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Mother Earth


Is There a Plan Behind Nature?

On the day of the eclipse I realized how amazing it was that our moon, which is so small is able to eclipse our sun which is so large. Why is it the moon fits exactly over the sun, what are the odds? I would also like to add to this observation the fact the motion of the moon and the sun make this eclipse possible. It is no wonder ancient people were very scared when they saw an event like this and thought it had to be created by the gods, because they weren’t pleasing them. This event probably led to a lot of human sacrifice over the centuries. This is not the only thing which seems to strike many people as strange, there are plenty more. Why is it when we drop a rock into the water it makes a perfect circle in the water? How come it doesn’t just make some random shape? I’m not really talking about the scientific explanation when I asked this question, I am talking about how it came to be we are able to even explain this with a scientific explanation?

Nature is full of surprises and some of them are completely unknown to many of us. There is a bird, not just any bird, who can imitate any sound it hears perfectly. When I say any sound, I mean Any Sound. It is very strange to hear a bird which can even mimic heavy machinery. Sometimes when it does its retinue of sounds it even includes human words in it that it’s heard, the bird is extremely uncanny. It lives in Australia and is known as the Lyrebird. How did it ever gain the ability to repeat perfectly everything it hears? I guess this comes in very useful as some sort of protection device when a predator comes near it. It can make sounds like that predator or maybe even sounds which the predator is scared of and drive it away.

I don’t know why nature created something as bizarre as what I am going to tell you about. It is a bug, but not just any bug, is a bug dressed in the face of Elvis Presley. I know you probably think I’m nuts so what I have here is a link to a picture of that bug and when you see it you will have a hard time believing your eyes. Just copy the following address and paste it into your web browsers address area. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live exterior links. Now that you have seen it can you believe anything like this was ever possible? Come on admit it, this may be the strangest natural thing you have ever seen, I know I feel that way. I wonder if the bug can sing?

What if I told you there was a place where the water glowed at night with a bluish light, would you believe me? Well it’s true. Vadhoo Island in the Maldives has a strange quality to its water. The water has a high concentration of photo plankton. This causes the water to light up and it is very visible at night as the waves roll up on the shore and they glow. You have to wonder when natives first saw this wonder what they thought was going on. This is the kind of thing which would make an ancient tribe think they were on some kind of haunted Island. It is an incredibly beautiful site and nature has outdone itself with this one.

We all know what goats are, but there is one breed of goat I believe everybody will say is very strange. The Tamri goats of Morocco climb trees and somehow are able to get to the top of some which are nothing more than bare branches. It is a very strange sight to see goats standing on the top of these branches which can be very narrow and the goats act as if, hey, what are you looking at I belong here. I am not talking about tiny goats, I’m talking about pretty big goats hanging out on the edge of a branch which doesn’t even look strong enough to support it. If you copy and paste this address into your web browser you can see what I am talking about.
You have to admit this is one crazy bunch of goats.

One very strange sight has to do with Abraham Lake which is located on the North Saskatchewan River in Weston Alberta, Canada. At the bottom of the lake methane gas rises and bubbles, but the lake is very cold and the bubbles get frozen and more bubbles come up behind them and they stack up like a pile of plates. Cold weather can do some pretty strange things.

One place which seems to come from prehistoric times when everything was huge is Giant Crystal Cave in Nacia, Mexico. The crystals in the cave are so large they are far longer than a human. Some can be over 30 feet long, but they aren’t all perpendicular, but lay in many random directions. It is a strange sight to see a human walking on these crystals, because they are so large they look more like a bridge.

When we look at nature and some of the marvelous things it has created, what are we to conclude? Can this all just be an accident? Quite frankly I don’t believe that and I can’t see how anyone else can, but I have to say everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are just too many coincidences in nature to believe that they are accidental, at least that is the way I feel.