Truth Facts




Secret U.S. Projects

It has always been a suspicion, and probably with good cause, the United States government has secrets it doesn’t want the general population to know about and probably other countries. The truth of the matter is every country has got secrets and with secrets come speculation and conspiracy theories. This makes it easy for any government to just say something was a conspiracy theory when it was really, or is really a government project. These secret projects are called Black Projects and usually are funded in the way that hides them.

It is said one of the secret projects was considered to be rather ghoulish and would have upset a lot of people if they would’ve found out about it. It had to do with the effect of radiation on the human body. In the 1950s it was said the US government knew they needed bodies for this project. They helped themselves to recent bodies in the area without getting permission from relatives of the deceased. To this day it is quite possible people who are related to the bodies never found out what really happened and may not even know the bodies are missing. The name of the project was Project Sunshine.

Another plan from the late 1950s had to do with the moon. It is said the US military wanted to explode a nuclear weapon on the moon because they felt this would impress our enemies and put the fear of God into them. We all know this never came to pass and I guess we will never know how close we came to carrying this out.

Remember, when I talk about these different projects there is no way to know they absolutely existed, but it seems there is more of a chance they did than they did not. It has been said the United States has millions of chickens hidden all over the country. Why in the world would they be doing this and what could they possibly be used for? The chickens are being used to create vaccines. They lay eggs year around. Did you ever wonder how many chicken eggs were needed to create vaccines? Every day 900,000 chicken eggs are needed just to meet the current vaccine need. Just a note about that, the chicken eggs won’t work for the coronavirus for some reason.

Evidence seems to indicate another program of the 1950s had to do with creating a flying saucer also known as a UFO. The project was said to be an Air Force project and its name was Project 1794. Everybody believes they never succeeded for a couple of different reasons. The first reason being if UFOs actually exist, trying to copy their abilities would have been too much for our technology at the time. Second reason is UFOs have been seen in the skies long before the 1950s so seeing them after that did not mean the US succeeded.

One has to wonder how many nuclear weapons have been lost, not only by the United States, but also by the Soviet Union and possibly others. The United States has had several different projects conducted to find nuclear bombs which were lost. It is said in 1950 a 30 kiloton nuclear bomb was dropped into the Pacific Ocean to lighten the bomber which was going down. It was never recovered. In 1956 a bomber disappeared caring two nuclear bombs with a combined yield of over 3 megatons. In 1961 a nuclear bomb was lost in the swamp in North Carolina and that bomb was rated at twenty-four megatons. In 1965 a 1 megaton  bomb rolled off the deck of the USS Ticonderoga and fell into the Pacific Ocean and was never retrieved. In 1968 a nuclear attack submarine sank and it was carrying two nuclear weapons, the yield was unknown. There very easily could be more US losses of nuclear weapons which are unknown.

Soviet losses of nuclear weapons are unknown, but you can bet they are at least equal to the amount the United States has lost or more. We seem to know for sure a sunken Soviet submarine had two nuclear torpedoes on it.

One secret project which is taking place in plain sight has to do with the US Air Forces X-37B space plane. It goes into orbit, stays up there for a very long time and comes back and we have no idea what its mission is. All we know is it is a small unmanned version of something which looks like the space shuttle which was retired.

It is believed there is a secret project conducted in the United States which has to do with international email and text messages. The ACLU claims all international emails and text messages are read by the NSA. This means outgoing messages and incoming ones. The NSA secret program is said to be called XKeystroke.

It is said one of the places which has many secret programs running is Area 51. Supposedly the US government has a program to reverse engineer UFOs which have been found. There are quite a few people who believe the triangular UFOs which have been seen in the last few decades are a product of this project, whether that is true or not remains to be seen, but when we look at pictures of UFOs from the past, we don’t see anything resembling these triangular UFOs painted on any walls anywhere or in art.

In the 1960s the United States had a secret project named Project Iceworm. This project was hidden under another name called Camp Century. The idea was to build a series of mobile missile launcher sites under Greenland. This led to the military creating underground buildings and tunnels along with a nuclear power plant. It is said even the Danish government didn’t know about this which was a serious violation considering Greenland was their possession. It didn’t work out very well because the movement of the ice destroyed a lot of the structures, and  made it impossible to launch the missiles.

I guess I’m going to have to mention the Manhattan Project. This was one of the biggest projects ever attempted and keeping it secret was an incredible feat. The Manhattan Project was the project which developed the first atom bomb and ended the war with Japan. Considering how many people were involved, it was miraculous the information never got out.

As time goes by, we find out about secret projects because they come to light and one can only wonder what incredible things have been going on in areas such as space and medicine?

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