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Our True History

Sometimes we find some ancient artifact which really impresses us and has the ability to change history. One of these objects was found in 1850, but yet hardly anyone knows anything about it. Could it be we weren’t supposed to know about it, because if we all did we could hardly credit Galileo with being the first person to look through a telescope at the stars? As a matter of fact this might have happened 2,500 years prior. The object I am talking about is the Nimrud Lens and it was used by the ancient Assyrians and is believed by some by their astronomers. The lens was created from rock crystal and was also named the Loupe of Sargon. Some people believed the lens was only used as a magnifying glass or to start fires, but I have to ask you. If a lens like this was around isn’t it probable that someone in that time would have aimed it at the night sky? It just so happens the Assyrians knew a lot about astronomy and this could be the reason why.

This brings me to the fact other ancient races also had crystal lenses. They were found in Rome and in Troy just to mention a few places. We are sure there were magnifying instruments in ancient time, Β because we have found ancient carvings which are so tiny they could only have been created using a magnifying glass of some sort. This is true for some of the ancient Egyptian carvings and jewelry. What does all this mean? Could it be all the famous ancient races had magnifying instruments. If we believe this would an intelligent person think no one ever looked at the heavens with them? I don’t think so and I would like to take this even further by saying they may have used two or more lenses to create a primitive telescope.

You would think by now we have discovered all the ancient buried cities in Mexico, Central and South America. Well this turns out to be untrue and the proof is two new cities have just been found in our neighbor’s country. Two ancient Mayan Cities were found in the Mexican jungle. They have large buildings and temples. This was a re-discovery. Originally an American archaeologist named Eric Von Euw discovered them in the 1970s, but they could never be found again. One of the problems is the jungle is so thick in some areas an ancient city could be very close, but you might never see it. Β These places are huge and have large ball courts and pyramids, along with the temples and other buildings. The cities were discovered in Campeche, Mexico. The cities are named Lagunita and Tamchen. While archaeologists believe these ancient cities are a certain size such as identifying Lagunita as being 3000 square meters, it could turn out the cities are a lot bigger. Some of the famous ancient cities which are very large have not been completely excavated. You would think something like a pyramid would be easy to see, but the problem is when they are covered with dirt and have trees growing out of them you have to be right next to one to realize what it is.

A diver has just made an incredible find. There are plenty of ancient gold coins in the world and some are quite valuable, but a diver in Bulgaria has discovered the oldest gold coin in the world. It is believed the coin was minted in western Anatolia about the seventh century B.C. The coin comes from Lydia, the country which originated gold and silver coins. When the coin was examined at the National History Museum it was found it was composed of electrum a gold alloy. The alloy contained not only gold, but also some silver. It is the first coin of this type to ever be found in Bulgaria. Electrum was used in the early coins. It was said the electrum alloy used in ancient Lydia was 45-55% gold and the rest mostly silver. Another use for electrum was for topping pyramids and obelisks by the ancient Egyptians.

A lot of people might not know Β ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics have been found in Australia of all places. The hieroglyphics are said to be of an early type, creating the idea the ancient Egyptians visited Australia thousands of years ago. The finding has been a controversial one and experts had been called in to examine the hieroglyphics. The two experts were Mohamed Ibahim and Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan. They came to the conclusion the writing was completely genuine. What put the icing on the cake was the fact several grammatical variations were used and these were not even documented until 2012. This just proves again the ancients got around a lot more than we initially thought.

Here we go again, another find which could change our history was found almost ninety years ago and has not been mentioned very much. The stone was found in Minnesota in the United States in 1927. It is not very big, but we all know the saying “big things come in small packages.” This is certainly an example of this. A man was digging in his garden when he found it along with several stone hammers, arrowheads and other artifacts including ceramic pieces.Β  He gave the stone to a scientist named Jager. It is said after the stone was examined it proved we had writing over 20,000 years ago and that several ancient civilizations had visited North America. The stone had disappeared, but its whereabouts were discerned again in 2011. The stone also has Runes on it. Unfortunately the surface of the stone was destroyed by acid. Was this really an accident or an attempt at hiding our true history? The stone had been put into an acid bath by two university professors named Jenks and Stauffer. It is said they did this on purpose, because they didn’t want us to know there was pre-Columbian contact with natives.Β  Jager wrote, "Roseau Stone Minn" and "DAMNED BE JENKS AND STAUFFER!"

"Everything we've been taught about the origins of civilization may be wrong," says Danny Natawidjaja, PhD, senior geologist with the Research Centre for Geotechnology at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. "Old stories about Atlantis and other a great lost civilizations of prehistory, long dismissed as myths by archaeologists, look set to be proved true." Why would a respected scientist make such a statement? He said this because he had made an amazing discovery. He and his team had been working on a site in Indonesia that was about 100 miles from the city of Bandung. They had found terraces dating back as far as 2,500 years, but then it happened. They used a drill and as they went down into the ruin it became more ancient until they discovered the hill they were on top of was not a hill at all but an ancient pyramid which they dated to be from at least 20,000 to 22,000 B.C. If these dates sound familiar to you I can see why. They match the dates of the Bosnian Pyramid which was recently discovered.

I think most of us can see there is a hidden history on Earth and we may finally be able to discover it since it is getting too hard for scientists to hide it. We can thank those brave scientists who are now coming out with these finds.

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