Truth Facts



Events Which Changed the World

There are a lot of events which have changed the world we live in. Some of these events we think had certain repercussions, but they happened so long ago we can’t be 100% sure we are right, but scientists and others believe we can be reasonably sure in their conclusions. One of these events is said to be the meteor which destroyed the dinosaurs. The reason we can’t be 100% sure is another theory exists which claims dinosaurs were destroyed by a disease. Lesser-known theories state they were destroyed by a flood, a comet or asteroid. When all this was taken into consideration, the area where the meteor was supposed to have hit in Mexico was examined. Scientists believe there can only be one theory which is right and that is the theory which states a meteor hit Mexico and sent millions of tons of debris into the atmosphere hiding the sun for quite a while and thus killing the food source for the dinosaurs, which in turn killed them. It is a lucky thing for us they are no longer here, because we probably would’ve been nothing more than hors d’oeuvres for these brutes.

Most of us don’t think of things this way, but one of the greatest inventions ever conceived, which completely changed the way we live, was the light bulb. Before the light bulb was invented most people would go to bed when it got dark. One of the reasons for this fact a lot of people were very poor and candles very expensive. Other forms of light were really not sufficient and oil cost money too. There wasn’t much of a nightlife in the old days for most people, but when the light bulb became available it completely changed the way most of us live. For the first time people were able to stay up after dark and continue their activities. Books could be read and there was probably more light at night in a home than during the day. The invention of the light bulb led to many other inventions, because people were able to stay up later to work on them.

There existed, even in ancient times, a will to be able to cure ailments for people. We know this, because we have found evidence of it. There have been many ancient operations where people have had holes cut into their craniums and yet people survived and we know it because of fossils we have found where these holes have healed. The Romans were quite advanced for their time and routinely cured wounds of all different types. They had hospitals for the military and knew when someone should be placed in quarantine and their hospitals contained separate rooms for this practice. It is said the Romans had crude forms of anesthesia and used it during operations. An early Roman physician named Pedanius Dioscorides used opium and mandrake as early as 70 A.D. One of the problems was there wasn’t much advancement in the field of medicine for well over a thousand years after the Romans disappeared, but eventually humans began to improve their medical skills and discover more cures and procedures, until we reached the point where we are today. Medicine surely has to be one of the greatest things humanity has discovered.

When we look at ancient sites we realize some of these people were able to do things which we cannot do even today. We still don’t know how they moved huge rocks and stacked them one on the other with such proficiency. We have to admit there has to be lost knowledge here. One has to believe one of the greatest events in human history was the Industrial Revolution. It is thought it started about 1760 in England. There certainly were others designing machines far before that time, but in that year things began to click. More and more machines were being invented and one machine would lead to another. Automated looms which worked on punch cards appeared and as we know punch cards were the basis for programming early computers. If it wasn’t for the Industrial Revolution we would all still be serfs. The early Greeks missed the chance to begin the industrial revolution, although they had the means after the steam engine was invented. They did use steam in some ways such as automatic opening doors, moving statues around temples and even making them whistle. The opportunities steam would have presented were never put into full effect but a steam powered cannon was invented.

There are many different theories on what was the greatest event that ever took place. By this I mean what event other than a religious one had the most effect on the world. Many say it was the American Revolution. They say this, because it showed the rest of the world people could get out from under the thumb of the monarchy and could run their own country. It is true when we look at the world today it certainly had an effect on at least most of it. We showed we could elect our own government and it would work. Other countries saw this such as France and launched their own revolutions. The American Revolution changed the face of countries all over the world.

There is one event which I think made the world a lot worse, but it is so important it has to be listed as an event that had an earth shattering effect on all the countries of the world. You probably know what I am going to say by now, but if you don’t I will tell you. It was the invention of the atom bomb. Once the atom bomb was invented the entire world was plunged into a dooms day scenario. Many countries on earth wanted their own nuclear weapons, because they either felt it made them seem important or they felt they needed them to defend themselves from those who had them. Some believe it is a miracle we haven’t had a nuclear attack since World War II. As nuclear proliferation spreads throughout the world, the world is becoming an even more dangerous place. It can be argued the invention of nuclear weapons is the single most important thing which has ever happened on the planet. It is not a good thing, but it certainly was an important event.
