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The Shadow Government

There are some very brave people in this country. I think at least some of us have heard about what is known as the secret government, shadow government or the deep secret government. These are the people who have grown so strong over the years they are able to keep even presidents out of their plans. There have been many suspicions about who was or is involved in the secret government and there have been many stories told to us by people who should know about presidents, senators, representatives and cabinet members who have tried to find out certain things and were actually told they didn’t have the need to know. Eisenhower knew this was coming. He demanded to know what was going on at area 51 after he was told he didn’t have the need to know. Ike told those who refused to tell him, if he wasn’t allowed to find out he was going to send the Army into area 51 and they quickly changed their minds.

When one talks about the shadow government they are treading in very dangerous territory if they truly know something which the shadow government doesn’t want to get out. I think we all remember Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was not only the president’s mistress, but after he jilted her she became his brother’s mistress and was jilted again. Marilyn became very angry and wrote a letter threatening to release secret information she had learned. Some say the NSA, CIA or some other government agency killed her to keep her quiet. I don’t know about that, but I do know she was distraught, because all the evidence surrounding her death proves this. It certainly is possible she was told things or heard things which could have put her life in danger. Many people believe President Kennedy was killed for digging too deeply into what the secret government was doing. It must be very frustrating to be the president of the United States and then be told by a government agency we are not going to tell you what you want to know.

If we are to believe the last few presidents then we know they are not able to find out information on UFOs and were either told no, right to their faces or had an aid refused information. This is not all about UFOs however. Doctor Steven Greer in his latest film tells the story of how he was still working as an emergency room doctor while trying to investigate UFOs and the secret government. He was called to Washington to brief President Obama and told the reason for this was the president could not get any information from the people running some of the government agencies. Greer says he felt deeply disturbed about this and you can understand why. Imagine the leader of the strongest country in the free world not being able to find out something, because he was refused that information. He went on to say some president’s felt if they pushed too hard for this info they would be in danger of assassination.

One thing is for sure, there are a plethora of documents released by the government and if one has the patience to dig through them, much can be learned. There are all sorts of documents from private sources which show the destruction of the World Trade Center did not take place the way we were told. They prove military explosives left particles in the air all around the destroyed buildings. They also show fire has never collapsed a skyscraper anywhere in the world except for the World Trade Center. I could go into this a lot deeper and say things like the committee investigating the disaster refused to call many witnesses who claimed to have proof of what really happened or how there was molten metal discovered in the basement of these buildings indicating an explosion there. I bring this up, because one of the claims by Greer is the military industrial complex is fermenting wars for profit. This is the same thing Eisenhower warned us about and it seems his vision has come true.

Greer states there is a plan in action and the plan calls for what is known as false flag operations. A false flag operation is when a country does something and makes it look like it was done by different country. An example of this happened in World War II when Hitler had some troops dress like Polish troops and attack a German radio station as an excuse to invade Poland. Dr. Greer says the plan was to get us to invade Vietnam by making false claims of our ships being attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin. The next phase was to take down the World Trade Center and blame it on Mideastern terrorists. This was tied in with the false statement that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and we had to invade Iraq and then Afghanistan. He says the next part of the plan is to focus on a maniacal world leader which we seem to be doing right now with North Korea and then finally the end of the plan calls for a false invasion by aliens using secret ships we have developed.

For those who say the government never sanctioned a false flag operation think about this, President Johnson admitted he lied about the Gulf of Tonkin to get us into the war. When we were in the midst of the Cuban missile crisis the Joint Chiefs of Staff actually proposed a false flag operation which would have cost American lives. It was called Operation Northwoods. You can read about this on Wikipedia by copying and pasting the following address into your web browser.
Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use active outside links. It is hard to believe anyone would dare suggest something like this, but it was done with impunity as if it was just another day at the office. This should scare the heck out of most of us.

The truth is most people, including our elected officials really don’t know what is going on. They do their day-to-day thing, but none of it has any effect on the secret government which has almost unlimited funds and power which is hidden from us. They could be doing anything. The sad part about this is the major decisions, the ones which could affect us and have the most-dire consequences are being made by people we never elected and whose names we don’t even know. It is said one of the things they have hidden from us include free energy from space. Years ago, I interviewed John Hutchison, a Canadian inventor who claimed he was able to draw energy, known as zero-point energy, from space. He was able to do some incredible things with it, like lifting bowling balls, moving heavy iron objects and in general applying this energy to many things. His technique was not yet perfected and this only worked sometimes, but interestingly enough he was visited by a U.S. Colonel who was known for acquiring devices and information for the secret government. His interview is on this website if you would like to hear it. Here is the link to that interview.

Other things which are said to be hidden from us are different cures and incredible advances in space travel and weapons, just to mention a few. The bottom line here is the profits of industry are being protected by keeping us at least one hundred years behind in technology while we constantly fight wars so the military industrial complex can rake in the money.