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The State of the Country

Are we all being fed lies, are we not being fed lies or are we partially being fed lies. This is a question people are wrestling with not only in this country, but in many parts of the world. Things are being turned upside down in the country right now and there are some pretty strong opinions being bandied around. On one side we seem to have Hillary Clinton supporters who have been joined with others who hate Trump. One the other side we have Trump supporters and some who have decided to move toward supporting his presidency. Never in my lifetime, which has been long, have I ever seen a situation like this. Usually when an election is over we all go back to what we were doing, the president and president elect meet and there is a peaceful transition of power. The president elect doesn’t say much until he take office and the president is very cordial to him. Not this time folks, but I am sure I didn’t have to tell you this.

The level of hate for Trump among some and the level of Trump’s tweets insulting them is unprecedented. Some have said they are glad the amount of words on Twitter is limited and they are glad Trump isn’t on Facebook where he could type a lot more. Others have said it is time for those who oppose him to act like adults and accept the fact Trump is the lawfully elected president. The left is extremely aggravated because Putin is supporting Trump and he is supposed to be our enemy, but is not acting like one. Some on the left and right believe the CIA and other security agencies when they say Russia hacked the election. John McAfee of anti-virus software fame stated hackers are very good at hiding their tracks and if it looks like the Russians did it, then it wasn’t the Russians, because it was made to look that way.

The Clinton Foundation funding seems to be drying up and those on the side of Trump say this is because world leaders can no longer buy favors from the Clintons while the other side states they decided to do away with their Global Initiative. Many don’t know what the Global Initiative was. The foundation states it convenes global leaders to create and implement innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. It has about 2,000 employees and is said to have assets of about 456 million dollars. Some Trump supporters say the Foundation accepted illegal funds when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand donated 7.7 million dollars of tax payer’s funds to the Clinton Foundation from 2010 to 2016. There are plenty of people on both sides of the Clinton Foundation Issue.

In the old days of this country Bill Clinton might have challenged Donald Trump to a duel by now. That was very popular a couple of hundred years ago, but today it will be just a war of words and dirty tricks. I don’t know if we can call this an advancement or not. At least with a duel it might have ending the bickering. People are not used to the fact that some institutions which have been here for decades are now being attacked by Trump. NATO is one of them. Trump said it is obsolete, but supporters on the other side use it as a political weapon not just a defensive entity. Then there is the question of Julian Assange, the head of Wikileaks. He was accused of releasing documents hacked by the Russians to influence the election. People on the other side agreed with him when he said almost everything he released was already out there he merely had it all packaged together. One side says even though the UN stated he should have all charges dropped against him to the consternation of the left, the right has convinced Great Britain and Sweden to refuse. The right claims the so called victim of the alleged rape by Assange states it didn’t happen.

There have been some disturbing statements made by both sides. On the left there have been people claiming they are going to throw stink bombs and turn on sprinklers during inauguration ceremonies all over the country. On the right bikers have stated they are going to Washington to protect Trump by creating a wall of “meat.” Both of these actions will probably cause a lot of problems for the various police departments and secret service.

Talking about restricting trade always upsets other countries so the left wants no part of this, but the right thinks we should treat other countries the way they treat us. The left thinks we shouldn’t upset the applecart, but Trump and his followers believe we have been taken advantage of too long and that is why we have a trade deficit. The left is more liberal and the right more conservative. The abortion issue above all others seem to echo the differences between left and right. The left believes women should have the right to decide to abort and the right believes abortion is murder. There may never be any agreement on this issue.

There are only two more days left before the president elect becomes the president. As hard a pill as this is for some to swallow, it will not change, so what can we do to unite this country in its greatest hour of division? It is hard to say because it seems the only one who will really have the power to unite us is the president by showing he has the best intentions to make the country better and the people better off. He should probably stay off Twitter and certainly never use it against other world leaders. He should also come out and tell the American public what he intends to do and how this will make their lot in life better and ask for a period of time to accomplish this. One the other side members of government should not make it their aim in life to destroy Trump and stop all his programs from going through. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.