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Examining The Facts: The Secret Space Program

There has been a lot of talk that the United States possesses a secret space program. Unfortunately the government is very good at keeping secrets so we have to look to other sources to try and figure out if this is true. We know there have been many sightings which have been attributed to UFOs and when I say UFOs I am only talking about unidentified flying objects not necessarily objects from other planets. I believe it is important to analyze some of the sightings which have been made in the last 30 years or so to see if any of them could possibly be secret craft manufactured on the earth and it is also important to listen to what some of the whistleblowers have told us about secret craft which they claim we possess. We all know by now there have been many stories about death bed confessions with people in the know are said to have stated we did indeed have advanced spacecraft which are so advanced they were capable of interstellar travel. One does have to wonder why someone on their deathbed would claim this if it wasn’t true.

One thing we have to wonder about is the fact we have been talking about advanced spacecraft since the 1950s and many papers have been written suggesting there were several different ways in which we could achieve high speed travel. In all honesty as fast as these proposed spacecraft was supposed to be, none of them could reach light speed. Nuclear rockets have been talked about for many years and now they are in the news again. NASA has been talking about using a nuclear rocket to get to Mars and claims it would be the most efficient way to reach Mars. It does make one wonder if we are being fed a line. NASA feels the word nuclear has some sort of effect on the common person and wants to use it so we will believe if something is nuclear it must be effective for the purpose it is being used for, but the truth is nuclear propulsion may not be the answer at all. NASA is telling us the reason they think nuclear propulsion is the way to go is a nuclear propulsion system only weighs half of a chemical propulsion system and can be used to maneuver a rocket while it is flying in space. It is being predicted a trip to Mars would be reduced to only six weeks using this type of propulsion.

If the United States has the ability for interstellar travel this means we could already reach Mars a lot faster than the six weeks proposed by a nuclear rocket. Let me tell you about a whistleblower who claims to have served in the secret space fleet. He claims it is based on one of the moons of Saturn and that moon is Titan. He says the ships used several different types of propulsion systems including nuclear and electro-gravity systems. One of the claims he makes does seem outrageous when he talks about a type of temporal space drive, but if we go back in history we see the Germans working on this in the late 1930s and as we all know we captured many of the German projects and brought them back to this country. Is it possible we were able to complete this drive in the following 70 years? The whistleblower claims the fleet does operate outside of the solar system many times so therefore the ships must be capable of incredible speed and it is possible because they are talking about some ships having nuclear power, it could be used in a way unknown to us.

SOHO stands for the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. It takes many pictures of objects near and around the sun and a couple of weeks ago on October 28, 2016 it took an incredible picture of something which looks like a spaceship and has a shape similar to some of our aircraft on earth. Could this just be a coincidence? I think there is a good chance the Observatory has taken a picture of one of our secret spacecraft and I am going to put the address of the photos here so you can see for yourself. The address is
You can copy and paste this address into your web browsers address area. I am sorry, but Truth Facts doesn’t use any live outside links. Notice the shape of the tail and the long cylindrical body. The ship was located in L1, an area of space we are quite familiar with. It is known as a Lagrange point. It is a place where the gravitational forces from earth and the moon are equal and therefore you can park a ship or satellite in that area and it will not move. NASA is quite familiar with the Lagrange points as is our military and to find the ship in one of those areas seems to indicate we do indeed have a secret space fleet.

The sudden rash of black triangular craft being spotted in our skies probably has nothing to do with UFOs even though many believe seeing these craft is an indication of alien UFOs. Some people believe these triangles were really manufactured on earth by the aerospace industry. They are said to be able to fly in or outside of our atmosphere and move at incredibly slow or fast speeds. There are thousands of sightings of these craft and many UFO investigators now believe these vehicles are part of the secret space fleet. One person described a silent black large triangular shaped craft flying across the sky at no more than 30 mph. Others have said they have seen these craft travel many thousands of feet in a split second. Could these be the same craft that are responsible for leaving a trail which looks like knots on a rope? A few years ago one of these trails was examined and it was thought the vehicle that made it had to be traveling at least 8800 miles per hour.

There is a school of thought which states there never were any alien UFOs and everything we have seen is something manufactured right here on earth. I can’t buy this because of ancient carvings, some of which are over 25,000 years old and depict the classic saucer shape in the sky, but I do think a lot of what is being seen lately is of earth manufacture. Would it be so hard to imagine we have advanced so far as to be able to create advanced spacecraft? Look at what has happened in the field of computers. There has to be a reason why we never went back to the moon and finished the Apollo program early. There also has to be a reason why we discontinued the SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest plane in the world without a replacement. These two things make no sense at all. The only way they do make sense is if we had replacements, replacements which were far better than what they replaced. Is it possible we do have a secret space program? I think it certainly is.