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Area 51s Around the World

Just about everyone knows the United States has a secret base known as Area 51. It is said this base is used to test our newest planes and is even used to back engineer crashed UFOs. While we can’t verify this as what is going on there, there is enough strangeness being sighted in the skies above the base to keep us interested. Many believe this is really not where the most secret work goes on and there are other secret places like areas on Air Force bases where the real secret stuff is being tested. If this is the case, why is Area 51 so heavily protected and allowed to exist. According to some interested parties they believe it is a ruse to keep prying eyes away from the areas where the truly secret work is being done. The United States is certainly not the only country with a secret base and it has been said there are the equivalent of Area 51s in many different countries. This makes sense since most countries have secrets of their own.

Russia is said to have their equivalent of Area 51 and it is their top-secret base called Kapustin Yar. This base and rocket launching site was established in 1946 and this is where the Nazi technology which was captured by the Soviet Union went. A town was built near the base named Znamensk for those working on the base. The base is said to be where numerous sightings of UFOs took place. There are many different areas at the base such as the launch complex, Areas 1, 84, 86, 87,107, R-1, R-2, R-5, R-11, R-14. There are other areas there which I haven’t mentioned. As with the American Area 51, Russia is said to have other bases where top secret development and back engineering of crashed UFOs is taking place.

When it comes to China, several places have been thought to be their Area 51 and new ones are still being discovered. Let us start with a site which was found on Google Earth which has the address 40 458779 93 313129. It is a location which is circular, appears in the middle of nowhere in a desert and has planes in the center of the circle surrounded by what look like buildings or storage containers, hundreds of them. Many articles have been written about this location and this was probably caused by the strangeness of it. Another area which has been suspected of being the Chinese Area 51 is the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It is known many different types of work is carried out at the center, not just projects related to launches. This is where the world’s first quantum-communications satellite was designed. If one is allowed on the base, which is rare they are warned if they wander off they will be locked up in a military prison and held.

A UFO investigator has claimed he has discovered the British Area 51 and it is located in Farnborough, England and is hidden underground. The fact the base could be underground would not surprise me, as much digging has been going on all over the world to hide weapons development from prying eyes on the surface. A group named BEAMS has stated there is at least as much to the base underground as there is above it. Since BEAMS is a UFO group their statement is not getting as much attention as it would if it was announced by former leaders or others. There is a suspicion there are two other sites which could also be the equivalent of Area 51. There is one source who works for the British government who states he knows several people who work underground at Farnborough and they are working on reversing alien technology.

While other countries have secret bases it is hard to believe they could be anywhere near as complex as those in America, Russia and China with the exception of the one in England. There might be one other exception however and that is Pine Gap in Australia. While we don’t hear a lot about Australia that country has very close ties to the United States. IN 1967 a secret facility was built in Central Australia. It is said to be as secret as Area 51 itself. It is also said there are a few employees who work there who are not Australian, they are British. There is a 1,400-mile-long tunnel under the base which links it to the North West Cape submarine station. It is also said the CIA monitors the people working there and rumors abound which say aliens are on the base.

I would like to mention the fact there are those who believe the Germans had an Area 51 type base before anyone else. There are many guesses where it was located, but we do know for sure where all the German weapons development took place it was at Peenemunde, Germany. There were about 30,000 scientists and engineers there who were responsible for all those advanced aircraft, rockets- and weapons. The secret was they were allowed to share their discoveries with each other. The discoveries were not compartmentalized like they are today so this led to quicker weapons development and discoveries. This is where UFOs would have been back engineered if there were any captured and as I said this may be where the idea of Area 51 in the United States came from.

Creating huge secret bases and developing advanced weapons of war costs a ton of money and that is why not every country can do this. That is probably a good thing. There may be what I call mini-Area 51s in some countries like a few in Europe or in Israel. Whether India has a similar one is yet to be determined. It certainly would be a surprise to find out one exists in Jordan or some other Middle Eastern country.

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