Truth Facts



Classified Documents and Devices

Have you ever thought about all the people who had had to sign non-disclosure agreements, or have just been shut down from saying what they have seen in relation to UAPs? There has to be many thousands of them. It makes me wonder how much information has been kept from us. Look what happened at the disclosure hearings at congress. Several times the whistleblowers had to stop from giving full answers because they didn’t want to land up getting in more trouble or even landing in jail.

The United States has a long history of making people sign non-disclosure agreements and warning private citizens of not talking about UAP related experiences among other things. Even the astronauts who went to the moon were said to be silenced about what they saw, and what they saw was said to be totally unexpected. I am not just talking about seeing UAPs watching them, I am also talking about ruins and other things which they saw on the moon, which upset the government so much they “LOST” all the original boxes of videos and photos starting with Apollo 11. Some experts have commented on this which I have mentioned before. They claim this was done because some government agencies felt it might be possible to bring out hidden things in these videos and photos.

It is said even the first men on the moon had to keep quiet about what they saw, and now it is being said Buzz Aldrin, from Apollo 11, said he and Armstrong not only saw structures on the moon which were not built by humans, but we were warned to keep away from certain places. I for one would like to know exactly what those places were. Were they only planets and moons, or were there even places on earth we were told to avoid? Were we told to stay off the moon or not go to certain places on the moon? Another thing Aldrin said was there was an alien structure on one of the moons of Mars. He also said there was a monolith on Phobos, one of the moons of Mars and it was alien. It was very brave for him to talk about these things.

Why is all this being kept from us? The cover story is the government thinks we can’t handle the truth. I don’t believe this is what is thought anymore. I think there are other reasons and at least one of them is to hide advances we made in technology hoping our adversaries don’t find out about what we really are capable of doing. I have to wonder if we could examine all the UAPs which are flying around, would a good percentage of them be made here. Many believe that is true and we have succeeded in understanding some of the alien technology we have captured from crashes.

There is also an idea which is we are being tested. The test consists of being able to keep the crashed UAPs while the extraterrestrials watch us to see if we can build an exact replica of one, and if we do, then we may be ready to join some space organization they belong to. I don’t think this is so farfetched, because they could easily have destroyed the ships. Back to the question of why there are so many UAP crashes when such advanced craft are involved? I think there is a war between some of the aliens and every once in a while, it flares up. I also think this proves some of the aliens may not be as peaceful as people think.

There have been quite a few cases where UAP investigators have been warned and threatened by mysterious people who have even threatened to kill them if they didn’t comply. Add to this the cases where the lives of UAP investigators ended. Many have said the number of that group who died was well in excess of any other group of people and indeed when some have been warned they claimed it was by the infamous Men In Black and also said these beings didn’t seem human. While they didn’t look like the Greys, they had one attribute which some have pointed out and that was the lack of emotion the Greys were said to exhibit. Could they be the Greys in some sort of disguise?

There have been quite a few people who have claimed to have made contact with extraterrestrials right here.  Some have said they have experienced contact not by being abducted but in a relatively normal way except for the fact they were contacted through their mind by a human looking person. Telepathy seems to be an ability many of them have. It also seems to be a relatively undeveloped ability we might all possess.

Back to the remote viewing events some countries had when running the program. We know one group from the United States somehow peered into a UFO, according to one of them, and saw an alien and was shocked when he realized the alien had become aware of him and he broke off contact. To me, this proved at least some of us have the ability to remote view and probably many of the more advanced aliens have it. I believe it was even a greater feat for the alien to recognize it was being remotely viewed then the remote viewer being able to do it.

What would this country be like if suddenly all the information which wasn’t a threat to the country was released? Would it have a tremendous effect on our lives? I believe so. Just all those inventions which have been kept from us, might not only reveal more useful devices, but there could be life savings devices. There has been a rumor for example, which claimed we have already invented a way to cure cancer, and it is in the form of an invention which was grabbed by the military since it has military applications also. There is another rumor which claims we have secret planes which can fly incredibly fast and even secret spacecraft which blow away the rockets we use.

I have no way of knowing what is true and what isn’t. One thing I do know is we have far too many things classified so the people can’t see them or even use them. This country may have percentage wise the most classified documents and devices of any nation. It is being said some congressmen are working on a bill to release some of the classifications to allow us to see these documents and perhaps even some devices.

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