Truth Facts



Past False Flag Operations

False flag operations are not something which happens infrequently. As hackers attack various computer systems and websites all over the world they have begun to realize they might be able to do this and plant clues which make it seem others are responsible. This is a high technology version of false flag. Some tend to think when secrets are being kept from us this is a sort of false flag, but it isn’t, it is something completely different. False flag operations are nothing new.

The Nazis performed many false flag operations. Some of the very famous ones were the Reichstag fire and the Invasion of Poland. The Reichstag was the German parliament. The fire started about a month after Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor. Amazingly the Nazis found the arsonist and stated he was a Dutch citizen, and more importantly a communist. This was used as evidence the communists were the enemy of the state and trying to destroy the government. The fire had really been started by the Nazis. The Nazi invasion of Poland was said to be in retaliation for the Poles killing Germans, but the truth was the Nazis dressed up in Polish military uniform and did it themselves. This is one of the evilest sides of some false flag operations. It is when governments kill their own citizens to blame others, so they can attack them.

In 1921 the Soviets conducted a false flag operation named the Tagantsev Conspiracy. The Soviets needed an excuse to get rid of some of the intellectuals who they felt were a threat, so they created a false monarchist conspiracy and rounded up about 800 of these intellectuals. They killed about a hundred of them, and the rest were sent to concentration camps. These people had been falsely accused of terrorism. Sometimes false flag operations have us all fooled. A book was published stating explosions in Russian apartments were a false flag operation which took place as an excuse for the Russians to attack Chechenia in the second war. The book claims the Russian Federal Security Service caused the explosions. The book title is “FSB blows Russia up” a book written by Alexander Litvinenko, and Yuri Felshtinsky.

Another false flag operation carried out by the Soviets was the Shelling of Mainila. It occurred in 1939. The Soviets wanted to attack Finland and needed an excuse so they shelled their own village of Mainila and stated it was the Fins who were responsible for the attack. The Finish border was near the village and the Soviets claimed many had been killed.

Unfortunately, we are not without our own false flag operations, and the most famous is Operation Northwoods. We found out about it when a document was released under the Freedom of Information Act. It was a memo by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962 and proposed we dress some people as Cuban military and send them to the United States to kill some of our citizens as an excuse to attack Cuba. President Kennedy rejected the idea, but he should have gone further and arrested all the Joint Chiefs. We wanted to get rid of the president of Iran, a man named Mosaddeq. He had been dismissed by the Shah from the government, but popular uprisings in the country forced the Shah to reinstate him. He was the Premier. We made it look like he was unpopular and the army wanted him out. We had him overthrown and many years later the Shah was overthrown.

Operation Labrador was a false flag operation set up by the Yugoslav Air Force’s Counterintelligence Service which was know as KOS. It was carried out in Zagreb during the beginning of the Croatian War of Independence. The idea was to carry out a series of terrorist attacks and blame the Croatians. Two bombings were carried out, but amazingly no one was hurt. Other attacks were carried out against the railway and made to look like they were ordered by the president of Croatia. The Croatians captured the Yugoslav Air Force regional headquarters in Zagreb and all the documents proving their innocence in the attacks.

The Mukden Incident was a false flag operation carried out by the Japanese as an excuse to invade Manchuria in 1931. The Japanese set off an explosion near a railway owned by a Japanese company. The explosion did no damage, not even destroying a track. The Japanese accused the Chinese and launched a full attack on Manchuria.

When we talk about false flag operations it is interesting to note how the term came about. It referred to pirate ships which would fly flags of other countries as a disguise, and when they got close enough to their prey they would attack.

Sometimes certain operations are called false flag operations and governments are accused of them, but there is no way to know if this is true. An article appeared on a site named PRESSTV. It accuses the British of poisoning the former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in Britain.

I believe a false flag attack on a country’s own citizens, or on the citizens of another country is the lowest form of behavior. I believe it ranks right up there with any murder and those who promote this type of thing should be punished. Unfortunately, many countries do not feel the same way, and false flag operations have become quite common. They have happened all over the world and at one time or another in history, and many countries have taken part.

Sometimes questions in the news are asked in such a way to plant thoughts of false flag operations. In 2017 the British Daily Mail asked the question, “Did the British plant a bomb at the 1940 World Fair to kill two NYPD officers and bring the U.S. into World War II?” This was sort of a false flag, false flag.

The attitude of politicians around the world today is such that nothing surprises me when they do it. Civility has gone down the tubes, and it seems most if not almost all in our political spectrum wouldn’t have much of a problem with authorizing a false flag operation, I am sorry to say.

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