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Presidential Secrets

I have no way of knowing if the following statement is true, but it is said the president of the United States has access to more information about things happening on the planet and why than any other person on it. It seems to me the same might be said for any other powerful world leader. I would think sometimes knowing too much about some other world leader and having to negotiate with them when you feel a distaste for them because of something you know about them must be hard. Image what it must be like to have to meet with murders and such and still keep your cool. This must be what it feels like to have to meet with Kim Jong un.

Did you know that when something big is about to affect the stock market the president and three other senior officials are given a twelve-hour notice if it is found out in time? When Kennedy took over as president he was told about an impending invasion called the Bay of Pigs invasion and he decided since it was already prepared he would not interfere. Some view this has the biggest mistake of his presidency since it almost led to a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Nikita Khrushchev was horrified when he found out the generals in Cuba had the authority to launch a nuclear strike, so apparently, he didn’t have enough information at the time. He instantly took that authority away from them. Kennedy had another secret and the president’s secret was the fact before he became president he was so sick he had the last rights three times. The last rights are what Catholics get which are performed by priests when a person is in danger of dying and Kennedy had Addison’s disease which was also kept secret.  If this had been mentioned he may not have ever been elected president.

Harry Truman was not considered one of our more astute presidents and yet he was sitting on one of the biggest secrets there ever was and the secret I am talking about was the race to create an atom bomb. We continuously hear those who poo poo those who claim the government is hiding info on UFOs because that claim it is too big a secret to hide because too many people would know. During the development of the atomic bomb over 130,000 people were involved. The project started in 1939. It took place in three different countries, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada and there were over thirty sites spread over these countries and yet with all this those governments managed to keep the whole thing secret so to those who say the government could never keep the UFOs secret because there are too many people involved I say check your history.

George Washington our first president had a secret and that secret was he had a spy ring called the Culper Ring and used them to pass secret messages because he was tired of the British intercepting his messages. They employed invisible ink and code names among other things and for the next 150 years they flourished and yet their existence was a secret. When an investigator asked someone today if they still existed he answered in the affirmative. This doesn’t mean they still have the same name or operate on their own because they could be a part of another organization such as the U.S. Secret Service.

Richard Nixon had many secrets. One was he not only believed in UFOs but he was able to sneak away from the Secret Service, pick up Jackie Gleason the famous comedian and drive both of them to a base where he showed Gleason a UFO and dead aliens. This is of course denied as is almost anything to do with UFOs and extraterrestrials. One failed secret Nixon had was about the break in at Watergate. When it was found out he knew about if before hand that was the end of his presidency.

The National Security Agency or NSA was founded in 1952 but was hidden for ten years. Those in authority knew about it but the general public did not. The National Reconnaissance Office was founded in 1960 and kept secret for thirty years. It turns out presidents could easily have known about a secret government for quite some time. Take the case of Woodrow Wilson. Wilson made a statement about how industrial leaders and other important people had come to him and complained they were scared. They knew there was a bigger power which was very organized and pervasive and they were afraid to say anything about it. If we go back in history we see where Benjamin Disraeli in Britain said the world is governed by different people than we suspect who work behind the scenes.

A lot has been said about Churchill and Roosevelt. Stories were written about the respect Churchill had for Roosevelt and visa versa, but there are historians who say Churchill secretly thought Roosevelt was naïve when dealing with Stalin and couldn’t understand why Roosevelt had told him he couldn’t wait to get into the war in Europe on the side of Great Britain. One secret Roosevelt was able to keep for a very long time was the fact he had polio and had to be helped to stand before speeches and such. News reels only showed him after he was standing. Reporters today would have spilled the beans.  When Roosevelt died he had cancer which had affected his mental health and many say his wife Eleanor was really running the country in the end. Others say he was fighting heart disease for the last two years of his life. All this was kept secret from the world.

Dwight Eisenhower had his own secrets. He secretly recorded over 15 hours of tapes of meetings while he was president of Columbia University. While not exactly a secret Eisenhower never served in combat. He had requested to serve in Europe during World War I but was kept as a trainer. He was the first president to ride in a helicopter. He must have known things we didn’t when he told us to beware of the military industrial complex and not let them get too strong or he wouldn’t have mentioned it.

It has long been rumored there is a presidential book of secrets handed down from one president to the next. Supposedly the outgoing president notes things in the book which are only to be read by the incoming president. The problem is no one really knows if this book exists or it is just a myth. There is no doubt that each president has known thing the rest of us were not privy to. This doesn’t always mean the secrets are all to due with intrigue. Some could be personal.

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