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Do Governments Sometimes Go Too Far?

Sometimes we don’t get the entire story about something. Take dark energy for instance, we have heard a lot about it lately yet no one has really seen it, yet the military seems to be interested in it. Why are they if we know nothing about it except the fact many scientists believe it exists? Why do they want to find out its properties? The answer seems simple enough to me, they are interested in weaponizing it, isn’t that what the military always does? Recently it has been said a report has come out which was put together by the military titled “Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.” Some of this stuff seems like science fiction but if harnessed could be deadlier than a hydrogen bomb. Maybe the military is trying to use dark energy as a source of incredible power to allow them to tamper with space time and dimensions? This is only a thought on my part, but when the military gets involved in these types of things it is never good for the world. Think about this, armies running through time and dimensions attacking each other and in the course of this changing history.

Some say the military and indeed the government would never do anything which would harm its citizens. I remind people about Project Mkultra when the CIA was slipping LSD into drinks of their employees to see what would happen. There was Operation Northwoods where the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a memo to the president where they suggested they be allowed to attack Americans and blame it on the Cubans in 1962. When the atom bomb was fairly new the military was putting troops close enough to the explosions so they would receive damage and they did this to see what would happen to troops in that situation. The damage was from radiation. Employees at the famous Area 51 were dying from unknown exposure to chemicals and such but the military would not tell the families what the chemicals were so they could be treated. That went right up to the president who signed an executive order in 1995 exempting Area 51 from environmental regulations. The employees sued but the judge dismissed the case so they never found out what was killing them. The judge stated an investigation into the claims constituted a breach of national security.

We continuously hear the military is in possession of alien technology. This is a very touchy subject since no one can say with certainty that aliens exist since if they do the proof has been hidden from us. There have been thousands of reports of strange vehicles in the sky over the last century and many cite this as proof of an alien presence. Is it really or are these vehicles ours? If they are not ours are we gaining technology from scavenging parts and pieces from crashed alien vehicles? If this is the case it makes things even more dangerous for the human race since we would not be the only country doing this, yet aside from the United States, Russia and maybe China we don’t see other countries making great advancements in aviation and space travel. Why is that? It could be because there is no alien technology and the government is diverting trillions of dollars into weapons research and space travel and we don’t know about it.

Over 90 percent of nuclear weapons are said to be held by the United States and Russia. This survey was taken in 2015 and may have changed somewhat by now but not much. At the time Russia had 7,500 and the U.S. had 7,100. We worry about a devastating nuclear war destroying the earth, but we should be worrying about even a small nuclear war because that could change the global climate and indirectly kill billions of people who may not even be involved with the war. This is because so much black soot would be produced it would rise into the stratosphere and block the sunlight which would affect many things including crops. The world may be relatively large but it is a lot more fragile than first thought.

Rand Paul is a senator from Kentucky. In March of 2017 he made a statement which was directly related to the CIA spying on communications. He said the American people will live in fear of their communications being intercepted after WikiLeaks reveals the extent of the CIA’s spying power. The extent of the spying on phone calls, messages and such is monumental and there is probably no such thing anymore as privacy when it comes to communication. The next step is to get all of our DNA on file and the government seems to want this to happen. Bills have been put forward to make this mandatory under certain circumstances but so far, I don’t see where this has happened yet but it is on the burner and could have happened but I missed it.

In a free society with many technological advances coming fast and furiously, it is very tempting for governments to want to know everything about their citizens since they have the capabilities. They do this under the guise of protection of society and this can go too far. There has to be a balance between protection and the rights of the people. It is very easy to overdo this type of thing in the name of security. It can become the electronic equivalent of the system used in Nazi Germany where everyone reported on everyone else.     

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