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Seventeen Most Famous Historic People

There are a lot of famous people throughout history. Some are famous for doing great things, some for other reasons and this could include various misdeeds. Some were great benefactors to mankind and others were monsters, but all are famous. I am making a list of the seventeen most famous in my opinion, and you can see if you agree.

Jesus. Jesus changed the religions of many billions of people over the years since his death. He performed miracles and even taught to his elders. He died on a cross and when he did even his guards felt he was the Son of God. If he hadn’t died on the cross many think things would be different, but the day he did die on the cross punctuated his existence. He is probably the most famous person in history.

Muhammad. Just as Jesus had a huge effect on religion so did Muhammad. Almost two billion people revere him as the great prophet. Islam is the second largest religion in the world.

Alexander the Great. He took an army of about 35,000 men and conquered most of the known world. He became a king at the age of 20 years old. He is known as one of the greatest military minds that ever lived. He was king of Macedonia in Greece but also king of Persia, which is now Iran. He was trained by none other than Aristotle. He conquered the famous Gordian Knot which could not be untied by chopping it. His army only had 30,000 soldiers and 5,000 cavalry.

Tutankhamen. Was a child pharaoh in Egypt. He died at an early age and was buried in a tomb with all his possessions, of course we don’t know if one or two were kept by his family or given to the new pharaoh. The entire world got excited when Howard Carter discovered the boy king’s tomb. Then there was the famous curse saying if anyone violated the tomb they would die and several people did including Carter himself. Tutankhamen or King Tut has become a household name.

Aristotle. Another great Greek philosopher. It is amazing to me how three philosophers from the same period in Greece could have become so famous. Aristotle left a treasure trove of his writings behind. They covered many different subjects. They covered many things from aesthetics to zoology.

Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo was an incredible inventor, artist, scientist and many other things. His ideas were written down in several books and when they were found no one could believe how many of the sketches of devices were predicting what we have today. His painting the Mona Lisa is probably the most famous painting in the world.

Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut and the first man to walk on the moon. The entire world witnessed the moon landing and Armstrong climbing down the lander’s latter, then jumping to the surface of the moon and saying ,”One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Yuri Gagarin. Gagarin was a Soviet cosmonaut who was the first man to travel into space. When he went into orbit the entire world was thrilled and they made him an instant hero and deservedly so. His character and demeanor also made him very popular with people from all over the world. It certainly gave us a view of an ordinary Soviet citizen who was very humble, especially after the incredible feat he had accomplished.

Napoleon. Napoleon became truly famous during the French Revolution. He was famous for his proficient use of cannons. He managed to work his way up and became Emperor of France. It is said while he was in Egypt his men shot at the sphynx with cannons and blew off part of the nose. He is said to have been a great general, he must have been, because he fought a lot of armies and beat them which contributed to his fame. The most famous battle he lost which was the battle of Waterloo. The most famous war he lost was with Russia.

Moses. Moses was said to be the adopted son of the pharaoh and gave it all up to bring the Jews out of Egypt and to Israel. He parted the Red Sea and as the Egyptian army tried to cross to capture or kill the Jews, the waters filled in again. When Moses would raise his arms, the Jews would win a battle, but if he lowered them, they would lose. He led the Jews to Israel the promised land.

Noah. Noah and his family were said by God to be the only non-sinners on earth. God instructed Noah to build an ark and put two of every animal in it. When the floods came Noah and his family boarded the ark and rode out the floods.

Charles Darwin. Darwin became famous for his theory of evolution. After visiting many of the Galapagos Islands on his ship The Beagle, he wrote the book that changed everything. He stated life is always evolving and humans could trace back to apes who evolved into us. You better not disagree with this if you are a scientist because you could get fired and many have.

Albert Einstein. Einstein was an incredible genius. He established the theory general relativity. This work earned him the treasured Nobel Prize in Physics. Many scientists give Einstein an I.Q. of 160, which is genius but many have had higher. Others say his brain was wired differently from our and that is the reason he could solve the problems he did.

Ludwig Beethoven. Beethoven wrote some incredible music which is treasured today. His writing was even more fantastic when you consider he was deaf for part of the time. Among classical pieces his music is considered the most popular. I don’t understand why but some people call his 5th symphony elitist.

Walt Disney. Disney will forever be associated with cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. His fame has even increased more due to the opening of theme parks in many countries and to a lesser extent with network programming. Many of his cartoon characters have become beloved.

Henry Ford. The Ford name is recognized all over the world as being a pioneer in the auto industry. He is also credited with the first assembly line, even though he was not the first. He came out with a cheap reliable car and sold it from 1908 to 1927. The car was also know by various names such as Tin Lizzie, Leaping Lena, Jitney and Flivver.

Adolph Hitler. Hitler will always be remembered by the world as the man who not only started World War Two, but also the man who killed millions of Jews, Gypsies and others. His brutal forces killed without conscience. No, the world will never forget this guy.

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