I would have thought these companies would be buying up the large solar, wind and water generating companies in preparation for a new type of electrical generation and eventually selling and maintaining the equipment to do this to each homeowner. I guess there is not as much profit in this as getting a large check for electricity every month from each homeowner. I believe the truth is we could have had free energy a long time ago if any company wanted us to have it. Nikola Tesla said "the earth is a spherical capacitor plate with the ionosphere as the other plate". Apparently he knew energy was there for the taking. It is said there are two primary ways to get free power, one is from the earth and the other is from the sky. Tesla went on to say he was fascinated by cosmic rays. He mused that an electrical plant could be built and would not have to store energy, because cosmic rays shower down on the earth constantly thus providing an endless source of energy.

There are quite a few stories about people who have created devices which supply electricity from cosmic rays to remote homes. They state the higher the collection plate is the more efficient the electrical output. Most stories claim it is people who have houses high up on mountains and such who are able to power them this way. Instructions exist for building devices to collect cosmic rays and anyone can see them online by just doing a search. If this stuff works it has been completely ignored by the main stream. There are more types of energy than most of us are aware of. One type is called Vacuum Energy. Science says space consists of random fluctuations of electricity. It is believed this is the famous Zero Point Energy we have heard about. It is claimed even if the temperature in space goes down to absolute zero this energy still exists and is waiting to be utilized. There is a problem with space energy however. The fluctuations are too fast and too minute for us to easily detect. This could change in the future.

Here is the thing, there is energy all around us and we even generate energy just by moving around. It is like a buffet of free energy. You can just take and take and you never run out. There is no longer any excuse for not being able to get free energy and that is why proponents are getting so aggravated. They listen to the endless list of excuses of why it can’t be done and cringe, because they know free energy is there for the taking and the only thing stopping this is the profit motive. As our culture advances things we once took for granted as being free are no longer, because they can generate profit. Let me give you an example. Years ago if you would have told anyone that companies would charge people to look at television you would have been laughed out of the room. I remember reading an article about this and mentioning this to someone. They told me this was ridiculous and no one would pay to do this. Just look at where we are now. The same is true for other things. Imagine what people would have said fifty years ago about water being sold in stores. Things are even worse than that. Some states have made it illegal for people to collect rain water or use wind power without permission, because they have declared the wind belongs to the state. Everything is being sold and I wouldn’t be surprised if we were eventually hit with a breathing tax. Just kidding on that one, but I think you get what I mean.

Energy could be the thing that brings us out of the total profit economy. If we had free energy we might be able to use different devices to make our lives easier without having to spend all our money to do this. Need a television, print it. Need a refrigerator, print it. See where I am going with this? Printers are becoming our factories and it seems it will only be a matter of time before we will be able to make anything we need in the home if we have the right printer. Plans are all over the internet for printing different things and as printers increase in sales some may come already packed with plans for building things. If we could build these things and use free energy to power them we certainly would save a lot of cash.

The question is are we really heading for a free energy economy? There are powerful forces out there which do not want this to happen. They want us to pay for everything we do or use. Their lobbyists are spreading cash and favors all over Washington to stop us from going in this direction. Have you noticed when a new technology comes out it creates new jobs and new companies? Some people thought when DVDs came out they would ruin the movie business, but they didn’t. They also thought when VCRs came out they would ruin television and they didn’t. What happened was new companies sprang up and even more profits were made. Who knows what industries might appear if we got free energy? It just might help the economy.

I am for free energy and getting off the electrical grid are you?