Truth Facts



United States Troops on Foreign Soil

The United States is said to have troops in 136 countries. There are 197 countries recognized by the United Nations. This does not include all areas on earth. Some countries could potentially be another Afghanistan while others do not seem to be occupied anymore by us. I know many would agree with me, but I would like to see all our troops pulled out of Europe, it seems like a waste of money to me. We have about 2,233,068 troops in our military. Some of our troops are in hotspots such as Syria and Iraq, but there are far more. South Korea is host to 28,500 of our troops. The tension there is very high and almost anything could start a war.  An estimation of the number of troops in other countries is about 200,000.

When I give the number of American troops in other countries, there are those who question that number, because it has been said we have put some troops secretly in countries and their numbers are not accounted for. I can understand why we have troops in Canada, it is because we have agreements where we cooperate with them in different military projects. The number is small and estimated to be 141. The numbers are constantly changing in a lot of places so some of the numbers I give you may have changed, but they give you an idea of how many are where.

It is said there are no foreign militaries stationed in the United States but due to our training programs foreign militaries come here from friendly countries to learn tactics and such. The United States has 860 bases in 144 countries around the world. In the Americas we have troops in Cuba, Honduras, Greenland, Canada, along with a few troops in other places. What most people don’t realize is we have all sorts of government agencies in many different countries including ones such as the CIA and probably others which are even more secret. We feel we need them to gather intelligence and for other reasons. Some carry out what seems like military actions. The figures I have gotten admittedly are four years old, but they were the best I could do. They also showed besides our military we have 817,459 National Guard, which would bring the number of fighters up to about 3,000,000.

I would like to know the reason we have troops in Great Britain and why they haven’t asked us to leave by now. The number of troops there is almost 8,500. The countries we conquered in World War II still have some of our troops in them. Germany has almost 35,000, Japan has 39,000 and Italy has 12,000. Some agree with this and others no long think it is necessary to maintain a troop presence in these countries. I guess this question is, has our troops prevented another war? If we look at Germany there was only 21 years between two great wars they started. The Japanese and China might also have had a war if we weren’t stationed in Japan. I don’t think Italy was a threat.

We have troops in places you wouldn’t suspect. Yes, we have a few in Mexico. The latest number I could find were from 2017 and were 59. Hardly a difference maker. Peru is said to have 51 American troops stationed there. Brazil about the same number. For some reason I never would have expected to find an American troop deployment in the Netherlands but there is one and it numbers 398. You have to wonder what they are doing there. Another sort of strange place for American troops is the British Indian Ocean Territory. Yet there are about 275 American troops stationed there. Lastly, why are there American troops in Australia? There aren’t many only 188, but what is their mission? We have a hint on this one which is we have monitoring stations there for space launches. I know this because when Apollo touched down on the moon, one of the places that received the feed was an American monitoring station there. Perhaps we are doing some secret monitoring of space objects from there.

Lately, we have not been getting along very well with Turkey. We cancelled military orders with them because of their purchase of Russian missiles. I only mention this because we have American troops in that country. The number of troops is about 2,200. The question is as relations disintegrate; will they be asked to leave? Guam still has a significant American presence for a small country. There is only about 170,000 people living there, so even though we have only 3,800 troops there, it is a significant presence.

We are in Greenland which has only a population of 57,000 people and we have 168 military there. We are in Poland,  Kosovo, Romania, Kuwait, Bahrain, Pakistan, UAE, and Qatar. Poland has 53 American troops. This might have something to do with the missiles we sent over there to protect Europe. Columbia is a country which had many of the biggest drug cartels and we had military there to train their forces. It is believed we have a force of 68 military. It is possible they are all advisors. We have troops in Greece and in many African countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Somalia and Uganda.

Africa is one of the places it is said we are fighting a secret war. It was rumored when our wounded were coming back to this country after being wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq, there were also wounded American soldiers being returned from fighting on the horn of Africa. Articles have appeared in some newspapers suggesting American forces were secretly involved in wars in Africa. In 2018 Politico put out an article about this.

One of the only good things I can see about having so much military spread on foreign soil is the fact we probably get a lot of intelligence about terrorists and such. When you have a lot of military spread around you also have those secret agencies there, keeping their finger on the pulse of what is happening. Do we need to be in so many different countries, no. If we look around the world no other country is in so many different places. China has noticed this and wants to replace us in many different areas. Some countries have expressed displeasure with us. It is said South Korea’s ruling party wants a faster transfer of military control from the United States. This was just said when we announced we were suddenly withdrawing from Afghanistan.

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