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Under And Above The Water Discoveries?

A lot of unknown or lost structures and even carved messages have been found due to water receding. It is amazing how water has hidden so much. In India there had been talk of a temple which was missing for many hundreds of years. It was more like folk law and I believe many people thought it was a legend and not necessarily true. Then India had been hit by a tsunami. The way those acts of nature act is they pull all of the water way back as part of the flooding. When this happened, people saw an unknown temple out in the ocean get uncovered. It was the one many had thought was a mythical temple, but it turned out to be real.

Much like things being uncovered by melting ice, the ocean is giving up a lot of secrets. Just recently a drought which is on the severe side is affecting a tributary of the Amazon. About 100 rock carvings have been revealed. One of them contains human faces and seems to show different emotions. The carvings are said to be pre-Columbian and could be as old as 2,000 years. There were also rocks with carved animals. The findings were made in the receded Negro River. There have been many other types of petroglyphs found.

Sometimes receding waters have exposed really ancient finds. In the United States things have been found which are many millions of years old. Even dinosaur tracks have been found. It is just amazing what is under the water. I guess everyone knows the legend of Atlantis. Maybe someday it will even appear.

Sometimes it isn’t the age of what gets revealed, it is what the object is which makes it amazing. The Danube is one of the most famous rivers in Europe. In World War 2 many German warships were sunk. Now they are starting to appear again and it is very dangerous because many of them are still loaded with ammo, weapons and other hazardous cargo. As a matter of fact, it is causing problems for shipping. The Danube is at its lowest point in about a century.

Sometimes something so large appears from under the water that it surprises everyone who sees it. This is what happened in Iraq. Some countries are known for being very ancient and one of them is Iraq. The water levels in a reservoir dropped, and up like a phoenix rising from the ashes came a city. The city was an incredible 3,400 years old. Archaeologists rushed in to excavate it before the level of water in the reservoir rose again. The city is believed to be Zakhiku, which was a major hub back in the day. It belonged to the Mittani Empire which reigned from 1,550 B.C. to 1,350 B.C.

Sometimes something rises from the water which is not old at all. An island appeared in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Pakistan. There was an earthquake and then the island rose to the top of the water. You just never know what might appear out of the water.

When something is under water it doesn’t mean it will always eventually rise to the surface. India has many submerged cities. I guess we have to expect that from such an old culture. One city, Dwarka is submerged below the Gulf of Gambay. It is only down 100 feet. Some believe this city is 10,000 years old, but others date it around 5,000 years old.

Another very old settlement is lying at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a Neolithic settlement and is right off the coast of Israel. The settlement is said to be about 8,000 years old and was named Atlit-Yam. It is said to contain a stone henge like circle. It is believed the sinking was the result of an earthquake. This settlement is laying at a depth of about 30 feet.

Archaeologists in Greece were very excited when they discovered the city of Pavopetr under the water. What really excited them was the city was mostly complete. They were able to identify the streets, buildings and other structures. It is in very shallow water.

Lake Titicaca borders Peru and Bolivia. An exciting discovery was made. A temple was found to be at the bottom of the lake. Also, a road built by a pre-Incan civilization and a very long wall running a couple  of thousand feet. These structures have been dated between 1,000 years and 1,500 years. Lake Titicaca is one of the most famous lakes in the world.

It may sound strange, but I saw a plan being made to protect buildings from submerging under the water. I don’t know the plan would do it,  but I did hear the proposal was to make floating structures that would rise with the water. No, I don’t know how this could be accomplished.

One huge underwater complex has been at the center of controversy since it was discovered. It is the Yonaguni Monument off the coast of Japan. It certainly looks like it was created by humans. It has steps and even a couple of carvings and is a huge structure, yet there are those who insist it is natural. They claim to have found the same type of steps on land and say it is caused by a certain type of flat stones being piled one on the other.

Sometimes things come out of the water no one wants to see. That is what happened when Lake Mead’s water receded. What popped out of the water were bodies. Remember this was a reservoir. Just the thought of drinking water which contained human bodies is so repulsive, no one wants to think about it. So far as I know six skeletons were found and one body was in a barrel with a bullet hole in the skull. It is believed it was from the 1970s or 1980s based upon the clothing.

One thing I have not mentioned yet, and something some people are thinking about because of the topic is undersea treasure. There have been stories of many different treasures lost at sea and sometime something is found. The Holy Grail of shipwrecks as it is called is the San Jose. It was sunk after the British fired on it. The cargo was gold, silver, jewels and the estimated value of it today is in the billions of dollars. It was discovered in 2018. Can you imagine how the discoverers of the wreck felt? There are plenty of other ships which went down over the centuries which were said to contain treasure.

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