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Secrets and Secret Projects

Why is it something which has been kept from the American public is known by the Chinese government? I am talking about the fact the small space shuttle/plane the X-47B which we put into orbit a while back has an EM engine in it for testing. It makes no sense to me when other governments know things our government is keeping from us. This just proves the absurdity of our system at times. There doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to this system. It is more like let’s declare everything secret we can get away with. Kennedy had remarked about a government which keeps too many secrets and this and other views he had may have gotten him killed. Sometimes we keep secrets, because if the truth became widely known there would be an uproar. An example of this is the Green Run of 1949. There is a complex in Washington State known as the Hanford site. It was the first reactor to produce plutonium. This was used in the bombs dropped on Japan. Radioactive exhaust was allowed to be released according to some sources. This was supposedly tracked by the US Air Force. Why would we let this happen? While there is no proof why, some say it was so we would know what to look for over the USSR to detect their nuclear facilities.

Radiation testing has taken place ever since we built the first atom bomb and maybe before. We have to remember those at the top of the military think of the soldiers on the field as just pawns. If they thought of them as people they would not do so many of the terrible things to them they do. The generals will argue they have to think of things this way or they would not be able to conduct a battle, much less a war. While there is something to this statement, many times they have just gone too far. One such time was during an atom bomb test when they moved soldiers too close to the blast to see how they would fare. We have no way of knowing how this affected these men months or years later. We have subjected too many people to radiation tests, even native people according to many different alternate news sites. It is claimed we subjected the Yanomami Indians of Venezuela to radiation to see what would happen and then gave them the measles. Many of these poor Indians were said to have died.

How many times have we found out biological testing has been done by the government in major cities like New York City. The gas which was used was said to be inert and was put into the subway system. We really have no way of knowing what the gas was and are forced to take the word of someone in the government. The Guardian carried this event as one of their headline stories online. The government has said there was absolutely no health risk. The reason for the test was said to show how a biological agent would disburse through the system and to see if after it settled if it would spread again into the air as trains went by. This was also done in Washington DC and Boston. Is there some sort of tie in with contrails, those trails which show themselves behind plane engines? There are those who believe there is and we are being bombarded with unknown substances for reasons unknown. I heard someone say they believed we are being inoculated against certain biological attacks and we don’t know it. This was only the opinion of one person of course.

We really can’t just dismiss contrails as only being engine exhausts, because there are just too many strange ones. People have reported seeing planes, a lot of planes, creating a checker board pattern in the sky for no apparent reason. Others have said when something like this happens sometimes a strange sticky material falls to the ground. We know jet engines leave an icy trail behind them or a trail of water vapor. This is quite normal, but this is not the kind of thing people are complaining about. It is the stuff coming out of planes which have nothing to do with normal engine exhausts which have people worried. If one looks at the hundreds and maybe thousands of secret projects the US has conducted over the years they could feel there might be a cause for concern. One thing which has been found in Chemtrails which differ from Contrails is aluminum. Some say there is so much aluminum it exceeds the allowable  daily amount by over 4,000 times. What could possibly be the purpose of sending all these aluminum particles out of planes? One reason which seems to be gaining popularity is the one which states we are trying to block the sun’s rays to a certain extent to slow global warming.

Humans have never thought much about the fact the air around us is what we breathe and we should not be dumping things into that air. We still haven’t learned that lesson well enough. With all the health problems affecting us one would think at least some are due to what we are breathing, what is in our water and what is in our food. I bet if we could guarantee purity in these three areas the health of the world would improve tremendously. There are quite a few diseases today which we cannot figure out the source of such as autism. When children are born and until they reach maturity it is said they are more susceptible to certain diseases.

One neurologist warned nanoparticles of aluminum can penetrate the brain and have neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental effects. You can read the doctor’s article at Just copy and paste this address into your browsers address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use active outside links.

Are we being experimented on? Some believe this could be the case. I don’t know, but it could be a possibility. The health and welfare of people have been put into jeopardy more than once.