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Hidden History

History is something we are taught to believe which is not necessarily true. Every culture and many leaders want to look great so they supply us with false or biased history. Some history is hidden on purpose to protect those who have done heinous deeds and illegal acts. An example of this in modern times is the Kennedy assassination. We know he was assassinated, but we don’t know why and really by whom, so that part of our history is sorely lacking. When our leaders don’t want us to know something they simply cover it up and keep it out of the history books.  Sometimes historical events fall by the wayside, because events happened and no one chronicled them. This may have been due to the fact there was no written language at the time or the fact no one thought to make a record of an event. If history was complete we would know who built Stonehenge and why, wouldn’t we? As time goes by it sometimes gets harder to discover more about our history, because things happen. Take for example the destruction of ancient monuments by ISIS. If these ancient monuments hadn’t been destroyed, perhaps some future generation could have discovered something from them to increase our historical knowledge.

How many historical sites have been destroyed over the ages? There have been plenty. Even the ancient Egyptians would wipe the names off of monuments and smash the statues of those who were no longer in favor, which causes us to have to guess about certain rulers today. Wouldn’t it be nice to know why some Egyptian rulers seemed to have elongated heads? Some say they were aliens, yet others say they think their heads were bound as children causing them to grow. This argument continues and those who oppose that idea of binding say this is not the case, because the craniums are much larger in capacity than a normal human. There are many ancient secrets we are not privy to. We are not even completely sure of the outcome of some battles. We have learned that some of the leaders of cultures twisted the outcome of battles when they recorded them. In one battle with the Hittites the Egyptian Pharaoh claimed a great victory and recorded it as such when in truth a peace treaty was signed and the battle should have been called a draw.

We have been led to believe that human culture really started about 10,000 years ago and before this time we were just hunter gathers. This was taught in schools everywhere and might still be taught, but I wouldn’t know since I haven’t been in school in a VERY long time. The point is we are being kept from the truth. I don’t know if it is on purpose or circumstances have been responsible for this lack of knowledge? There seems to be evidence all around us which cannot be explained if we believe this teaching. I for one started to disbelieve it once I grew up and started reading about all the marvelous things which were found that far outdate that 10,000 year date. It does get confusing however, because in some places it is clear there were humans who only reached the stage of cave dwellers before the 10,000 year date, but in other places we find monuments, art and devices which suggest advanced civilizations.

I think most of us think humans developed at the same stage of technology all over the world at the same time. It looks to me something entirely different happened. I think some humans became very advanced, perhaps even more advanced than we are today, yet others in other more isolated areas didn’t advance very much. How does one explain the finding of pyramids in Bosnia, China and Alaska which are far older and bigger than those in Egypt? You will notice they are hardly ever mentioned even today and it is as if the powers that be don’t want us to know about them. I mentioned this fact before, but it is important to mention it again. When an archaeologist found the pyramid in Bosnia, which by the way is at least 20,000 years old, he was told not to say anything as if there was some unwritten law which stated the public was not to know about their true ancient history. He refused and instead invited college students to come to the site and help him dig. What would have happened if he didn’t do this? Would he have been killed, the pyramid reburied and nothing ever said about it again? Maybe I am going too far with this assessment, but some people will do anything to keep certain secrets.

Science has found that ancient Neanderthals used birch pitch to attach stone spearheads to sticks. Sounds easy doesn’t it? If you think so let me explain what is needed to do this. You need an oxygen free environment and a sustained temperature of 650 degrees Fahrenheit. How could the Neanderthals have possibly accomplished this, it seems impossible, yet they did it or was someone doing it for them? Tiahuanacu is located near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. It is an incredible place for many reasons one of which is it is estimated to be at least 15,000 years old. Apparently there was an advanced ancient civilization which constructed the buildings and monuments at this site. The engineering of the monuments is far superior to what we can do today. 400 ton stones were moved at least 50 miles to the site. The blocks were notched, fitted together and locked in 3 dimensions. The buildings were so strong they could not be taken down by the earthquakes in the area. The city has docks, quays and harbors, but is not near water, which is a great mystery. Archaeologists took the easy way out and said no one ever lived in this city. That was proven wrong and they now think it was the capitol of a busy empire. The stones were fabricated and seem to be the work of an assembly line and so smoothly cut we can’t equal that smoothness today.

It is obvious some think it is dangerous for us to know too much about human history. You have heard the saying “knowledge is power.” I have to wonder if there is something in our hidden history, if discovered, which would change our lives forever. Why is this history so guarded? What harm can come from knowing one’s past? Some people think if our true history was found out it could destroy society.